//-------------------------------------------------------- MainWindow #include "mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "revision_utils.hpp" #include "soundout.h" #include "plotter.h" #include "about.h" #include "astro.h" #include "widegraph.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "getfile.h" #include "logqso.h" #include "Radio.hpp" #include "Bands.hpp" #include "TransceiverFactory.hpp" #include "FrequencyList.hpp" #include "StationList.hpp" #include "LiveFrequencyValidator.hpp" #include "FrequencyItemDelegate.hpp" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "moc_mainwindow.cpp" int volatile itone[NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS]; //Audio tones for all Tx symbols int volatile icw[NUM_CW_SYMBOLS]; //Dits for CW ID int outBufSize; int rc; qint32 g_iptt; wchar_t buffer[256]; namespace { Radio::Frequency constexpr default_frequency {14076000}; QRegExp message_alphabet {"[- A-Za-z0-9+./?]*"}; bool message_is_73 (int type, QStringList const& msg_parts) { return type >= 0 && ((type < 6 && msg_parts.contains ("73")) || (type == 6 && !msg_parts.filter ("73").isEmpty ())); } } class BandAndFrequencyItemDelegate final : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: explicit BandAndFrequencyItemDelegate (Bands const * bands, QObject * parent = nullptr) : QStyledItemDelegate {parent} , bands_ {bands} { } QString displayText (QVariant const& v, QLocale const&) const override { return Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (Radio::frequency (v, 6)) + QChar::Nbsp + '(' + (bands_->data (bands_->find (Radio::frequency (v, 6)))).toString () + ')'; } private: Bands const * bands_; }; //--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow constructor MainWindow::MainWindow(bool multiple, QSettings * settings, QSharedMemory *shdmem, unsigned downSampleFactor, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_dataDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}, m_revision {revision ()}, m_multiple {multiple}, m_settings (settings), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), m_config (settings, this), m_wideGraph (new WideGraph (settings)), m_logDlg (new LogQSO (program_title (), settings, this)), m_dialFreq {std::numeric_limits::max ()}, m_detector (RX_SAMPLE_RATE, NTMAX / 2, 6912 / 2, downSampleFactor), m_modulator (TX_SAMPLE_RATE, NTMAX / 2), m_audioThread {new QThread}, m_diskData {false}, m_sentFirst73 {false}, m_currentMessageType {-1}, m_lastMessageType {-1}, m_appDir {QApplication::applicationDirPath ()}, mem_jt9 {shdmem}, psk_Reporter (new PSK_Reporter (this)), m_msAudioOutputBuffered (0u), m_framesAudioInputBuffered (RX_SAMPLE_RATE / 10), m_downSampleFactor (downSampleFactor), m_audioThreadPriority (QThread::HighPriority), m_bandEdited {false}, m_splitMode {false}, m_monitoring {false}, m_transmitting {false}, m_tune {false}, m_lastMonitoredFrequency {default_frequency}, m_toneSpacing {0.}, m_firstDecode {0}, m_optimizingProgress {"Optimizing decoder FFTs for your CPU.\n" "Please be patient,\n" "this may take a few minutes", QString {}, 0, 1, this} { ui->setupUi(this); m_optimizingProgress.setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModal); m_optimizingProgress.setAutoReset (false); m_optimizingProgress.setMinimumDuration (15000); // only show after 15s delay // Closedown. connect (ui->actionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &QMainWindow::close); // parts of the rig error message box that are fixed m_rigErrorMessageBox.setInformativeText (tr ("Do you want to reconfigure the radio interface?")); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Retry); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDefaultButton (QMessageBox::Ok); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setIcon (QMessageBox::Critical); // start audio thread and hook up slots & signals for shutdown management // these objects need to be in the audio thread so that invoking // their slots is done in a thread safe way m_soundOutput.moveToThread (m_audioThread); m_modulator.moveToThread (m_audioThread); m_soundInput.moveToThread (m_audioThread); m_detector.moveToThread (m_audioThread); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_audioThread, &QThread::quit); // quit thread event loop connect (m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_audioThread, &QThread::deleteLater); // disposal // hook up sound output stream slots & signals connect (this, &MainWindow::initializeAudioOutputStream, &m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setFormat); connect (&m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundOutError); // connect (&m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::status, this, &MainWindow::showStatusMessage); connect (this, &MainWindow::outAttenuationChanged, &m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setAttenuation); // hook up Modulator slots connect (this, &MainWindow::transmitFrequency, &m_modulator, &Modulator::setFrequency); connect (this, &MainWindow::endTransmitMessage, &m_modulator, &Modulator::stop); connect (this, &MainWindow::tune, &m_modulator, &Modulator::tune); connect (this, &MainWindow::sendMessage, &m_modulator, &Modulator::start); // hook up the audio input stream connect (this, &MainWindow::startAudioInputStream, &m_soundInput, &SoundInput::start); connect (this, &MainWindow::suspendAudioInputStream, &m_soundInput, &SoundInput::suspend); connect (this, &MainWindow::resumeAudioInputStream, &m_soundInput, &SoundInput::resume); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, &m_soundInput, &SoundInput::stop); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, this, &MainWindow::close); connect(&m_soundInput, &SoundInput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundInError); // connect(&m_soundInput, &SoundInput::status, this, &MainWindow::showStatusMessage); // hook up the detector connect(&m_detector, &Detector::framesWritten, this, &MainWindow::dataSink); // setup the waterfall connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(freezeDecode2(int)),this, SLOT(freezeDecode(int))); connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(f11f12(int)),this, SLOT(bumpFqso(int))); connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(setXIT2(int)),this, SLOT(setXIT(int))); // connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(dialFreqChanged(double)),this, // SLOT(dialFreqChanged2(double))); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_wideGraph.data (), &WideGraph::close); // setup the log QSO dialog connect (m_logDlg.data (), &LogQSO::acceptQSO, this, &MainWindow::acceptQSO2); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_logDlg.data (), &LogQSO::close); on_EraseButton_clicked(); QActionGroup* modeGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionJT9_1->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT9W_1->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT65->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT9_JT65->setActionGroup(modeGroup); QActionGroup* saveGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionNone->setActionGroup(saveGroup); ui->actionSave_decoded->setActionGroup(saveGroup); ui->actionSave_all->setActionGroup(saveGroup); QActionGroup* DepthGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionQuickDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); ui->actionMediumDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); ui->actionDeepestDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); QButtonGroup* txMsgButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup; txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb1,1); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb2,2); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb3,3); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb4,4); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb5,5); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb6,6); connect(txMsgButtonGroup,SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)),SLOT(set_ntx(int))); connect(ui->decodedTextBrowser2,SIGNAL(selectCallsign(bool,bool)),this, SLOT(doubleClickOnCall(bool,bool))); connect(ui->decodedTextBrowser,SIGNAL(selectCallsign(bool,bool)),this, SLOT(doubleClickOnCall2(bool,bool))); // initialise decoded text font and hook up change signal setDecodedTextFont (m_config.decoded_text_font ()); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::decoded_text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const& font) { setDecodedTextFont (font); }); setWindowTitle (program_title ()); createStatusBar(); connect(&proc_jt9, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readFromStdout())); connect(&proc_jt9, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(jt9_error(QProcess::ProcessError))); connect(&proc_jt9, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(readFromStderr())); // Hook up working frequencies. ui->bandComboBox->setModel (m_config.frequencies ()); ui->bandComboBox->setModelColumn (1); // MHz // Add delegate to show bands alongside frequencies in combo box // popup list. ui->bandComboBox->view ()->setItemDelegateForColumn (1, new BandAndFrequencyItemDelegate {m_config.bands (), this}); // combo box drop downs are limited to the drop down selector width, // this almost random increase improves the situation ui->bandComboBox->view ()->setMinimumWidth (ui->bandComboBox->view ()->sizeHintForColumn (1) + 40); // Enable live band combo box entry validation and action. auto band_validator = new LiveFrequencyValidator {ui->bandComboBox , m_config.bands () , m_config.frequencies () , this}; ui->bandComboBox->setValidator (band_validator); // Hook up signals. connect (band_validator, &LiveFrequencyValidator::valid, this, &MainWindow::band_changed); connect (ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit (), &QLineEdit::textEdited, [this] (QString const&) {m_bandEdited = true;}); // hook up configuration signals connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_update, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_failure, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure); // set up message text validators ui->tx1->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx2->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx3->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx4->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx5->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx6->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->freeTextMsg->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); // Free text macros model to widget hook up. ui->tx5->setModel (m_config.macros ()); connect (ui->tx5->lineEdit () , &QLineEdit::editingFinished , [this] () {on_tx5_currentTextChanged (ui->tx5->lineEdit ()->text ());}); ui->freeTextMsg->setModel (m_config.macros ()); connect (ui->freeTextMsg->lineEdit () , &QLineEdit::editingFinished , [this] () {on_freeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (ui->freeTextMsg->lineEdit ()->text ());}); auto font = ui->readFreq->font(); font.setFamily("helvetica"); font.setPointSize(9); font.setWeight(75); ui->readFreq->setFont(font); connect(&m_guiTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::guiUpdate); m_guiTimer.start(100); //Don't change the 100 ms! ptt0Timer = new QTimer(this); ptt0Timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(ptt0Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopTx2); ptt1Timer = new QTimer(this); ptt1Timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(ptt1Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::startTx2); logQSOTimer = new QTimer(this); logQSOTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(logQSOTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked); tuneButtonTimer= new QTimer(this); tuneButtonTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(tuneButtonTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_stopTxButton_clicked); killFileTimer = new QTimer(this); killFileTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(killFileTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::killFile); m_auto=false; m_waterfallAvg = 1; m_txFirst=false; m_btxok=false; m_restart=false; m_killAll=false; m_widebandDecode=false; m_ntx=1; m_setftx=0; m_loopall=false; m_startAnother=false; m_saveDecoded=false; m_saveAll=false; m_sec0=-1; m_palette="Linrad"; m_RxLog=1; //Write Date and Time to RxLog m_nutc0=9999; m_mode="JT9"; m_rpt="-15"; m_TRperiod=60; m_inGain=0; m_dataAvailable=false; g_iptt=0; m_secID=0; m_blankLine=false; m_decodedText2=false; m_freeText=false; m_msErase=0; m_watchdogLimit=7; m_repeatMsg=0; m_secBandChanged=0; m_lockTxFreq=false; m_baseCall = Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ()); ui->readFreq->setEnabled(false); m_QSOText.clear(); decodeBusy(false); signalMeter = new SignalMeter(ui->meterFrame); signalMeter->resize(50, 160); ui->labAz->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;"); ui->labDist->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;"); readSettings(); //Restore user's setup params // start the audio thread m_audioThread->start (m_audioThreadPriority); #ifdef WIN32 if (!m_multiple) { while(true) { int iret=killbyname("jt9.exe"); if(iret == 603) break; if(iret != 0) msgBox("KillByName return code: " + QString::number(iret)); } } #endif auto_tx_label->setText (m_config.quick_call () ? "Tx-Enable Armed" : "Tx-Enable Disarmed"); { //delete any .quit file that might have been left lying around //since its presence will cause jt9 to exit a soon as we start it //and decodes will hang QFile quitFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".quit")}; while (quitFile.exists ()) { if (!quitFile.remove ()) { msgBox ("Error removing \"" + quitFile.fileName () + "\" - OK to retry."); } } } //Create .lock so jt9 will wait QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QStringList jt9_args { "-s", QApplication::applicationName () // shared memory key, // includes rig-name , "-w", "2" //FFTW patience // The number of threads for FFTW specified here is chosen as // three because that gives the best throughput of the large // FFTs used in jt9. The count is the minimum of (the number // available CPU threads less one) and three. This ensures that // there is always at least one free CPU thread to run the other // mode decoder in parallel. , "-m", QString::number (qMin (qMax (QThread::idealThreadCount () - 1, 1), 3)) //FFTW threads , "-e", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir) , "-a", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_dataDir.absolutePath ()) , "-t", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.temp_dir ().absolutePath ()) }; proc_jt9.start(QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir) + QDir::separator () + "jt9", jt9_args, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered); QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))}; QByteArray cfname=fname.toLocal8Bit(); fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename(cfname); getpfx(); //Load the prefix/suffix dictionary genStdMsgs(m_rpt); m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); if(m_mode!="JT9" and m_mode!="JT9W-1" and m_mode!="JT65" and m_mode!="JT9+JT65") m_mode="JT9"; on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered(); //### m_wideGraph->setLockTxFreq(m_lockTxFreq); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(setFreq3(int,int)),this, SLOT(setFreq4(int,int))); if(m_mode=="JT9") on_actionJT9_1_triggered(); if(m_mode=="JT9W-1") on_actionJT9W_1_triggered(); if(m_mode=="JT65") on_actionJT65_triggered(); if(m_mode=="JT9+JT65") on_actionJT9_JT65_triggered(); future1 = new QFuture; watcher1 = new QFutureWatcher; connect(watcher1, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(diskDat())); future2 = new QFuture; watcher2 = new QFutureWatcher; connect(watcher2, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(diskWriteFinished())); Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device (), m_framesAudioInputBuffered, &m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ()); Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device (), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT); auto t = "UTC dB DT Freq Message"; ui->decodedTextLabel->setText(t); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setText(t); enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ()); // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook ui->label_9->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #aabec8}"); ui->label_10->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #aabec8}"); m_config.transceiver_online (true); on_monitorButton_clicked (!m_config.monitor_off_at_startup ()); #if !WSJT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES ui->actionJT9W_1->setEnabled (false); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow destructor MainWindow::~MainWindow() { QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))}; QByteArray cfname=fname.toLocal8Bit(); fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename(cfname); m_audioThread->wait (); delete ui, ui = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------- writeSettings() void MainWindow::writeSettings() { m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow"); m_settings->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ()); m_settings->setValue ("state", saveState ()); m_settings->setValue("MRUdir", m_path); m_settings->setValue("TxFirst",m_txFirst); m_settings->setValue("DXcall",ui->dxCallEntry->text()); m_settings->setValue("DXgrid",ui->dxGridEntry->text()); m_settings->setValue ("AstroDisplayed", m_astroWidget && m_astroWidget->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue ("FreeText", ui->freeTextMsg->currentText ()); m_settings->endGroup(); m_settings->beginGroup("Common"); m_settings->setValue("Mode",m_mode); m_settings->setValue("ModeTx",m_modeTx); m_settings->setValue("SaveNone",ui->actionNone->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SaveDecoded",ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SaveAll",ui->actionSave_all->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("NDepth",m_ndepth); m_settings->setValue("RxFreq",ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ()); m_settings->setValue("TxFreq",ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); m_settings->setValue ("DialFreq", QVariant::fromValue(m_lastMonitoredFrequency)); m_settings->setValue("InGain",m_inGain); m_settings->setValue("OutAttenuation", ui->outAttenuation->value ()); m_settings->setValue("NoSuffix",m_noSuffix); m_settings->setValue("GUItab",ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()); m_settings->setValue("OutBufSize",outBufSize); m_settings->setValue("LockTxFreq",m_lockTxFreq); m_settings->setValue("Plus2kHz",m_plus2kHz); m_settings->endGroup(); } //---------------------------------------------------------- readSettings() void MainWindow::readSettings() { m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow"); restoreGeometry (m_settings->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ()); restoreState (m_settings->value ("state", saveState ()).toByteArray ()); ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_settings->value("DXcall","").toString()); ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_settings->value("DXgrid","").toString()); m_path = m_settings->value("MRUdir", m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ()).toString (); m_txFirst = m_settings->value("TxFirst",false).toBool(); ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst); auto displayAstro = m_settings->value ("AstroDisplayed", false).toBool (); if (m_settings->contains ("FreeText")) { ui->freeTextMsg->setCurrentText (m_settings->value ("FreeText").toString ()); } m_settings->endGroup(); // do this outside of settings group because it uses groups internally if (displayAstro) { on_actionAstronomical_data_triggered (); } m_settings->beginGroup("Common"); morse_(const_cast (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()) , const_cast (icw) , &m_ncw , m_config.my_callsign ().length()); m_mode=m_settings->value("Mode","JT9").toString(); m_modeTx=m_settings->value("ModeTx","JT9").toString(); if(m_modeTx.mid(0,3)=="JT9") ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT9 @"); if(m_modeTx=="JT65") ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT65 #"); ui->actionNone->setChecked(m_settings->value("SaveNone",true).toBool()); ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(m_settings->value( "SaveDecoded",false).toBool()); ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(m_settings->value("SaveAll",false).toBool()); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq",1500).toInt()); m_lastMonitoredFrequency = m_settings->value ("DialFreq", QVariant::fromValue (default_frequency)).value (); ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq",1500).toInt()); Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT); m_saveDecoded=ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked(); m_saveAll=ui->actionSave_all->isChecked(); m_ndepth=m_settings->value("NDepth",3).toInt(); m_inGain=m_settings->value("InGain",0).toInt(); ui->inGain->setValue(m_inGain); // setup initial value of tx attenuator ui->outAttenuation->setValue (m_settings->value ("OutAttenuation", 0).toInt ()); on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (ui->outAttenuation->value ()); m_noSuffix=m_settings->value("NoSuffix",false).toBool(); int