program fox_sim ! Simulates QSO exchanges using the proposed FT8 "DXpedition" mode. parameter (MAXSIG=5,NCALLS=268) character*6 xcall(NCALLS) character*4 xgrid(NCALLS) integer isnr(NCALLS) character*32 fmsg(MAXSIG),fm character*22 hmsg(MAXSIG),hm character*16 log character*6 called(MAXSIG) character*4 gcalled(MAXSIG) character*6 MyCall character*4 MyGrid character*8 arg character*1 c1,c2,c3,c4 integer ntot(MAXSIG),irate(MAXSIG),ntimes(MAXSIG) logical logit common/dxpfifo/nc,isnr,xcall,xgrid nargs=iargc() if( .and. then print*,'Usage: fox_sim nseq maxtimes' print*,' fox_sim nseq maxtimes nsig fail' print*,' ' print*,' nseq: number of T/R sequences to execute' print*,' maxtimes: number of repeats of same Tx message' print*,' nsig: number of simultaneous Tx sigals' print*,' fail: receiving error rate' go to 999 endif ii1=1 ii2=5 jj1=0 jj2=5 nseq=80 if( then call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) nseq call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) maxtimes endif if(nargs.eq.4) then call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) nsig call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) fail ii1=nsig ii2=nsig jj1=nint(10*fail) jj2=nint(10*fail) endif ! Read a file with calls and grids; insert random S/N values. ! This is used in place of an operator-selected FIFO ! open(10,file='xcall.txt',status='old') do i=1,NCALLS ! read(10,1000) xcall(i),xgrid(i) !1000 format(a6,7x,a4) j=mod(i-1,26) c1=char(ichar('A')+j) k=mod((i-1)/26,26) c2=char(ichar('A')+k) n=mod((i-1)/260,10) c3=char(ichar('0')+n) xcall(i)='K'//c2//c3//c1//c1//c1 j=mod(i-1,18) c1=char(ichar('A')+j) k=mod((i-1)/18,18) c2=char(ichar('A')+k) n=mod((i-1)/10,10) c4=char(ichar('0')+n) n=mod((i-1)/100,10) c3=char(ichar('0')+n) xgrid(i)=c1//c2//c3//c4 call random_number(x) isnr(i)=-20+int(40*x) enddo ! close(10) ! Write headings for the summary file minutes=nseq/4 write(13,1002) nseq,minutes,maxtimes 1002 format(/'Nseq:',i4,' Minutes:',i3,' Maxtimes:',i2// & 18x,'Logged QSOs',22x,'Rate (QSOs/hour)'/ & 'fail Nsig: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5'/ & 71('-')) ntot=0 irate=0 MyCall='KH1DX' MyGrid='AJ10' do jj=jj1,jj2 !Loop over Rx failure rates fail=0.1*jj do ii=ii1,ii2 !Loop over range of nsig nc=0 !Set FIFO pointer to top ntimes=1 nsig=ii nlogged=0 fmsg="CQ KH1DX AJ10" hmsg="" called=" " do iseq=0,nseq !Loop over specified number of sequences if(iand(iseq,1).eq.0) then do j=1,nsig !Loop over Fox's Tx slots fm=fmsg(j) hm=hmsg(j) ! Call fox_tx to determine the next Tx message for this slot call fox_tx(maxtimes,fail,called(j),gcalled(j),hm,fm, & ntimes(j),log,logit) fmsg(j)=fm if(logit) then ! Log this QSO nlogged=nlogged+1 nrate=0 if( nrate=nint(nlogged*240.0/iseq) write(*,1010) iseq,j,ntimes(j),fmsg(j),log,nlogged,nrate 1010 format(i4.4,2i2,1x,a32,20x,a16,2i4) ! call log_routine() else write(*,1010) iseq,j,ntimes(j),fmsg(j) endif enddo ! call transmit() endif if(iand(iseq,1).eq.1) then do j=1,nsig !Listen for expected responses fm=fmsg(j) call fox_rx(fail,called(j),fm,hm) if( then if(hm.eq.hmsg(j-1)) hm="" endif hmsg(j)=hm write(*,1020) iseq,j,hmsg(j) 1020 format(i4.4,i2,37x,a22) enddo endif enddo ntot(ii)=nlogged irate(ii)=0 if( irate(ii)=nint(nlogged*3600.0/(15*iseq)) write(*,1030) nsig,fail,nlogged,nc 1030 format(/'Nsig:',i3,' Fail:',f4.1,' Logged QSOs:',i4, & ' Final nc:',i4) enddo ! Write the summary file write(13,1100) fail,ntot,irate 1100 format(f4.1,2x,5i6,5x,5i6) enddo 999 end program fox_sim