#include <QObject>

#include "TransceiverBase.hpp"

#include "pimpl_h.hpp"

// Polling Transceiver
//  Helper base  class that  encapsulates the emulation  of continuous
//  update and caching of a transceiver state.
// Collaborations
//  Implements the TransceiverBase post  action interface and provides
//  the abstract  poll() operation  for sub-classes to  implement. The
//  pol operation is invoked every poll_interval milliseconds.
// Responsibilities
//  Because some rig interfaces don't immediately update after a state
//  change request; this  class allows a rig a few  polls to stabilise
//  to the  requested state before  signalling the change.  This means
//  that  clients don't  see  intermediate states  that are  sometimes
//  inaccurate,  e.g. changing  the split  TX frequency  on Icom  rigs
//  requires a  VFO switch  and polls while  switched will  return the
//  wrong current frequency.
class PollingTransceiver
  : public TransceiverBase
  explicit PollingTransceiver (int poll_interval); // in milliseconds

  ~PollingTransceiver ();

  void do_sync (bool /* force_signal */) override final;

  // Sub-classes implement this and fetch what they can from the rig
  // in a non-intrusive manner.
  virtual void poll () = 0;

  void do_post_start () override final;
  void do_post_stop () override final;
  void do_post_frequency (Frequency) override final;
  void do_post_tx_frequency (Frequency) override final;
  void do_post_mode (MODE) override final;
  bool do_pre_update () override final;

  class impl;
  pimpl<impl> m_;
