subroutine multimode_decoder(ss,id2,params,nfsample) !$ use omp_lib use prog_args use timer_module, only: timer use jt4_decode use jt65_decode use jt9_decode use ft8_decode use ft4_decode use fst4_decode use qra66_decode include 'jt9com.f90' include '' type, extends(jt4_decoder) :: counting_jt4_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_jt4_decoder type, extends(jt65_decoder) :: counting_jt65_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_jt65_decoder type, extends(jt9_decoder) :: counting_jt9_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_jt9_decoder type, extends(ft8_decoder) :: counting_ft8_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_ft8_decoder type, extends(ft4_decoder) :: counting_ft4_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_ft4_decoder type, extends(fst4_decoder) :: counting_fst4_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_fst4_decoder type, extends(qra66_decoder) :: counting_qra66_decoder integer :: decoded end type counting_qra66_decoder real ss(184,NSMAX) logical baddata,newdat65,newdat9,single_decode,bVHF,bad0,newdat,ex integer*2 id2(NTMAX*12000) type(params_block) :: params real*4 dd(NTMAX*12000) character(len=20) :: datetime character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall character(len=6) :: mygrid, hisgrid character*60 line data ndec8/0/ save type(counting_jt4_decoder) :: my_jt4 type(counting_jt65_decoder) :: my_jt65 type(counting_jt9_decoder) :: my_jt9 type(counting_ft8_decoder) :: my_ft8 type(counting_ft4_decoder) :: my_ft4 type(counting_fst4_decoder) :: my_fst4 type(counting_qra66_decoder) :: my_qra66 !cast C character arrays to Fortran character strings datetime=transfer(params%datetime, datetime) mycall=transfer(params%mycall,mycall) hiscall=transfer(params%hiscall,hiscall) mygrid=transfer(params%mygrid,mygrid) hisgrid=transfer(params%hisgrid,hisgrid) ! initialize decode counts my_jt4%decoded = 0 my_jt65%decoded = 0 my_jt9%decoded = 0 my_ft8%decoded = 0 my_ft4%decoded = 0 my_fst4%decoded = 0 my_qra66%decoded = 0 ! For testing only: return Rx messages stored in a file as decodes inquire(file='rx_messages.txt',exist=ex) if(ex) then if(params%nzhsym.eq.41) then open(39,file='rx_messages.txt',status='old') do i=1,9999 read(39,'(a60)',end=5) line if(line(1:1).eq.' ' .or. line(1:1).eq.'-') go to 800 write(*,'(a)') trim(line) enddo 5 close(39) endif go to 800 endif ncontest=iand(params%nexp_decode,7) single_decode=iand(params%nexp_decode,32).ne.0 bVHF=iand(params%nexp_decode,64).ne.0 if(mod(params%nranera,2).eq.0) ntrials=10**(params%nranera/2) if(mod(params%nranera,2).eq.1) ntrials=3*10**(params%nranera/2) if(params%nranera.eq.0) ntrials=0 nfail=0 10 if (params%nagain) then open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown', & position='append',iostat=ios) else open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown',iostat=ios) endif if( then nfail=nfail+1 if(nfail.le.3) then call sleep_msec(10) go to 10 endif endif if(params%nmode.eq.8) then ! We're in FT8 mode if(ncontest.eq.6) then ! Fox mode: initialize and open houndcallers.txt inquire(file=trim(temp_dir)//'/houndcallers.txt',exist=ex) if(.not.ex) then c2fox=' ' g2fox=' ' nsnrfox=-99 nfreqfox=-99 n30z=0 nwrap=0 nfox=0 endif open(19,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/houndcallers.txt',status='unknown') endif call timer('decft8 ',0) newdat=params%newdat if( then id2(1:156000)=id2(24001:180000) ! Drop the first 2 seconds of data id2(156001:180000)=0 endif call my_ft8%decode(ft8_decoded,id2,params%nQSOProgress,params%nfqso, & params%nftx,newdat,params%nutc,params%nfa,params%nfb, & params%nzhsym,params%ndepth,params%emedelay,ncontest, & logical(params%nagain),logical(params%lft8apon), & logical(params%lapcqonly),params%napwid,mycall,hiscall, & params%ndiskdat) call timer('decft8 ',1) if( then n30min=minval(n30fox(1:nfox)) n30max=maxval(n30fox(1:nfox)) endif j=0 if(ncontest.eq.6) then ! Fox mode: save decoded Hound calls for possible selection by FoxOp rewind 19 if(nfox.eq.0) then endfile 19 rewind 19 else do i=1,nfox n=n30fox(i) if(n30max-n30fox(i).le.4) then j=j+1 c2fox(j)=c2fox(i) g2fox(j)=g2fox(i) nsnrfox(j)=nsnrfox(i) nfreqfox(j)=nfreqfox(i) n30fox(j)=n m=n30max-n if(len(trim(g2fox(j))).eq.4) then call azdist(mygrid,g2fox(j)//' ',0.d0,nAz,nEl,nDmiles, & nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter) else