n=m_settings->value("GUItab",0).toInt(); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(n); outBufSize=m_settings->value("OutBufSize",4096).toInt(); m_lockTxFreq=m_settings->value("LockTxFreq",false).toBool(); ui->cbTxLock->setChecked(m_lockTxFreq); m_plus2kHz=m_settings->value("Plus2kHz",false).toBool(); ui->cbPlus2kHz->setChecked(m_plus2kHz); m_settings->endGroup(); // use these initialisation settings to tune the audio o/p buffer // size and audio thread priority m_settings->beginGroup ("Tune"); m_msAudioOutputBuffered = m_settings->value ("Audio/OutputBufferMs").toInt (); m_framesAudioInputBuffered = m_settings->value ("Audio/InputBufferFrames", RX_SAMPLE_RATE / 10).toInt (); m_audioThreadPriority = static_cast (m_settings->value ("Audio/ThreadPriority", QThread::HighPriority).toInt () % 8); m_settings->endGroup (); if(m_ndepth==1) ui->actionQuickDecode->setChecked(true); if(m_ndepth==2) ui->actionMediumDecode->setChecked(true); if(m_ndepth==3) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked(true); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::setDecodedTextFont (QFont const& font) { ui->decodedTextBrowser->setContentFont (font); ui->decodedTextBrowser2->setContentFont (font); auto style_sheet = "QLabel {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}'; ui->decodedTextLabel->setStyleSheet (ui->decodedTextLabel->styleSheet () + style_sheet); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setStyleSheet (ui->decodedTextLabel2->styleSheet () + style_sheet); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- dataSink() void MainWindow::dataSink(qint64 frames) { static float s[NSMAX]; static int ihsym=0; static int nzap=0; static int trmin; static int npts8; static int nflatten=0; static float px=0.0; static float df3; if(m_diskData) { jt9com_.ndiskdat=1; } else { jt9com_.ndiskdat=0; } // Get power, spectrum, and ihsym trmin=m_TRperiod/60; int k (frames - 1); jt9com_.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq(); jt9com_.nfb=m_wideGraph->getFmax(); nflatten=0; if(m_wideGraph->flatten()) nflatten=1; symspec_(&k,&trmin,&m_nsps,&m_inGain,&nflatten,&px,s,&df3,&ihsym,&npts8); if(ihsym <=0) return; QString t; m_pctZap=nzap*100.0/m_nsps; t.sprintf(" Rx noise: %5.1f ",px); signalMeter->setValue(px); // Update thermometer if(m_monitoring || m_diskData) { m_wideGraph->dataSink2(s,df3,ihsym,m_diskData); } if(ihsym == m_hsymStop) { m_dataAvailable=true; jt9com_.npts8=(ihsym*m_nsps)/16; jt9com_.newdat=1; jt9com_.nagain=0; jt9com_.nzhsym=m_hsymStop; QDateTime t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_dateTime=t.toString("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm"); decode(); //Start decoder if(!m_diskData) { //Always save; may delete later int ihr=t.time().toString("hh").toInt(); int imin=t.time().toString("mm").toInt(); imin=imin - (imin%(m_TRperiod/60)); QString t2; t2.sprintf("%2.2d%2.2d",ihr,imin); m_fname=m_config.save_directory ().absoluteFilePath (t.date().toString("yyMMdd") + "_" + t2 + ".wav"); *future2 = QtConcurrent::run(savewav, m_fname, m_TRperiod); watcher2->setFuture(*future2); } } } void MainWindow::showSoundInError(const QString& errorMsg) {QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error in SoundInput"), errorMsg);} void MainWindow::showSoundOutError(const QString& errorMsg) {QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error in SoundOutput"), errorMsg);} void MainWindow::showStatusMessage(const QString& statusMsg) {statusBar()->showMessage(statusMsg);} void MainWindow::on_actionSettings_triggered() //Setup Dialog { ui->readFreq->setStyleSheet(""); ui->readFreq->setEnabled(false); auto callsign = m_config.my_callsign (); if (QDialog::Accepted == m_config.exec ()) { if (m_config.my_callsign () != callsign) { m_baseCall = Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ()); morse_(const_cast (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()) , const_cast (icw) , &m_ncw , m_config.my_callsign ().length()); } on_dxGridEntry_textChanged (m_hisGrid); // recalculate distances in case of units change enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ()); // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook if(m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ()) { pskSetLocal (); } if(m_mode=="JT9W-1") m_toneSpacing=pow(2,m_config.jt9w_bw_mult ())*12000.0/6912.0; if(m_config.restart_audio_input ()) { Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device (), m_framesAudioInputBuffered, &m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ()); } if(m_config.restart_audio_output ()) { Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device (), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); } auto_tx_label->setText (m_config.quick_call () ? "Tx-Enable Armed" : "Tx-Enable Disarmed"); displayDialFrequency (); } setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); if (m_config.transceiver_online ()) { Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_frequency (m_dialFreq); } } void MainWindow::on_monitorButton_clicked (bool checked) { if (!m_transmitting) { auto prior = m_monitoring; monitor (checked); if (checked && !prior) { m_diskData = false; // no longer reading WAV files Frequency operating_frequency {m_dialFreq}; if (m_config.monitor_last_used ()) { // put rig back where it was when last in control operating_frequency = m_lastMonitoredFrequency; Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_frequency (operating_frequency); } qsy (operating_frequency); if (m_config.monitor_last_used ()) { setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true, checked); // gets // Configuration // in/out of // strict // split and // mode // checking } else { ui->monitorButton->setChecked (false); // disallow } } void MainWindow::monitor (bool state) { ui->monitorButton->setChecked (state); if (state) { if (!m_monitoring) { Q_EMIT resumeAudioInputStream (); } } else { Q_EMIT suspendAudioInputStream (); } m_monitoring = state; } void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() //Display "About" { CAboutDlg {this}.exec (); } void MainWindow::on_autoButton_clicked (bool checked) { m_auto = checked; } void MainWindow::auto_tx_mode (bool state) { ui->autoButton->setChecked (state); on_autoButton_clicked (state); } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) //keyPressEvent { int n; switch(e->key()) { case Qt::Key_D: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { if(!m_decoderBusy) { jt9com_.newdat=0; jt9com_.nagain=0; decode(); return; } } break; case Qt::Key_F4: ui->dxCallEntry->setText(""); ui->dxGridEntry->setText(""); m_hisCall=""; m_hisGrid=""; m_rptSent=""; m_rptRcvd=""; m_qsoStart=""; m_qsoStop=""; genStdMsgs(""); if (1 == ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx6->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } else { m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); } return; case Qt::Key_F6: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered(); return; } break; case Qt::Key_F11: n=11; if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) n+=100; bumpFqso(n); return; case Qt::Key_F12: n=12; if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) n+=100; bumpFqso(n); return; case Qt::Key_F: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==0) { ui->tx5->clearEditText(); ui->tx5->setFocus(); } else { ui->freeTextMsg->clearEditText(); ui->freeTextMsg->setFocus(); } return; } break; case Qt::Key_G: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); return; } break; case Qt::Key_H: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) { on_stopTxButton_clicked(); return; } break; case Qt::Key_L: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { lookup(); genStdMsgs(m_rpt); return; } break; case Qt::Key_V: if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) { m_fileToSave=m_fname; return; } break; } QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e); } void MainWindow::bumpFqso(int n) //bumpFqso() { int i; bool ctrl = (n>=100); n=n%100; i=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value (); if(n==11) i--; if(n==12) i++; if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i); } if(ctrl && ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i); } } void MainWindow::qsy (Frequency f) { if (!m_transmitting) { if (m_monitoring) { m_lastMonitoredFrequency = f; } if (m_dialFreq != f) { m_dialFreq = f; m_repeatMsg=0; m_secBandChanged=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000; QFile f2 {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f2); out << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm") << " " << (m_dialFreq / 1.e6) << " MHz " << m_mode << endl; f2.close(); } else { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f2.fileName () + "\" for append:" + f2.errorString ()); } if (m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ()) { pskSetLocal (); } displayDialFrequency (); statusChanged(); m_wideGraph->setDialFreq(m_dialFreq / 1.e6); } } } void MainWindow::displayDialFrequency () { // lookup band auto bands_model = m_config.bands (); ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (bands_model->data (bands_model->find (m_dialFreq)).toString ()); // search working frequencies for one we are within 10kHz of auto frequencies = m_config.frequencies (); bool valid {false}; for (int row = 0; row < frequencies->rowCount (); ++row) { auto working_frequency = frequencies->data (frequencies->index (row, 0)).value (); if (std::llabs (working_frequency - m_dialFreq) < 10000) { valid = true; } } ui->labDialFreq->setProperty ("oob", !valid); // the following sequence is necessary to update the style ui->labDialFreq->style ()->unpolish (ui->labDialFreq); ui->labDialFreq->style ()->polish (ui->labDialFreq); ui->labDialFreq->update (); ui->labDialFreq->setText (Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (m_dialFreq)); } void MainWindow::statusChanged() { QFile f {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_status.txt")}; if(f.