// Status=review === Standard Exchange By longstanding tradition, a minimal valid QSO requires the exchange of callsigns, a signal report or some other information, and acknowledgments. _WSJT-X_ is designed to facilitate making such minimal QSOs using short, formatted messages. The process works best if you use these formats and follow standard operating practices. The recommended basic QSO goes something like this: [width="90%",cols="3,7,12",options="header"] |======================================= |UTC|Transmitted Message|Comment |0001|CQ K1ABC FN42|K1ABC calls CQ |0002|K1ABC G0XYZ IO91|G0XYZ answers |0003|G0XYZ K1ABC –19|K1ABC sends report |0004|K1ABC G0XYZ R–22|G0XYZ sends acknowledgment and report |0005|G0XYZ K1ABC RRR|K1ABC sends acknowledgment |0006|K1ABC G0XYZ 73|G0XYZ sends 73 |======================================= *Standard messages* consist of two callsigns (or CQ, QRZ, or DE and one callsign) followed by the transmitting station’s grid locator, a signal report, acknowledgement R plus a signal report, or the final acknowledgements RRR or 73. Messages are compressed and encoded in a highly efficient and reliable way. *Signal reports* are specified as signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in dB, using a standard reference noise bandwidth 2500 Hz. JT65 reports must lie in the range –30 to –1 dB, while JT9 supports the extended range –50 to +49 dB. Thus, in example message #0003, K1ABC is telling G0XYZ that his signal is 19 dB below the noise power in bandwidth 2500 Hz. In message #0004, G0XYZ acknowledges receipt of that report and responds with a –22 dB signal report. TIP: Signals become visible on the waterfall around S/N = –26 dB and audible around –15 dB. Thresholds for signal decodability are approximately –24 dB for JT65, –26 dB for JT9. *Free Text Messages*: Users often add some friendly chit-chat as a final transmission, in place of the formatted 73 message. Free-format messages such as TNX JOE 73 GL or 5W VERT 73 GL are supported, up to a maximum of 13 characters (including spaces). It should be obvious that JT9 and JT65 are not suitable for extensive conversations or rag-chewing. === Compound Callsigns //This section needs work!! Must describe and give examples for both //JT65v1 and JT65v2 formats. Compound call-signs such as PJ4/K1ABC or G0XYZ/P are handled in a slightly different way. The following formats are all valid: .Valid Messages with Compound Callsigns [width="40%",cols="2,2,2",options="header"] |===================== |Action|Callsign|Grid |CQ|pfx/callsign|grid |QRZ|pfx/callsign|grid |DE|pfx/callsign|grid |CQ|callsign/sfx|grid |QRZ|callsign/sfx|grid |DE|callsign/sfx|grid |===================== - ``pfx'' is a 1-4 character prefix - ``callsign'' is a standard callsign - ``sfx'' is a 1-3 character suffix - ``grid'' is a 4-character Maidenhead locator - A signal report of the form “±nn” or “R±nn”, or the acknowledgment or sign-off messages “RRR” or “73”. _WSJT-X_ generates messages in these forms automatically, as required. - A QSO between two stations using compound call-signs might look like this: CQ KP4/K1ABC FK68 DE G0XYZ/P IO91 G0XYZ K1ABC –19 K1ABC G0XYZ R–22 G0XYZ K1ABC RRR DE G0XYZ/P 73 //// .Compound Exch Example [width="40%",cols="2,2,2",options="header"] |===================== |Action|Callsign|Grid |CQ|KP4/K1ABC|FK68 |DE|G0XYZ/P|IO91 |G0XYZ|K1ABC|–19 |K1ABC|G0XYZ|R–22 |G0XYZ|K1ABC|RRR |DE|G0XYZ/P|73 |===================== //// === Pre-QSO Checklist Before attempting your first QSO with JT9 or JT65, be sure to go through the <> above and the following checklist: - Your callsign and grid locator set to correct values - PTT and CAT control (if used) properly configured and tested - Computer clock properly synchronized to UTC within ±1 s - Radio set to USB (upper sideband) mode - Radio's Split mode selected or not, consistent with your choice on *Station* tab of the *Setup | Configuration* window. IMPORTANT: Remember that JT9 and J65 generally do not require high power. Under most propagation conditions, [red]*QRP is the rule!*