nDkm=9999 endif write(19,1004) c2fox(j),g2fox(j),nsnrfox(j),nfreqfox(j),nDkm,m 1004 format(a12,1x,a4,i5,i6,i7,i3) endif enddo nfox=j flush(19) endif endif go to 800 endif if(params%nmode.eq.5) then call timer('decft4 ',0) call my_ft4%decode(ft4_decoded,id2,params%nQSOProgress,params%nfqso, & params%nfa,params%nfb,params%ndepth, & logical(params%lapcqonly),ncontest,mycall,hiscall) call timer('decft4 ',1) go to 800 endif if(params%nmode.eq.66) then ! We're in QRA66 mode call timer('decqra66',0) call my_qra66%decode(qra66_decoded,id2,params%nutc,params%ntr, & params%nsubmode,params%nfqso,params%ntol,params%ndepth, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid) call timer('decqra66',1) go to 800 endif if(params%nmode.eq.240) then ! We're in FST4 mode ndepth=iand(params%ndepth,3) iwspr=0 params%nsubmode=0 call timer('dec240 ',0) call my_fst4%decode(fst4_decoded,id2,params%nutc, & params%nQSOProgress,params%nfa,params%nfb, & params%nfqso,ndepth,params%ntr, & params%nexp_decode,params%ntol,params%emedelay, & logical(params%lapcqonly),mycall,hiscall,iwspr) call timer('dec240 ',1) go to 800 endif if(params%nmode.eq.241) then ! We're in FST4W mode ndepth=iand(params%ndepth,3) iwspr=1 call timer('dec240 ',0) call my_fst4%decode(fst4_decoded,id2,params%nutc, & params%nQSOProgress,params%nfa,params%nfb, & params%nfqso,ndepth,params%ntr, & params%nexp_decode,params%ntol,params%emedelay, & logical(params%lapcqonly),mycall,hiscall,iwspr) call timer('dec240 ',1) go to 800 endif rms=sqrt(dot_product(float(id2(60001:61000)), & float(id2(60001:61000)))/1000.0) if( go to 800 ! Zap data at start that might come from T/R switching transient? nadd=100 k=0 bad0=.false. do i=1,240 sq=0. do n=1,nadd k=k+1 sq=sq + float(id2(k))**2 enddo rms=sqrt(sq/nadd) if( then bad0=.true. kbad=k rmsbad=rms endif enddo if(bad0) then nz=min(NTMAX*12000,kbad+100) ! id2(1:nz)=0 ! temporarily disabled as it can breaak the JT9 decoder, maybe others endif if(params%nmode.eq.4 .or. params%nmode.eq.65) open(14,file=trim(temp_dir)// & '/avemsg.txt',status='unknown') if(params%nmode.eq.164) open(17,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/red.dat', & status='unknown') if(params%nmode.eq.4) then jz=52*nfsample if(params%newdat) then if(nfsample.eq.12000) call wav11(id2,jz,dd) if(nfsample.eq.11025) dd(1:jz)=id2(1:jz) else jz=52*11025 endif call my_jt4%decode(jt4_decoded,dd,jz,params%nutc,params%nfqso, & params%ntol,params%emedelay,params%dttol,logical(params%nagain), & params%ndepth,logical(params%nclearave),params%minsync, & params%minw,params%nsubmode,mycall,hiscall, & hisgrid,params%nlist,params%listutc,jt4_average) go to 800 endif npts65=52*12000 if(params%nmode.eq.164) npts65=54*12000 if(baddata(id2,npts65)) then nsynced=0 ndecoded=0 go to 800 endif ntol65=params%ntol !### is this OK? ### newdat65=params%newdat newdat9=params%newdat !$call omp_set_dynamic(.true.) !$omp parallel sections num_threads(2) copyin(/timer_private/) shared(ndecoded) if(.true.) !iif() needed on Mac !$omp section if(params%nmode.eq.65 .or. params%nmode.eq.164 .or. & (params%nmode.eq.(65+9) .and. params%ntxmode.eq.65)) then ! We're in JT65 or QRA64 mode, or should do JT65 first if(newdat65) dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65) nf1=params%nfa nf2=params%nfb call timer('jt65a ',0) call my_jt65%decode(jt65_decoded,dd,npts65,newdat65,params%nutc, & nf1,nf2,params%nfqso,ntol65,params%nsubmode,params%minsync, & logical(params%nagain),params%n2pass,logical(params%nrobust), & ntrials,params%naggressive,params%ndepth,params%emedelay, & logical(params%nclearave),mycall,hiscall, & hisgrid,params%nexp_decode,params%nQSOProgress, & logical(params%ljt65apon)) call timer('jt65a ',1) else if(params%nmode.eq.9 .or. (params%nmode.eq.(65+9) .and. params%ntxmode.eq.9)) then ! We're in JT9 mode, or should do JT9 first call timer('decjt9 ',0) call my_jt9%decode(jt9_decoded,ss,id2,params%nfqso, & newdat9,params%npts8,params%nfa,params%nfsplit,params%nfb, & params%ntol,params%nzhsym,logical(params%nagain),params%ndepth, & params%nmode,params%nsubmode,params%nexp_decode) call timer('decjt9 ',1) endif !$omp section if(params%nmode.eq.