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << (m_dialFreq / 1.e6) << ";" << m_mode << ";" << m_hisCall << ";" << ui->rptSpinBox->value() << ";" << m_modeTx << endl; f.close(); } else { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for writing:" + f.errorString ()); } } bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) //eventFilter() { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); MainWindow::keyPressEvent(keyEvent); return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } void MainWindow::createStatusBar() //createStatusBar { tx_status_label = new QLabel("Receiving"); tx_status_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); tx_status_label->setMinimumSize(QSize(80,18)); tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #00ff00}"); tx_status_label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget(tx_status_label); mode_label = new QLabel(""); mode_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mode_label->setMinimumSize(QSize(80,18)); mode_label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget(mode_label); last_tx_label = new QLabel(""); last_tx_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); last_tx_label->setMinimumSize(QSize(150,18)); last_tx_label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget(last_tx_label); auto_tx_label = new QLabel(""); auto_tx_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); auto_tx_label->setMinimumSize(QSize(150,18)); auto_tx_label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget(auto_tx_label); } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { m_config.transceiver_offline (); writeSettings (); m_guiTimer.stop (); m_prefixes.reset (); m_shortcuts.reset (); m_mouseCmnds.reset (); if(m_fname != "") killFile(); m_killAll=true; mem_jt9->detach(); QFile quitFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".quit")}; quitFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.remove(); // Allow jt9 to terminate bool b=proc_jt9.waitForFinished(1000); if(!b) proc_jt9.kill(); quitFile.remove(); Q_EMIT finished (); QMainWindow::closeEvent (e); } void MainWindow::on_stopButton_clicked() //stopButton { monitor (false); m_loopall=false; } void MainWindow::msgBox(QString t) //msgBox { msgBox0.setText(t); msgBox0.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered() //Display manual { #if defined (CMAKE_BUILD) QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (PROJECT_MANUAL_DIRECTORY_URL "/" PROJECT_MANUAL)); #endif } //Display local copy of manual void MainWindow::on_actionLocal_User_Guide_triggered() { #if defined (CMAKE_BUILD) auto file = m_config.doc_dir ().absoluteFilePath (PROJECT_MANUAL); QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {"file:///" + file}); #endif } void MainWindow::on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered() //Display Waterfalls { m_wideGraph->show(); } void MainWindow::on_actionAstronomical_data_triggered() { if (!m_astroWidget) { m_astroWidget.reset (new Astro {m_settings}); // hook up termination signal connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_astroWidget.data (), &Astro::close); } m_astroWidget->showNormal(); } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered() //Open File { monitor (false); QString fname; fname=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open File", m_path, "WSJT Files (*.wav)"); if(fname != "") { m_path=fname; int i; i=fname.indexOf(".wav") - 11; if(i>=0) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #66ff66}"); tx_status_label->setText(" " + fname.mid(i,15) + " "); // lab1->setText(" " + fname + " "); } on_stopButton_clicked(); m_diskData=true; *future1 = QtConcurrent::run(getfile, fname, m_TRperiod); watcher1->setFuture(*future1); // call diskDat() when done } } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered() //Open Next { monitor (false); int i,len; QFileInfo fi(m_path); QStringList list; list= fi.dir().entryList().filter(".wav",Qt::CaseInsensitive); for (i = 0; i < list.size()-1; ++i) { if(i==list.size()-2) m_loopall=false; len=list.at(i).length(); if(list.at(i)==m_path.right(len)) { int n=m_path.length(); QString fname=m_path.replace(n-len,len,list.at(i+1)); m_path=fname; int i; i=fname.indexOf(".wav") - 11; if(i>=0) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #66ff66}"); tx_status_label->setText(" " + fname.mid(i,len) + " "); } m_diskData=true; *future1 = QtConcurrent::run(getfile, fname, m_TRperiod); watcher1->setFuture(*future1); return; } } } //Open all remaining files void MainWindow::on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered() { m_loopall=true; on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered(); } void MainWindow::diskDat() //diskDat() { int k; int kstep=m_nsps/2; m_diskData=true; for(int n=1; n<=m_hsymStop; n++) { // Do the half-symbol FFTs k=(n+1)*kstep; jt9com_.npts8=k/8; dataSink(k * sizeof (jt9com_.d2[0])); if(n%10 == 1 or n == m_hsymStop) qApp->processEvents(); //Keep GUI responsive } } void MainWindow::diskWriteFinished() //diskWriteFinished { } //Delete ../save/*.wav void MainWindow::on_actionDelete_all_wav_files_in_SaveDir_triggered() { int i; QString fname; int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, "Confirm Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete all *.wav files in\n" + QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ()) + " ?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if(ret==QMessageBox::Yes) { QDir dir(m_config.save_directory ()); QStringList files=dir.entryList(QDir::Files); QList::iterator f; for(f=files.begin(); f!=files.end(); ++f) { fname=*f; i=(fname.indexOf(".wav")); if(i>10) dir.remove(fname); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionNone_triggered() //Save None { m_saveDecoded=false; m_saveAll=false; ui->actionNone->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_decoded_triggered() { m_saveDecoded=true; m_saveAll=false; ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_all_triggered() //Save All { m_saveDecoded=false; m_saveAll=true; ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered() { if (!m_shortcuts) { QFile f(":/shortcuts.txt"); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for reading:"+f.errorString ()); return; } m_shortcuts.reset (new QTextEdit); m_shortcuts->setReadOnly(true); m_shortcuts->setFontPointSize(10); m_shortcuts->setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Keyboard Shortcuts")); m_shortcuts->setGeometry(QRect(45,50,430,460)); Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint; m_shortcuts->setWindowFlags(flags); QTextStream s(&f); QString t; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { t=s.readLine(); m_shortcuts->append(t); if(s.atEnd()) break; } } m_shortcuts->showNormal(); } void MainWindow::on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered() { if (!m_mouseCmnds) { QFile f(":/mouse_commands.txt"); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for reading:" + f.errorString ()); return; } m_mouseCmnds.reset (new QTextEdit); m_mouseCmnds->setReadOnly(true); m_mouseCmnds->setFontPointSize(10); m_mouseCmnds->setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Special Mouse Commands")); m_mouseCmnds->setGeometry(QRect(45,50,440,300)); Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint; m_mouseCmnds->setWindowFlags(flags); QTextStream s(&f); QString t; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { t=s.readLine(); m_mouseCmnds->append(t); if(s.atEnd()) break; } } m_mouseCmnds->showNormal(); } void MainWindow::on_DecodeButton_clicked (bool /* checked */) //Decode request { if(!m_decoderBusy) { jt9com_.newdat=0; jt9com_.nagain=1; m_blankLine=false; // don't insert the separator again decode(); } } void MainWindow::freezeDecode(int n) //freezeDecode() { if((n%100)==2) on_DecodeButton_clicked (true); } void MainWindow::decode() //decode() { if(!m_dataAvailable) return; ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (true); if(jt9com_.newdat==1 && (!m_diskData)) { qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; int imin=ms/60000; int ihr=imin/60; imin=imin % 60; imin=imin - (imin % (m_TRperiod/60)); jt9com_.nutc=100*ihr + imin; } jt9com_.nfqso=m_wideGraph->rxFreq(); jt9com_.ndepth=m_ndepth; jt9com_.ndiskdat=0; if(m_diskData) jt9com_.ndiskdat=1; jt9com_.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq(); jt9com_.nfSplit=m_wideGraph->getFmin(); jt9com_.nfb=m_wideGraph->getFmax(); jt9com_.ntol=20; if(jt9com_.nutc < m_nutc0) m_RxLog = 1; //Date and Time to all.txt m_nutc0=jt9com_.nutc; jt9com_.ntxmode=9; if(m_modeTx=="JT65") jt9com_.ntxmode=65; jt9com_.nmode=9; if(m_mode=="JT9W-1") jt9com_.nmode=91; if(m_mode=="JT65") jt9com_.nmode=65; if(m_mode=="JT9+JT65") jt9com_.nmode=9+65; // = 74 jt9com_.ntrperiod=m_TRperiod; m_nsave=0; if(m_saveDecoded) m_nsave=2; jt9com_.nsave=m_nsave; strncpy(jt9com_.datetime, m_dateTime.toLatin1(), 20); //newdat=1 ==> this is new data, must do the big FFT //nagain=1 ==> decode only at fQSO +/- Tol char *to = (char*)mem_jt9->data(); char *from = (char*) jt9com_.ss; int size=sizeof(jt9com_); if(jt9com_.newdat==0) { int noffset = 4*184*NSMAX + 4*NSMAX + 2*NTMAX*12000; to += noffset; from += noffset; size -= noffset; } memcpy(to, from, qMin(mem_jt9->size(), size)); QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.remove (); // Allow jt9 to start decodeBusy(true); } void MainWindow::jt9_error (QProcess::ProcessError e) { if(!m_killAll) { msgBox("Error starting or running\n" + m_appDir + "/jt9 -s"); qDebug() << e; // silence compiler warning exit(1); } } void MainWindow::readFromStderr() //readFromStderr { QByteArray t=proc_jt9.readAllStandardError(); msgBox(t); } void MainWindow::readFromStdout() //readFromStdout { while(proc_jt9.canReadLine()) { QByteArray t=proc_jt9.readLine(); if(t.indexOf("") >= 0) { m_bdecoded = (t.mid(23,1).toInt()==1); bool keepFile=m_saveAll or (m_saveDecoded and m_bdecoded); if(!keepFile and !m_diskData) killFileTimer->start(45*1000); //Kill in 45 s jt9com_.nagain=0; jt9com_.ndiskdat=0; QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (false); decodeBusy(false); m_RxLog=0; m_startAnother=m_loopall; m_blankLine=true; return; } else { QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); if(m_RxLog==1) { out << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm") << " " << (m_dialFreq / 1.e6) << " MHz " << m_mode << endl; m_RxLog=0; } int n=t.length(); out << t.mid(0,n-2) << endl; f.close(); } else { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for append:" + f.errorString ()); } if (m_config.insert_blank () && m_blankLine) { QString band; if (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 - m_secBandChanged > 50) { auto const& bands_model = m_config.bands (); band = ' ' + bands_model->data (bands_model->find (m_dialFreq + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ())).toString (); } ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertLineSpacer (band.rightJustified (40, '-')); m_blankLine = false; } DecodedText decodedtext; decodedtext = t.replace("\n",""); //t.replace("\n","").mid(0,t.length()-4); // the left band display ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText (decodedtext , m_baseCall , m_config.DXCC () , m_logBook , m_config.color_CQ() , m_config.color_MyCall() , m_config.color_DXCC() , m_config.color_NewCall()); if (abs(decodedtext.frequencyOffset() - m_wideGraph->rxFreq()) <= 10) // this msg is within 10 hertz of our tuned frequency { // the right QSO window ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayDecodedText(decodedtext , m_baseCall , false , m_logBook , m_config.color_CQ() , m_config.color_MyCall() , m_config.color_DXCC() , m_config.color_NewCall()); bool b65=decodedtext.isJT65(); if(b65 and m_modeTx!