subroutine fox_rx(fail,called,fm,hm) ! Given fm, recently transmitted by Fox, determine hm -- the next ! message for Hound to transmit parameter (MAXSIG=5,NCALLS=268) character*6 xcall(NCALLS) ! character*8 mycall_plus character*4 xgrid(NCALLS) integer isnr(NCALLS) character*32 fm character*22 hm character*6 cx,called,MyCall character*4 gx common/dxpfifo/nc,isnr,xcall,xgrid data MyCall/'KH1DX'/ save call random_number(r) if( fm='' !Hound fails to copy i1=index(fm,MyCall) if(fm(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. then call dxped_fifo(cx,gx,isnrx) ntimes=1 write(hm,1000) MyCall,cx,gx 1000 format(a6,1x,a6,1x,a4) endif ia=index(fm,trim(cx)) ib=index(fm,';') ic=index(fm,trim(called)) id=index(fm,'RR73;') if((ia.eq.1 .or. ic.eq.ib+2) .and. then i1=index(fm,';')+2 i2=index(fm,'<')-2 cx=fm(i1:i2) write(hm,1004) MyCall,cx,isnrx 1004 format(a6,1x,a6,' R',i3.2) if(hm(16:16).eq.' ') hm(16:16)='+' endif i1=index(fm,trim(called)) i2=index(fm,MyCall) if(i1.eq.1 .and. .and. & (index(fm,'+').ge.8 .or. index(fm,'-').ge.8)) then write(hm,1004) MyCall,called,isnrx if(hm(16:16).eq.' ') hm(16:16)='+' endif ! Collapse multiple blanks in message iz=len(trim(hm)) do iter=1,5 ib2=index(hm(1:iz),' ') if( exit hm=hm(1:ib2)//hm(ib2+2:) iz=iz-1 enddo return end subroutine fox_rx