(65+9)) then !Do the other mode (we're in dual mode) if (params%ntxmode.eq.9) then if(newdat65) dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65) nf1=params%nfa nf2=params%nfb call timer('jt65a ',0) call my_jt65%decode(jt65_decoded,dd,npts65,newdat65,params%nutc, & nf1,nf2,params%nfqso,ntol65,params%nsubmode,params%minsync, & logical(params%nagain),params%n2pass,logical(params%nrobust), & ntrials,params%naggressive,params%ndepth,params%emedelay, & logical(params%nclearave),mycall,hiscall, & hisgrid,params%nexp_decode,params%nQSOProgress, & logical(params%ljt65apon)) call timer('jt65a ',1) else call timer('decjt9 ',0) call my_jt9%decode(jt9_decoded,ss,id2,params%nfqso, & newdat9,params%npts8,params%nfa,params%nfsplit,params%nfb, & params%ntol,params%nzhsym,logical(params%nagain), & params%ndepth,params%nmode,params%nsubmode,params%nexp_decode) call timer('decjt9 ',1) end if endif !$omp end parallel sections ! JT65 is not yet producing info for nsynced, ndecoded. 800 ndecoded = my_jt4%decoded + my_jt65%decoded + my_jt9%decoded + & my_ft8%decoded + my_ft4%decoded + my_fst4%decoded if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.41) ndec41=ndecoded if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.47) ndec47=ndecoded if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.50) then ndecoded=ndec41+ndec47+ndecoded endif if( .or. params%nzhsym.eq.50 .or. & .not.params%ndiskdat) then write(*,1010) nsynced,ndecoded 1010 format('',2i4) call flush(6) endif close(13) if(ncontest.eq.6) close(19) if(params%nmode.eq.4 .or. params%nmode.eq.65) close(14) return contains subroutine jt4_decoded(this,snr,dt,freq,have_sync,sync,is_deep, & decoded0,qual,ich,is_average,ave) implicit none class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq logical, intent(in) :: have_sync logical, intent(in) :: is_deep character(len=1), intent(in) :: sync character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded0 real, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: ich logical, intent(in) :: is_average integer, intent(in) :: ave character*22 decoded character*3 cflags if(ich.eq.-99) stop !Silence compiler warning if (have_sync) then decoded=decoded0 cflags=' ' if(' ') then cflags='f ' if(is_deep) then cflags='d ' write(cflags(2:2),'(i1)') min(int(qual),9) if( cflags(2:2)='*' if( decoded(22:22)='?' endif if(is_average) then write(cflags(3:3),'(i1)') min(ave,9) if( cflags(3:3)='*' if(cflags(1:1).eq.'f') cflags=cflags(1:1)//cflags(3:3)//' ' endif endif write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,sync,decoded,cflags 1000 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'$',a1,1x,a22,1x,a3) else write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq end if select type(this) type is (counting_jt4_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select end subroutine jt4_decoded subroutine jt4_average (this, used, utc, sync, dt, freq, flip) implicit none class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: used integer, intent(in) :: utc real, intent(in) :: sync real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq logical, intent(in) :: flip character(len=1) :: cused, csync cused = '.' csync = '*' if (used) cused = '$' if (flip) csync = '$' write(14,1000) cused,utc,sync,dt,freq,csync 1000 format(a1,i5.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1) end subroutine jt4_average subroutine jt65_decoded(this,sync,snr,dt,freq,drift,nflip,width, & decoded0,ft,qual,nsmo,nsum,minsync) use jt65_decode implicit none class(jt65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq integer, intent(in) :: drift integer, intent(in) :: nflip real, intent(in) :: width character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded0 integer, intent(in) :: ft integer, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: nsmo integer, intent(in) :: nsum integer, intent(in) :: minsync integer i,nap,nft logical is_deep,is_average character decoded*22,csync*2,cflags*3 if(width.eq.-9999.0) stop !Silence compiler warning !