="JT65") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); if(!b65 and m_modeTx=="JT65") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); m_QSOText=decodedtext; } // find and extract any report for myCall bool stdMsg = decodedtext.report(m_baseCall , Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry-> text ().toUpper ().trimmed ()) , /*mod*/m_rptRcvd); // extract details and send to PSKreporter int nsec=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000-m_secBandChanged; bool okToPost=(nsec>50); if(m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter () and stdMsg and !m_diskData and okToPost) { QString msgmode="JT9"; if (decodedtext.isJT65()) msgmode="JT65"; QString deCall; QString grid; decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall,grid); int audioFrequency = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); int snr = decodedtext.snr(); Frequency frequency = m_dialFreq + audioFrequency; pskSetLocal (); if(gridOK(grid)) psk_Reporter->addRemoteStation(deCall,grid,QString::number(frequency),msgmode,QString::number(snr), QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t())); } } } } void MainWindow::killFile() { if(m_fname==m_fileToSave) { } else { QFile savedFile(m_fname); savedFile.remove(); } } void MainWindow::on_EraseButton_clicked() //Erase { qint64 ms=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); ui->decodedTextBrowser2->clear(); m_QSOText.clear(); if((ms-m_msErase)<500) { ui->decodedTextBrowser->clear(); QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("decoded.txt")); if(f.exists()) f.remove(); } m_msErase=ms; } void MainWindow::decodeBusy(bool b) //decodeBusy() { bool showProgress = false; if (b && m_firstDecode < 65 && ("JT65" == m_mode || "JT9+JT65" == m_mode)) { m_firstDecode += 65; if ("JT9+JT65" == m_mode) m_firstDecode = 65 + 9; showProgress = true; } if (b && m_firstDecode != 9 && m_firstDecode != 65 + 9 && ("JT9" == m_mode || "JT9W-1" == m_mode)) { m_firstDecode += 9; showProgress = true; } if (showProgress) { // this sequence is needed to create an indeterminate progress // bar m_optimizingProgress.setRange (0, 1); m_optimizingProgress.setValue (0); m_optimizingProgress.setRange (0, 0); } if (!b) { m_optimizingProgress.reset (); } m_decoderBusy=b; ui->DecodeButton->setEnabled(!b); ui->actionOpen->setEnabled(!b); ui->actionOpen_next_in_directory->setEnabled(!b); ui->actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory->setEnabled(!b); } //------------------------------------------------------------- //guiUpdate() void MainWindow::guiUpdate() { static int iptt0=0; static bool btxok0=false; static char message[29]; static char msgsent[29]; static int nsendingsh=0; static double onAirFreq0=0.0; QString rt; double tx1=0.0; double tx2=1.0 + 85.0*m_nsps/12000.0 + icw[0]*2560.0/48000.0; if(m_modeTx=="JT65") tx2=1.0 + 126*4096/11025.0 + icw[0]*2560.0/48000.0; if(!m_txFirst) { tx1 += m_TRperiod; tx2 += m_TRperiod; } qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; int nsec=ms/1000; double tsec=0.001*ms; double t2p=fmod(tsec,2*m_TRperiod); bool bTxTime = ((t2p >= tx1) and (t2p < tx2)) or m_tune; if(m_transmitting || m_auto || m_tune) { QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("txboth")); if(f.exists() and fmod(tsec,m_TRperiod) < (1.0 + 85.0*m_nsps/12000.0)) { bTxTime=true; } Frequency onAirFreq = m_dialFreq + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value (); if (onAirFreq > 10139900 && onAirFreq < 10140320) { bTxTime=false; if (m_tune) { stop_tuning (); } if (m_auto) { auto_tx_mode (false); } if(onAirFreq!=onAirFreq0) { onAirFreq0=onAirFreq; QString t="Please choose another Tx frequency.\n"; t+="WSJT-X will not knowingly transmit\n"; t+="in the WSPR sub-band on 30 m."; msgBox(t); } } float fTR=float((nsec%m_TRperiod))/m_TRperiod; if(g_iptt==0 and ((bTxTime and fTR<0.4) or m_tune )) { icw[0]=m_ncw; g_iptt = 1; setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); // ensure correct offset Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_ptt (true); ptt1Timer->start(200); //Sequencer delay } if(!bTxTime) { m_btxok=false; } } // Calculate Tx tones when needed if((g_iptt==1 && iptt0==0) || m_restart) { QByteArray ba; if(m_ntx == 1) ba=ui->tx1->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 2) ba=ui->tx2->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 3) ba=ui->tx3->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 4) ba=ui->tx4->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 5) ba=ui->tx5->currentText().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 6) ba=ui->tx6->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 7) ba=ui->genMsg->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 8) ba=ui->freeTextMsg->currentText().toLocal8Bit(); ba2msg(ba,message); // ba2msg(ba,msgsent); int len1=22; int ichk=0; if (m_lastMessageSent != m_currentMessage || m_lastMessageType != m_currentMessageType) { m_lastMessageSent = m_currentMessage; m_lastMessageType = m_currentMessageType; } m_currentMessageType = 0; if(m_modeTx=="JT9") genjt9_(message , &ichk , msgsent , const_cast (itone) , &m_currentMessageType , len1 , len1); if(m_modeTx=="JT65") gen65_(message , &ichk , msgsent , const_cast (itone) , &m_currentMessageType , len1 , len1); msgsent[22]=0; m_currentMessage = QString::fromLatin1(msgsent); if (m_tune) { m_currentMessage = "TUNE"; m_currentMessageType = -1; } last_tx_label->setText("Last Tx: " + m_currentMessage); if(m_restart) { QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmm") << " Transmitting " << (m_dialFreq / 1.e6) << " MHz " << m_modeTx << ": " << m_currentMessage << endl; f.close(); } else { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for append:" + f.errorString ()); } if (m_config.TX_messages ()) { ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(m_currentMessage,m_modeTx, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(),m_config.color_TxMsg()); } } auto t2 = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hhmm"); icw[0] = 0; auto msg_parts = m_currentMessage.split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); auto is_73 = message_is_73 (m_currentMessageType, msg_parts); m_sentFirst73 = is_73 && !message_is_73 (m_lastMessageType, m_lastMessageSent.split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts)); if (m_sentFirst73) { m_qsoStop=t2; if(m_config.id_after_73 ()) { icw[0] = m_ncw; } if (m_config.prompt_to_log () && !m_tune) { logQSOTimer->start (0); } } if (is_73 && m_config.disable_TX_on_73 ()) { auto_tx_mode (false); } if(m_config.id_interval () >0) { int nmin=(m_sec0-m_secID)/60; if(nmin >= m_config.id_interval ()) { icw[0]=m_ncw; m_secID=m_sec0; } } if (m_currentMessageType < 6 && msg_parts.length() >= 3 && (msg_parts[1] == m_config.my_callsign () || msg_parts[1] == m_baseCall)) { int i1; bool ok; i1 = msg_parts[2].toInt(&ok); if(ok and i1>=-50 and i1<50) { m_rptSent = msg_parts[2]; m_qsoStart = t2; } else { if (msg_parts[2].mid (0, 1) == "R") { i1 = msg_parts[2].mid (1).toInt (&ok); if (ok and i1 >= -50 and i1 < 50) { m_rptSent = msg_parts[2].mid (1); m_qsoStart = t2; } } } } m_restart=false; } else { if (!m_auto && m_sentFirst73) { m_sentFirst73 = false; if (1 == ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx6->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } else { m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); } } } if (g_iptt == 1 && iptt0 == 0) { QString t=QString::fromLatin1(msgsent); if(t==m_msgSent0) { m_repeatMsg++; } else { m_repeatMsg=0; m_msgSent0=t; } if(!m_tune) { QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmm") << " Transmitting " << (m_dialFreq / 1.e6) << " MHz " << m_modeTx << ": " << m_currentMessage << endl; f.close(); } else { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for append:" + f.errorString ()); } } if (m_config.TX_messages () && !m_tune) { ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(t,m_modeTx, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(),m_config.color_TxMsg()); } m_transmitting = true; transmitDisplay (true); } if(!m_btxok && btxok0 && g_iptt==1) stopTx(); /* // If m_btxok was just lowered, start a countdown for lowering PTT if(!m_btxok && btxok0 && g_iptt==1) nc0=-11; //RxDelay = 1.0 s if(nc0 <= 0) { nc0++; } */ if(m_startAnother) { m_startAnother=false; on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered(); } if(nsec != m_sec0) { //Once per second QDateTime t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int fQSO=125; if(m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->astroUpdate(t, m_config.my_grid (), m_hisGrid, fQSO, m_setftx, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); if(m_transmitting) { if(nsendingsh==1) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #66ffff}"); } else if(nsendingsh==-1) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ffccff}"); } else { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ffff33}"); } if(m_tune) { tx_status_label->setText("Tx: TUNE"); } else { char s[37]; sprintf(s,"Tx: %s",msgsent); tx_status_label->setText(s); } } else if(m_monitoring) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #00ff00}"); tx_status_label->setText("Receiving "); } else if (!m_diskData) { tx_status_label->setStyleSheet(""); tx_status_label->setText(""); } m_setftx=0; QString utc = t.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd") + "\n " + t.time().toString() + " "; ui->labUTC->setText(utc); if(!m_monitoring and !m_diskData) { signalMeter->setValue(0); } m_sec0=nsec; } iptt0=g_iptt; btxok0=m_btxok; } //End of GUIupdate void MainWindow::startTx2() { if (!m_modulator.isActive ()) { double fSpread=0.0; double snr=99.0; QString t=ui->tx5->currentText(); if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") fSpread=t.mid(1,5).toDouble(); m_modulator.setSpread(fSpread); t=ui->tx6->text(); if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") snr=t.mid(1,5).toDouble(); if(snr>0.0 or snr < -50.0) snr=99.0; transmit (snr); signalMeter->setValue(0); } } void MainWindow::stopTx() { Q_EMIT endTransmitMessage (); m_btxok = false; m_transmitting = false; g_iptt=0; tx_status_label->setStyleSheet(""); tx_status_label->setText(""); ptt0Timer->start(200); //Sequencer delay monitor (true); } void MainWindow::stopTx2() { QString rt; //Lower PTT Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_ptt (false); if (m_config.watchdog () && m_repeatMsg>=m_watchdogLimit-1) { on_stopTxButton_clicked(); msgBox("Runaway Tx watchdog"); m_repeatMsg=0; } } void MainWindow::ba2msg(QByteArray ba, char message[]) //ba2msg() { int iz=ba.length(); for(int i=0;i<22; i++) { if(itxrb1->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb2_clicked() //txb2 { m_ntx=2; ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb3_clicked() //txb3 { m_ntx=3; ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb4_clicked() //txb4 { m_ntx=4; ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb5_clicked() //txb5 { m_ntx=5; ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb6_clicked() //txb6 { m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall2(bool shift, bool ctrl) { m_decodedText2=true; doubleClickOnCall(shift,ctrl); m_decodedText2=false; } void MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall(bool shift, bool ctrl) { QTextCursor cursor; if(!m_decodedText2) cursor=ui->decodedTextBrowser2->textCursor(); if(m_decodedText2) cursor=ui->decodedTextBrowser->textCursor(); cursor.select(QTextCursor::LineUnderCursor); int i2=cursor.position(); if(shift and i2==-9999) return; //Silence compiler warning QString t; if(!m_decodedText2) t= ui->decodedTextBrowser2->toPlainText(); //Full contents if(m_decodedText2) t= ui->decodedTextBrowser->toPlainText(); QString t1 = t.mid(0,i2); //contents up to \n on selected line int i1=t1.