A basic logging facility in _WSJT-X_ saves QSO information to files named +wsjtx.log+ (in comma-separated text format) and +wsjtx_log.adi+ (in standard ADIF format). These files can be imported directly into other programs, for example spreadsheets and popular logging programs. As described in the <> and <> sections, different operating systems may place your local log files in different locations. You can always navigate to them directly by selecting *Open log directory* from the *File* menu. More elaborate logging capabilities are supported by third party applications like {jtalert}, which can log QSOs automatically to other applications including {hrd}, {dxlsuite}, and {log4om}. The program option *Show DXCC entity and worked before status* (selectable on the *Settings | General* tab) is intended mostly for use on non-Windows platforms, where {jtalert} is not available. When this option is checked _WSJT-X_ appends some additional information to all CQ messages displayed in the _Band Activity_ window. The name of the DXCC entity is shown, abbreviated if necessary. Your ``worked before'' status for this callsign (according to log file +wsjtx_log.adi+) is flagged with a single character and a change of background color, as follows: [horizontal] !:: default color bright purple: -- New DXCC entity ~:: light pink: -- You have already worked this DXCC entity but not this station :: green: -- You have previously worked the calling station In this respect the program does not distinguish between modes, but it does differentiate between bands. _WSJT-X_ includes a built-in +cty.dat+ file containing DXCC prefix information. Updated files can be downloaded from {cty_dat} when required. If an updated +cty.dat+ is present in the logs folder and readable, it will be used in preference to the built-in one. The log file +wsjtx_log.adi+ is updated whenever you log a QSO from _WSJT-X_. (Keep in mind that if you erase this file you will lose all ``worked before'' information.) You can append or overwrite the +wsjtx_log.adi+ file by exporting your QSO history as an ADIF file from another logging program. Turning *Show DXCC entity and worked before status* off and then on again will cause _WSJT-X_ to re-read the log file. Very large log files may cause _WSJT-X_ to slow down when searching for calls.