$omp critical(decode_results) decoded=decoded0 cflags=' ' is_deep=ft.eq.2 if( then !QRA64 mode nft=ft-100 csync=': ' if( .or. csync=':*' if( then write(*,1009) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,csync,decoded else write(*,1009) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,csync,decoded,nft 1009 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,a2,1x,a22,i2) endif write(13,1011) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,float(freq),drift, & decoded,nft 1011 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.2,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' QRA64',i3) go to 100 endif ! write(*,3001) ft,nsum,qual,sync,bVHF !3001 format('a',3i3,f5.1,L3) if(ft.eq.0 .and. .and. int(sync).lt.minsync) then write(*,1010) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq else if(bVHF .and. then cflags='f ' if(is_deep) then cflags='d ' write(cflags(2:2),'(i1)') min(qual,9) if( cflags(2:2)='*' if( decoded(22:22)='?' endif if(is_average) then write(cflags(3:3),'(i1)') min(nsum,9) if( cflags(3:3)='*' endif nap=ishft(ft,-2) if( then if( write(cflags(1:3),'(a1,i1," ")') 'a',nap if( write(cflags(1:3),'(a1,2i1)') 'a',nap,min(nsum,9) endif endif csync='# ' i=0 if(bVHF .and. .and. &,float(minsync))) then csync='#*' if(nflip.eq.-1) then csync='##' if(' ') then do i=22,1,-1 if(decoded(i:i).ne.' ') exit enddo if( i=18 decoded(i+2:i+4)='OOO' endif endif endif n=len(trim(decoded)) if(n.eq.2 .or. n.eq.3) csync='# ' if(cflags(1:1).eq.'f') then cflags(2:2)=cflags(3:3) cflags(3:3)=' ' endif write(*,1010) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,csync,decoded,cflags 1010 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,a2,1x,a22,1x,a3) endif write(13,1012) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,float(freq),drift, & decoded,ft,nsum,nsmo 1012 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.2,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT65',3i3) 100 call flush(6) !$omp end critical(decode_results) select type(this) type is (counting_jt65_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select end subroutine jt65_decoded subroutine jt9_decoded (this, sync, snr, dt, freq, drift, decoded) use jt9_decode implicit none class(jt9_decoder), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq integer, intent(in) :: drift character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded !$omp critical(decode_results) write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded 1000 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'@ ',1x,a22) write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,drift,decoded 1002 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT9') call flush(6) !$omp end critical(decode_results) select type(this) type is (counting_jt9_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select end subroutine jt9_decoded subroutine ft8_decoded (this,sync,snr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,qual) use ft8_decode implicit none class(ft8_decoder), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded character c1*12,c2*12,g2*4,w*4 integer i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,n30,nwrap integer, intent(in) :: nap real, intent(in) :: qual character*2 annot character*37 decoded0 logical isgrid4,first,b0,b1,b2 data first/.true./ save isgrid4(w)=(len_trim(w).eq.4 .and. & ichar(w(1:1)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(w(1:1)).le.ichar('R') .and. & ichar(w(2:2)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(w(2:2)).le.ichar('R') .and. & ichar(w(3:3)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(w(3:3)).le.ichar('9') .and. & ichar(w(4:4)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(w(4:4)).le.ichar('9')) if(first) then c2fox=' ' g2fox=' ' nsnrfox=-99 nfreqfox=-99 n30z=0 nwrap=0 nfox=0 first=.false. endif decoded0=decoded annot=' ' if( then write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap if( decoded0(37:37)='?' endif ! i0=index(decoded0,';') ! Always print 37 characters? Or, send i3,n3 up to here from ft8b_2 and use them ! to decide how many chars to print? !TEMP i0=1 if(i0.le.0) write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0(1:22),annot 1000 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ~ ',1x,a22,1x,a2) if( write(*,1001) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot 1001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ~ ',1x,a37,1x,a2) write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,0,decoded0 1002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FT8') if(ncontest.eq.6) then i1=index(decoded0,' ') i2=i1 + index(decoded0(i1+1:),' ') i3=i2 + index(decoded0(i2+1:),' ') if( .and. .and. then c1=decoded0(1:i1-1)//' ' c2=decoded0(i1+1:i2-1) g2=decoded0(i2+1:i3-1) b0=c1.eq.mycall if(c1(1:3).eq.'DE ' .and. index(c2,'/').ge.2) b0=.true. if(len(trim(c1)).ne.len(trim(mycall))) then