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1; //points to first char of line DecodedText decodedtext; decodedtext = t1.mid(i1,i2-i1); //selected line if (decodedtext.indexOf(" CQ ") > 0) { // TODO this magic 36 characters is also referenced in DisplayText::_appendDXCCWorkedB4() auto eom_pos = decodedtext.string ().indexOf (' ', 35); if (eom_pos < 35) eom_pos = decodedtext.string ().size () - 1; // we always want at least the characters // to position 35 decodedtext = decodedtext.string ().left (eom_pos + 1); // remove DXCC entity and worked B4 status. TODO need a better way to do this } // if(decodedtext.indexOf("Tx")==6) return; //Ignore Tx line // int i4=t.mid(i1).length(); // if(i4>55) i4=55; // QString t3=t.mid(i1,i4); auto t3 = decodedtext.string (); auto t4 = t3.replace (" CQ DX ", " CQ_DX ").split (" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(t4.size () <5) return; //Skip the rest if no decoded text QString hiscall; QString hisgrid; decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/hiscall,hisgrid); if (!Radio::is_callsign (hiscall)) { return; } // only allow automatic mode changes when not transmitting if (!m_transmitting) { if (decodedtext.isJT9()) { m_modeTx="JT9"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT9 @"); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); } else if (decodedtext.isJT65()) { m_modeTx="JT65"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT65 #"); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); } } else if ((decodedtext.isJT9 () && m_modeTx != "JT9") || (decodedtext.isJT65 () && m_modeTx != "JT65")) { // if we are not allowing mode change then don't process decode return; } int frequency = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); QString firstcall = decodedtext.call(); // Don't change Tx freq if a station is calling me, unless m_lockTxFreq // is true or CTRL is held down if ((firstcall!=m_config.my_callsign () && firstcall != m_baseCall) || m_lockTxFreq or ctrl) { if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(frequency); } else { return; } } int i9=m_QSOText.indexOf(decodedtext.string()); if (i9<0 and !decodedtext.isTX()) { ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayDecodedText(decodedtext , m_baseCall , false , m_logBook , m_config.color_CQ() , m_config.color_MyCall() , m_config.color_DXCC() , m_config.color_NewCall()); m_QSOText=decodedtext; } if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (frequency); //Set Rx freq } if (decodedtext.isTX()) { if (ctrl && ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(frequency); //Set Tx freq } return; } auto base_call = Radio::base_callsign (hiscall); if (base_call != Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry-> text ().toUpper ().trimmed ()) || base_call != hiscall) { // his base call different or his call more qualified // i.e. compound version of same base call ui->dxCallEntry->setText(hiscall); } if (gridOK(hisgrid)) ui->dxGridEntry->setText(hisgrid); if (ui->dxGridEntry->text()=="") lookup(); m_hisGrid = ui->dxGridEntry->text(); int n = decodedtext.timeInSeconds(); int nmod=n%(m_TRperiod/30); m_txFirst=(nmod!=0); ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst); QString rpt = decodedtext.report(); ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(rpt.toInt()); genStdMsgs(rpt); // determine the appropriate response to the received msg auto dtext = " " + decodedtext.string () + " "; if(dtext.contains (" " + m_baseCall + " ") || dtext.contains ("/" + m_baseCall + " ") || dtext.contains (" " + m_baseCall + "/") || firstcall == "DE") { if (t4.size () > 7 // enough fields for a normal msg and !gridOK (t4.at (7))) // but no grid on end of msg { QString r=t4.at (7); if(r.mid(0,3)=="RRR") { m_ntx=5; ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx5->currentText()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } else if(r.mid(0,1)=="R") { m_ntx=4; ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx4->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } else if(r.toInt()>=-50 and r.toInt()<=49) { m_ntx=3; ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx3->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } else if(r.toInt()==73) { m_ntx=5; ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx5->currentText()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } } else { m_ntx=2; ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx2->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } } else // myCall not in msg { m_ntx=1; ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx1->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } } if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; if(m_config.quick_call ()) { auto_tx_mode (true); } } void MainWindow::genStdMsgs(QString rpt) //genStdMsgs() { QString t; if(m_config.my_callsign () !="" and m_config.my_grid () !="") { t="CQ " + m_config.my_callsign () + " " + m_config.my_grid ().mid(0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx6); } else { ui->tx6->setText(""); } QString hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text().toUpper().trimmed(); ui->dxCallEntry->setText(hisCall); if(hisCall=="") { ui->labAz->setText(""); ui->labDist->setText(""); ui->tx1->setText(""); ui->tx2->setText(""); ui->tx3->setText(""); ui->tx4->setText(""); ui->tx5->setCurrentText(""); ui->genMsg->setText(""); return; } QString hisBase = Radio::base_callsign (hisCall); QString t0=hisBase + " " + m_baseCall + " "; t=t0 + m_config.my_grid ().mid(0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); if(rpt == "") { t=t+" OOO"; msgtype(t, ui->tx2); msgtype("RO", ui->tx3); msgtype("RRR", ui->tx4); msgtype("73", ui->tx5->lineEdit ()); } else { t=t0 + rpt; msgtype(t, ui->tx2); t=t0 + "R" + rpt; msgtype(t, ui->tx3); t=t0 + "RRR"; msgtype(t, ui->tx4); t=t0 + "73"; msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit ()); } if(m_config.my_callsign () != m_baseCall) { if(shortList(m_config.my_callsign ())) { t=hisBase + " " + m_config.my_callsign (); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); t="CQ " + m_config.my_callsign (); msgtype(t, ui->tx6); } else { switch (m_config.type_2_msg_gen ()) { case Configuration::type_2_msg_1_full: t="DE " + m_config.my_callsign () + " " + m_config.my_grid ().mid(0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); t=t0 + "R" + rpt; msgtype(t, ui->tx3); break; case Configuration::type_2_msg_3_full: t = t0 + m_config.my_grid ().mid(0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); t="DE " + m_config.my_callsign () + " R" + rpt; msgtype(t, ui->tx3); break; case Configuration::type_2_msg_5_only: t = t0 + m_config.my_grid ().mid(0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); t=t0 + "R" + rpt; msgtype(t, ui->tx3); break; } t="DE " + m_config.my_callsign () + " 73"; msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit ()); } } else { if(hisCall!=hisBase) { if(shortList(hisCall)) { t=hisBase + " " + m_config.my_callsign () + " " + m_config.my_grid ().mid (0,4); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); } t=hisCall + " 73"; msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit()); } } m_ntx=1; ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); m_rpt=rpt; } void MainWindow::lookup() //lookup() { QString hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text().toUpper().trimmed(); if (hisCall.isEmpty ()) { return; } ui->dxCallEntry->setText(hisCall); QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; if (f.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { char c[132]; qint64 n=0; for(int i=0; i<999999; i++) { n=f.readLine(c,sizeof(c)); if(n <= 0) { ui->dxGridEntry->setText(""); break; } QString t=QString(c); if(t.indexOf(hisCall)==0) { int i1=t.indexOf(","); QString hisgrid=t.mid(i1+1,6); i1=hisgrid.indexOf(","); if(i1>0) { hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,4); } else { hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,4) + hisgrid.mid(4,2).toLower(); } ui->dxGridEntry->setText(hisgrid); break; } } f.close(); } } void MainWindow::on_lookupButton_clicked() //Lookup button { lookup(); } void MainWindow::on_addButton_clicked() //Add button { if(ui->dxGridEntry->text()=="") { msgBox("Please enter a valid grid locator."); return; } m_call3Modified=false; QString hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text().toUpper().trimmed(); QString hisgrid=ui->dxGridEntry->text().trimmed(); QString newEntry=hisCall + "," + hisgrid; // int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, "Add", // newEntry + "\n" + "Is this station known to be active on EME?", // QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); // if(ret==QMessageBox::Yes) { // newEntry += ",EME,,"; // } else { newEntry += ",,,"; // } QFile f1 {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; if(!f1.