subroutine savetf2(id,fnamedate,savedir) parameter (NZ=60*96000) parameter (NSPP=174) parameter (NPKTS=NZ/NSPP) integer*2 id(4,NZ) character*80 savedir,fname character cdate*8,ctime2*10,czone*5,fnamedate*6 integer itt(8) data nloc/-1/ save nloc call date_and_time(cdate,ctime2,czone,itt) nh=itt(5)-itt(4)/60 nm=itt(6) ns=itt(7) if( nm=nm-1 if( then nm=nm+60 nh=nh-1 endif if( nh=nh+24 if( nh=nh-24 write(fname,1001) fnamedate,nh,nm 1001 format('/',a6,'_',2i2.2,'.tf2') do i=80,1,-1 if(savedir(i:i).ne.' ') go to 1 enddo 1 iz=i fname=savedir(1:iz)//fname #ifdef CVF open(17,file=fname,status='unknown',form='binary',err=998) #else open(17,file=fname,status='unknown',access='stream',err=998) #endif if(nloc.eq.-1) nloc=loc(id) n=abs(loc(id)-nloc) if(n.eq.0 .or. n.eq.46080000) then write(17,err=997) id else print*,'Address of id() clobbered???',nloc,loc(id) endif close(17) go to 999 997 print*,'Error writing tf2 file' print*,fname go to 999 998 print*,'Cannot open file:' print*,fname 999 return end subroutine savetf2