i4=index(trim(c1),trim(mycall)) i5=index(trim(mycall),trim(c1)) if( .or. b0=.true. endif b1=i3-i2.eq.5 .and. isgrid4(g2) b2=i3-i2.eq.1 if(b0 .and. (b1.or.b2) .and. nint(freq).ge.1000) then n=params%nutc n30=(3600*(n/10000) + 60*mod((n/100),100) + mod(n,100))/30 if( nwrap=nwrap+5760 !New UTC day, handle the wrap n30z=n30 n30=n30+nwrap if( nfox=nfox+1 c2fox(nfox)=c2 g2fox(nfox)=g2 nsnrfox(nfox)=snr nfreqfox(nfox)=nint(freq) n30fox(nfox)=n30 endif endif endif call flush(6) call flush(13) select type(this) type is (counting_ft8_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select return end subroutine ft8_decoded subroutine ft4_decoded (this,sync,snr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,qual) use ft4_decode implicit none class(ft4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: nap real, intent(in) :: qual character*2 annot character*37 decoded0 decoded0=decoded annot=' ' if( then write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap if( decoded0(37:37)='?' endif write(*,1001) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot 1001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' + ',1x,a37,1x,a2) write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,0,decoded0 1002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FT4') call flush(6) call flush(13) select type(this) type is (counting_ft4_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select return end subroutine ft4_decoded subroutine fst4_decoded (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq,decoded,nap, & qual,ntrperiod,lwspr,fmid,w50) use fst4_decode implicit none class(fst4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nutc real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: nsnr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: nap real, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod logical, intent(in) :: lwspr real, intent(in) :: fmid real, intent(in) :: w50 character*2 annot character*37 decoded0 character*70 line decoded0=decoded annot=' ' if( then write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap if( decoded0(37:37)='?' endif if( then write(line,1001) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot 1001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ` ',1x,a37,1x,a2) write(13,1002) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded0 1002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FST4') else write(line,1003) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot 1003 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,' ` ',1x,a37,1x,a2,2f7.3) write(13,1004) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded0 1004 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FST4') endif if( then if( write(line(65:70),'(f6.3)') w50 if( write(line(65:70),'(f6.2)') w50 endif write(*,1005) line 1005 format(a70) call flush(6) call flush(13) select type(this) type is (counting_fst4_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select return end subroutine fst4_decoded subroutine qra66_decoded (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq,decoded,irc, & qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50) use qra66_decode implicit none class(qra66_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nutc real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: nsnr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: irc real, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod real, intent(in) :: fmid real, intent(in) :: w50 integer navg navg=irc/100 if( then write(*,1001) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded,mod(irc,100),navg 1001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' + ',1x,a37,1x,i2,i4) write(13,1002) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded 1002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' QRA66') else write(*,1003) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded,mod(irc,100),navg 1003 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,' + ',1x,a37,1x,i2,i4) write(13,1004) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded 1004 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' QRA66') endif call flush(6) call flush(13) select type(this) type is (counting_qra66_decoder) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1 end select return end subroutine qra66_decoded end subroutine multimode_decoder