program ft8code ! Provides examples of message packing, LDPC(174,91) encoding, bit and ! symbol ordering, and other details of the FT8 protocol. use packjt77 include 'ft8_params.f90' !Set various constants include 'ft8_testmsg.f90' parameter (NWAVE=NN*NSPS) character*77 c77 character*37 msg,msgsent character*9 comment character bad*1,msgtype*16 character*91 cbits integer itone(NN) integer*1 msgbits(77) logical unpk77_success ! Get command-line argument(s) nargs=iargc() if( .and. then print* print*,'Program ft8code: Provides examples of message packing, ', & 'LDPC(174,91) encoding,' print*,'bit and symbol ordering, and other details of the FT8 protocol.' print* print*,'Usage: ft8code [-c grid] "message" # Results for specified message' print*,' ft8code -t # Examples of all message types' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,msg) !Message to be transmitted if(len(trim(msg)).eq.2 .and. msg(1:2).eq.'-t') then nmsg=NTEST else call fmtmsg(msg,iz) !To upper case; collapse multiple blanks nmsg=1 endif write(*,1010) 1010 format(4x,'Message',31x,'Decoded',29x,'Err i3.n3'/100('-')) do imsg=1,nmsg if( msg=testmsg(imsg) ! Generate msgsent, msgbits, and itone i3=-1 n3=-1 call genft8_174_91(msg,i3,n3,msgsent,msgbits,itone) msgtype="" if(i3.eq.0) then if(n3.eq.0) msgtype="Free text" if(n3.eq.1) msgtype="DXpedition mode" if(n3.eq.2) msgtype="EU VHF Contest" if(n3.eq.3) msgtype="ARRL Field Day" if(n3.eq.4) msgtype="ARRL Field Day" if(n3.eq.5) msgtype="Telemetry" if( msgtype="Undefined type" endif if(i3.eq.1) msgtype="Standard msg" if(i3.eq.2) msgtype="EU VHF Contest" if(i3.eq.3) msgtype="ARRL RTTY Roundup" if(i3.eq.4) msgtype="Nonstandard calls" if( msgtype="Undefined msg type" if( n3=-1 bad=" " comment=' ' if( bad="*" if( then write(*,1020) imsg,msg,msgsent,bad,i3,n3,msgtype,comment 1020 format(i2,'.',1x,a37,1x,a37,1x,a1,2x,i1,'.',i1,1x,a16,1x,a9) else write(*,1022) imsg,msg,msgsent,bad,i3,msgtype,comment 1022 format(i2,'.',1x,a37,1x,a37,1x,a1,2x,i1,'.',1x,1x,a16,1x,a9) endif enddo if(nmsg.eq.1) then write(*,1030) msgbits 1030 format(/'Message bits: ',/77i1) write(*,1034) itone 1034 format(/'Channel symbols (tones):'/79i1) endif 999 end program ft8code