program encode77 character msg*37,msg0*37,cerr*1 character*77 c77 nargs=iargc() open(10,file='messages.txt',status='old') write(*,1000) 1000 format('i3.n3 Err Message to be encoded Decoded message'/ & 80('-')) do iline=1,999 if(nargs.eq.1) then call getarg(1,msg0) else read(10,1002,end=999) msg0 1002 format(a37) endif if(msg0.eq.' ') exit call pack77(msg0,i3,n3,c77) call unpack77(c77,msg) cerr=' ' if( cerr='*' if(i3.eq.0) write(*,1004) i3,n3,cerr,msg0,msg 1004 format(i2,'.',i1,2x,a1,3x,a37,1x,a37) if( write(*,1005) i3,cerr,msg0,msg 1005 format(i2,'.',3x,a1,3x,a37,1x,a37) if(nargs.eq.1) exit enddo 999 end program encode77 include '../chkcall.f90' include 'pack77.f90' include 'unpack77.f90' include 'pack28.f90' include 'unpack28.f90' include 'split77.f90' include 'pack77_01.f90' include 'pack77_02.f90' include 'pack77_03.f90' include 'pack77_1.f90' include 'pack77_3.f90' include 'pack77_4.f90' include 'packtext77.f90' include 'unpacktext77.f90'