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text)) { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f1.fileName () + "\" for read/write:" + f1.errorString ()); return; } if(f1.size()==0) { QTextStream out(&f1); out << "ZZZZZZ" << endl; f1.close(); f1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); } QFile f2 {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TMP")}; if(!f2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f2.fileName () + "\" for writing:" + f2.errorString ()); return; } QTextStream in(&f1); //Read from CALL3.TXT QTextStream out(&f2); //Copy into CALL3.TMP QString hc=hisCall; QString hc1=""; QString hc2="000000"; QString s; do { s=in.readLine(); hc1=hc2; if(s.mid(0,2)=="//") { out << s + "\n"; //Copy all comment lines } else { int i1=s.indexOf(","); hc2=s.mid(0,i1); if(hc>hc1 && hchc1 && !m_call3Modified) out << newEntry + "\n"; if(m_call3Modified) { QFile f0 {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.OLD")}; if(f0.exists()) f0.remove(); QFile f1 {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; f1.rename(m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.OLD")); f2.rename(m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")); f2.close(); } } void MainWindow::msgtype(QString t, QLineEdit* tx) //msgtype() { char message[23]; char msgsent[23]; int len1=22; t=t.toUpper(); QByteArray s=t.toUpper().toLocal8Bit(); ba2msg(s,message); int ichk=1,itype=0; genjt9_(message , &ichk , msgsent , const_cast (itone) , &itype , len1 , len1); msgsent[22]=0; bool text=false; if(itype==6) text=true; QString t1; t1.fromLatin1(msgsent); if(text) t1=t1.mid(0,13); QPalette p(tx->palette()); if(text) { p.setColor(QPalette::Base,"#ffccff"); } else { p.setColor(QPalette::Base,Qt::white); } tx->setPalette(p); int len=t.length(); auto pos = tx->cursorPosition (); if(text) { len=qMin(len,13); tx->setText(t.mid(0,len).toUpper()); } else { tx->setText(t); } tx->setCursorPosition (pos); } void MainWindow::on_tx1_editingFinished() //tx1 edited { QString t=ui->tx1->text(); msgtype(t, ui->tx1); } void MainWindow::on_tx2_editingFinished() //tx2 edited { QString t=ui->tx2->text(); msgtype(t, ui->tx2); } void MainWindow::on_tx3_editingFinished() //tx3 edited { QString t=ui->tx3->text(); msgtype(t, ui->tx3); } void MainWindow::on_tx4_editingFinished() //tx4 edited { QString t=ui->tx4->text(); msgtype(t, ui->tx4); } void MainWindow::on_tx5_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) //tx5 edited { msgtype(text, ui->tx5->lineEdit ()); } void MainWindow::on_tx6_editingFinished() //tx6 edited { QString t=ui->tx6->text(); msgtype(t, ui->tx6); // G4WJS: disabled setting of snr from msg 6 on live edit, will // still generate noise on next full tx period // double snr=t.mid(1,5).toDouble(); // if(snr>0.0 or snr < -50.0) snr=99.0; // m_modulator.setTxSNR(snr); } void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_textChanged(const QString &t) //dxCall changed { m_hisCall=t.toUpper().trimmed(); ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_hisCall); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::on_dxGridEntry_textChanged(const QString &t) //dxGrid changed { int n=t.length(); if(n!=4 and n!=6) { ui->labAz->setText(""); ui->labDist->setText(""); return; } if(!t[0].isLetter() or !t[1].isLetter()) return; if(!t[2].isDigit() or !t[3].isDigit()) return; if(n==4) m_hisGrid=t.mid(0,2).toUpper() + t.mid(2,2); if(n==6) m_hisGrid=t.mid(0,2).toUpper() + t.mid(2,2) + t.mid(4,2).toLower(); ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_hisGrid); if(gridOK(m_hisGrid)) { qint64 nsec = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400; double utch=nsec/3600.0; int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter; azdist_(const_cast (m_config.my_grid ().toLatin1().constData()),const_cast (m_hisGrid.toLatin1().constData()),&utch, &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,6,6); QString t; t.sprintf("Az: %d",nAz); ui->labAz->setText(t); if (m_config.miles ()) { t.sprintf ("%d mi", int (0.621371 * nDkm)); } else { t.sprintf ("%d km", nDkm); } ui->labDist->setText(t); } else { ui->labAz->setText(""); ui->labDist->setText(""); } } void MainWindow::on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked() //genStdMsgs button { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); } void MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked() //Log QSO button { if(m_hisCall=="") return; m_dateTimeQSO=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_logDlg->initLogQSO (m_hisCall , m_hisGrid , m_modeTx , m_rptSent , m_rptRcvd , m_dateTimeQSO , (m_dialFreq + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()) / 1.e6 , m_config.my_callsign () , m_config.my_grid () , m_noSuffix , m_config.log_as_RTTY () , m_config.report_in_comments () ); } void MainWindow::acceptQSO2(bool accepted) { if(accepted) { auto const& bands_model = m_config.bands (); auto band = bands_model->data (bands_model->find (m_dialFreq + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ())).toString (); QString date = m_dateTimeQSO.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); date=date.mid(0,4) + date.mid(5,2) + date.mid(8,2); m_logBook.addAsWorked(m_hisCall,band,m_modeTx,date); if (m_config.clear_DX ()) { m_hisCall=""; ui->dxCallEntry->setText(""); m_hisGrid=""; ui->dxGridEntry->setText(""); m_rptSent=""; m_rptRcvd=""; m_qsoStart=""; m_qsoStop=""; } } } void MainWindow::on_actionJT9_1_triggered() { m_mode="JT9"; if(m_modeTx!="JT9") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); statusChanged(); m_TRperiod=60; m_nsps=6912; m_hsymStop=173; mode_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ff6ec7}"); mode_label->setText(m_mode); m_toneSpacing=0.0; ui->actionJT9_1->setChecked(true); m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps); m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::on_actionJT9W_1_triggered() { m_mode="JT9W-1"; if(m_modeTx!="JT9") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); statusChanged(); m_TRperiod=60; m_nsps=6912; m_hsymStop=173; m_toneSpacing=pow(2,m_config.jt9w_bw_mult ())*12000.0/6912.0; mode_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ff6ec7}"); mode_label->setText(m_mode); ui->actionJT9W_1->setChecked(true); m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps); m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::on_actionJT65_triggered() { m_mode="JT65"; if(m_modeTx!="JT65") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); statusChanged(); m_TRperiod=60; m_nsps=6912; //For symspec only m_hsymStop=173; m_toneSpacing=0.0; mode_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ffff00}"); mode_label->setText(m_mode); ui->actionJT65->setChecked(true); m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps); m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::on_actionJT9_JT65_triggered() { m_mode="JT9+JT65"; // if(m_modeTx!="JT9") on_pbTxMode_clicked(); statusChanged(); m_TRperiod=60; m_nsps=6912; m_hsymStop=173; m_toneSpacing=0.0; mode_label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ffa500}"); mode_label->setText(m_mode); ui->actionJT9_JT65->setChecked(true); m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps); m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::on_TxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(n); if(m_lockTxFreq) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(n); Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (n - m_XIT); } void MainWindow::on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(n); if (m_lockTxFreq && ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (n); } } void MainWindow::on_actionQuickDecode_triggered() { m_ndepth=1; ui->actionQuickDecode->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionMediumDecode_triggered() { m_ndepth=2; ui->actionMediumDecode->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionDeepestDecode_triggered() { m_ndepth=3; ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_inGain_valueChanged(int n) { m_inGain=n; } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_ALL_TXT_triggered() //Erase ALL.TXT { int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, "Confirm Erase", "Are you sure you want to erase file ALL.TXT ?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if(ret==QMessageBox::Yes) { QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; f.remove(); m_RxLog=1; } } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_wsjtx_log_adi_triggered() { int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, "Confirm Erase", "Are you sure you want to erase file wsjtx_log.adi ?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if(ret==QMessageBox::Yes) { QFile f {m_dataDir.absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_log.adi")}; f.remove(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_log_directory_triggered () { QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (m_dataDir.absolutePath ())); } bool MainWindow::gridOK(QString g) { bool b=g.mid(0,1).compare("A")>=0 and g.mid(0,1).compare("R")<=0 and g.mid(1,1).compare("A")>=0 and g.mid(1,1).compare("R")<=0 and g.mid(2,1).compare("0")>=0 and g.mid(2,1).compare("9")<=0 and g.mid(3,1).compare("0")>=0 and g.mid(3,1).compare("9")<=0; return b; } void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_activated (int index) { auto frequencies = m_config.frequencies (); auto frequency = frequencies->data (frequencies->index (index, 0)); // Lookup band auto bands = m_config.bands (); auto band_index = bands->find (frequency); if (band_index.isValid ()) { ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ({}); ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (band_index.data ().toString ()); } else { ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ("QLineEdit {color: yellow; background-color : red;}"); ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (bands->data (QModelIndex {}).toString ()); } auto f = frequency.value (); if (m_plus2kHz) { f += 2000; } m_bandEdited = true; band_changed (f); } void MainWindow::band_changed (Frequency f) { if (m_bandEdited) { m_bandEdited = false; // Upload any queued spots before changing band psk_Reporter->sendReport(); if (!m_transmitting) { monitor (true); } Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_frequency (f); qsy (f); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } void MainWindow::enable_DXCC_entity (bool on) { if (on) { // re-read the log and cty.dat files m_logBook.init(); } if (on) // adjust the proportions between the two text displays { ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(0,55); ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(1,45); } else { ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(0,0); ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(1,0); } } void MainWindow::on_pbCallCQ_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx6->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbAnswerCaller_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); QString t=ui->tx3->text(); int i0=t.indexOf(" R-"); if(i0<0) i0=t.indexOf(" R+"); t=t.mid(0,i0+1)+t.mid(i0+2,3); ui->genMsg->setText(t); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbSendRRR_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx4->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbAnswerCQ_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx1->text()); QString t=ui->tx2->text(); int i0=t.indexOf("/"); int i1=t.indexOf(" "); if(i0>0 and i0genMsg->setText(t); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbSendReport_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx3->text()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbSend73_clicked() { genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx5->currentText()); m_ntx=7; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_rbGenMsg_toggled(bool checked) { m_freeText=!checked; if(!m_freeText) { if(m_ntx != 7 && m_transmitting) m_restart=true; m_ntx=7; } } void MainWindow::on_rbFreeText_toggled(bool checked) { m_freeText=checked; if(m_freeText) { m_ntx=8; if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } } void MainWindow::on_freeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) { msgtype(text, ui->freeTextMsg->lineEdit ()); } void MainWindow::on_rptSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_rpt=QString::number(n); int ntx0=m_ntx; QString t=ui->tx5->currentText(); genStdMsgs(m_rpt); ui->tx5->setCurrentText(t); m_ntx=ntx0; if(m_ntx==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::on_tuneButton_clicked (bool checked) { if (m_tune) { tuneButtonTimer->start(250); } else { m_sentFirst73=false; m_repeatMsg=0; on_monitorButton_clicked (true); } m_tune = checked; Q_EMIT tune (checked); } void MainWindow::stop_tuning () { ui->tuneButton->setChecked (false); on_tuneButton_clicked (false); } void MainWindow::on_stopTxButton_clicked() //Stop Tx { if (m_tune) { stop_tuning (); } if (m_auto) { auto_tx_mode (false); } m_btxok=false; m_repeatMsg=0; } void MainWindow::rigOpen () { ui->readFreq->setStyleSheet (""); ui->readFreq->setText (""); m_config.transceiver_online (true); Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true); ui->readFreq->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{background-color: orange;" "border-width: 0px; border-radius: 5px;}"); } void MainWindow::on_pbR2T_clicked() { if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } void MainWindow::on_pbT2R_clicked() { if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } void MainWindow::on_readFreq_clicked() { if (m_transmitting) return; if (m_config.transceiver_online (true)) { Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true); } } void MainWindow::on_pbTxMode_clicked() { if(m_modeTx=="JT9") { m_modeTx="JT65"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT65 #"); } else { m_modeTx="JT9"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT9 @"); } m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::setXIT(int n) { m_XIT = 0; if (m_config.split_mode ()) { m_XIT=(n/500)*500 - 1500; } if (m_monitoring || m_transmitting) { if (m_config.transceiver_online ()) { if (m_config.split_mode ()) { Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (m_dialFreq + m_XIT); } } } Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT); } void MainWindow::setFreq4(int rxFreq, int txFreq) { if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(rxFreq); } if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(txFreq); } } void MainWindow::on_cbTxLock_clicked(bool checked) { m_lockTxFreq=checked; m_wideGraph->setLockTxFreq(m_lockTxFreq); if(m_lockTxFreq) on_pbR2T_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_cbPlus2kHz_toggled(bool checked) { m_plus2kHz = checked; if (m_config.transceiver_online (false)) // only update state if not // starting up { // Upload any queued spots before changing band psk_Reporter->sendReport(); auto f = m_dialFreq; if (m_plus2kHz) { f += 2000; } else { f -= 2000; } m_bandEdited = true; band_changed (f); } } void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState s) { transmitDisplay (s.ptt ()); if ((s.frequency () - m_dialFreq) || s.split () != m_splitMode) { m_splitMode = s.split (); qsy (s.frequency ()); } ui->readFreq->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{background-color: #00ff00;" "border-width: 0px; border-radius: 5px;}"); ui->readFreq->setText (s.split () ? "S" : ""); } void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure (QString reason) { ui->readFreq->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{background-color: red;" "border-width: 0px; border-radius: 5px;}"); on_stopTxButton_clicked (); rigFailure ("Rig Control Error", reason); } void MainWindow::rigFailure (QString const& reason, QString const& detail) { static bool first_error {true}; if (first_error) { // one automatic retry QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ())); first_error = false; } else { m_rigErrorMessageBox.setText (reason); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDetailedText (detail); // don't call slot functions directly to avoid recursion switch (m_rigErrorMessageBox.exec ()) { case QMessageBox::Ok: QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (on_actionSettings_triggered ())); break; case QMessageBox::Retry: QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ())); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ())); break; } first_error = true; // reset } } void MainWindow::transmit (double snr) { if (m_modeTx == "JT65") { Q_EMIT sendMessage (NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS, 4096.0 * 12000.0 / 11025.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT, m_toneSpacing, &m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (), true, snr); } else { Q_EMIT sendMessage (NUM_JT9_SYMBOLS, m_nsps, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT, m_toneSpacing, &m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (), true, snr); } } void MainWindow::on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (int a) { qreal dBAttn (a / 10.); // slider interpreted as hundredths of a dB ui->outAttenuation->setToolTip (tr ("Transmit digital gain ") + (a ? QString::number (-dBAttn, 'f', 1) : "0") + "dB"); Q_EMIT outAttenuationChanged (dBAttn); } void MainWindow::on_actionShort_list_of_add_on_prefixes_and_suffixes_triggered() { if (!m_prefixes) { QFile f(":/prefixes.txt"); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { msgBox("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for reading:" + f.errorString ()); return; } m_prefixes.reset (new QTextEdit); m_prefixes->setReadOnly(true); m_prefixes->setFontPointSize(10); m_prefixes->setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Prefixes")); m_prefixes->setGeometry(QRect(45,50,565,450)); Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint; m_prefixes->setWindowFlags(flags); QTextStream s(&f); QString t; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { t=s.readLine(); m_prefixes->append(t); if(s.atEnd()) break; } } m_prefixes->showNormal(); } void MainWindow::getpfx() { m_prefix <<"1A" <<"1S" <<"3A" <<"3B6" <<"3B8" <<"3B9" <<"3C" <<"3C0" \ <<"3D2" <<"3D2C" <<"3D2R" <<"3DA" <<"3V" <<"3W" <<"3X" <<"3Y" \ <<"3YB" <<"3YP" <<"4J" <<"4L" <<"4S" <<"4U1I" <<"4U1U" <<"4W" \ <<"4X" <<"5A" <<"5B" <<"5H" <<"5N" <<"5R" <<"5T" <<"5U" \ <<"5V" <<"5W" <<"5X" <<"5Z" <<"6W" <<"6Y" <<"7O" <<"7P" \ <<"7Q" <<"7X" <<"8P" <<"8Q" <<"8R" <<"9A" <<"9G" <<"9H" \ <<"9J" <<"9K" <<"9L" <<"9M2" <<"9M6" <<"9N" <<"9Q" <<"9U" \ <<"9V" <<"9X" <<"9Y" <<"A2" <<"A3" <<"A4" <<"A5" <<"A6" \ <<"A7" <<"A9" <<"AP" <<"BS7" <<"BV" <<"BV9" <<"BY" <<"C2" \ <<"C3" <<"C5" <<"C6" <<"C9" <<"CE" <<"CE0X" <<"CE0Y" <<"CE0Z" \ <<"CE9" <<"CM" <<"CN" <<"CP" <<"CT" <<"CT3" <<"CU" <<"CX" \ <<"CY0" <<"CY9" <<"D2" <<"D4" <<"D6" <<"DL" <<"DU" <<"E3" \ <<"E4" <<"EA" <<"EA6" <<"EA8" <<"EA9" <<"EI" <<"EK" <<"EL" \ <<"EP" <<"ER" <<"ES" <<"ET" <<"EU" <<"EX" <<"EY" <<"EZ" \ <<"F" <<"FG" <<"FH" <<"FJ" <<"FK" <<"FKC" <<"FM" <<"FO" \ <<"FOA" <<"FOC" <<"FOM" <<"FP" <<"FR" <<"FRG" <<"FRJ" <<"FRT" \ <<"FT5W" <<"FT5X" <<"FT5Z" <<"FW" <<"FY" <<"M" <<"MD" <<"MI" \ <<"MJ" <<"MM" <<"MU" <<"MW" <<"H4" <<"H40" <<"HA" \ <<"HB" <<"HB0" <<"HC" <<"HC8" <<"HH" <<"HI" <<"HK" <<"HK0A" \ <<"HK0M" <<"HL" <<"HM" <<"HP" <<"HR" <<"HS" <<"HV" <<"HZ" \ <<"I" <<"IS" <<"IS0" <<"J2" <<"J3" <<"J5" <<"J6" \ <<"J7" <<"J8" <<"JA" <<"JDM" <<"JDO" <<"JT" <<"JW" \ <<"JX" <<"JY" <<"K" <<"KG4" <<"KH0" <<"KH1" <<"KH2" <<"KH3" \ <<"KH4" <<"KH5" <<"KH5K" <<"KH6" <<"KH7" <<"KH8" <<"KH9" <<"KL" \ <<"KP1" <<"KP2" <<"KP4" <<"KP5" <<"LA" <<"LU" <<"LX" <<"LY" \ <<"LZ" <<"OA" <<"OD" <<"OE" <<"OH" <<"OH0" <<"OJ0" <<"OK" \ <<"OM" <<"ON" <<"OX" <<"OY" <<"OZ" <<"P2" <<"P4" <<"PA" \ <<"PJ2" <<"PJ7" <<"PY" <<"PY0F" <<"PT0S" <<"PY0T" <<"PZ" <<"R1F" \ <<"R1M" <<"S0" <<"S2" <<"S5" <<"S7" <<"S9" <<"SM" <<"SP" \ <<"ST" <<"SU" <<"SV" <<"SVA" <<"SV5" <<"SV9" <<"T2" <<"T30" \ <<"T31" <<"T32" <<"T33" <<"T5" <<"T7" <<"T8" <<"T9" <<"TA" \ <<"TF" <<"TG" <<"TI" <<"TI9" <<"TJ" <<"TK" <<"TL" \ <<"TN" <<"TR" <<"TT" <<"TU" <<"TY" <<"TZ" <<"UA" <<"UA2" \ <<"UA9" <<"UK" <<"UN" <<"UR" <<"V2" <<"V3" <<"V4" <<"V5" \ <<"V6" <<"V7" <<"V8" <<"VE" <<"VK" <<"VK0H" <<"VK0M" <<"VK9C" \ <<"VK9L" <<"VK9M" <<"VK9N" <<"VK9W" <<"VK9X" <<"VP2E" <<"VP2M" <<"VP2V" \ <<"VP5" <<"VP6" <<"VP6D" <<"VP8" <<"VP8G" <<"VP8H" <<"VP8O" <<"VP8S" \ <<"VP9" <<"VQ9" <<"VR" <<"VU" <<"VU4" <<"VU7" <<"XE" <<"XF4" \ <<"XT" <<"XU" <<"XW" <<"XX9" <<"XZ" <<"YA" <<"YB" <<"YI" \ <<"YJ" <<"YK" <<"YL" <<"YN" <<"YO" <<"YS" <<"YU" <<"YV" \ <<"YV0" <<"Z2" <<"Z3" <<"ZA" <<"ZB" <<"ZC4" <<"ZD7" <<"ZD8" \ <<"ZD9" <<"ZF" <<"ZK1N" <<"ZK1S" <<"ZK2" <<"ZK3" <<"ZL" <<"ZL7" \ <<"ZL8" <<"ZL9" <<"ZP" <<"ZS" <<"ZS8" <<"KC4" <<"E5"; m_suffix << "P" << "0" << "1" << "2" << "3" << "4" << "5" << "6" \ << "7" << "8" << "9" << "A"; for(int i=0; i<12; i++) { m_sfx.insert(m_suffix[i],true); } for(int i=0; i<339; i++) { m_pfx.insert(m_prefix[i],true); } } bool MainWindow::shortList(QString callsign) { int n=callsign.length(); int i1=callsign.indexOf("/"); Q_ASSERT(i1>0 and i1match (stations->index (0, 0) , Qt::DisplayRole , ui->bandComboBox->currentText () , 1 , Qt::MatchExactly); QString antenna_description; if (!matches.isEmpty ()) { antenna_description = stations->index (matches.first ().row (), 2).data ().toString (); } psk_Reporter->setLocalStation( m_config.my_callsign () , m_config.my_grid () , antenna_description, QString {"WSJT-X v" + version() + " " + m_revision}.simplified ()); } void MainWindow::transmitDisplay (bool transmitting) { if (transmitting == m_transmitting) { if (transmitting) { signalMeter->setValue(0); if (m_monitoring) { monitor (false); } m_btxok=true; } auto QSY_allowed = !transmitting || m_config.tx_QSY_allowed () || !m_config.split_mode (); if (ui->cbTxLock->isChecked ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->pbT2R->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); } ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->pbR2T->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->cbTxLock->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); // only allow +2kHz when not transmitting or if TX QSYs are allowed ui->cbPlus2kHz->setEnabled (!transmitting || m_config.tx_QSY_allowed ()); // the following are always disallowed in transmit ui->menuMode->setEnabled (!transmitting); ui->bandComboBox->setEnabled (!transmitting); if (!transmitting) { if ("JT9+JT65" == m_mode) { // allow mode switch in Rx when in dual mode ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled (true); } } else { ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled (false); } } }