module gf64math ! Basic math in GF(64), for JT65 and QRA64 implicit none integer :: gf64exp(0:62),gf64log(0:63) ! gf64exp: GF(64) decimal representation, indexed by logarithm data gf64exp/ & 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 3, 6, 12, 24, & 48, 35, 5, 10, 20, 40, 19, 38, 15, 30, & 60, 59, 53, 41, 17, 34, 7, 14, 28, 56, & 51, 37, 9, 18, 36, 11, 22, 44, 27, 54, & 47, 29, 58, 55, 45, 25, 50, 39, 13, 26, & 52, 43, 21, 42, 23, 46, 31, 62, 63, 61, & 57, 49, 33/ ! logarithms of GF(64) elements, indexed by decimal representation data gf64log/ & -1, 0, 1, 6, 2, 12, 7, 26, 3, 32, & 13, 35, 8, 48, 27, 18, 4, 24, 33, 16, & 14, 52, 36, 54, 9, 45, 49, 38, 28, 41, & 19, 56, 5, 62, 25, 11, 34, 31, 17, 47, & 15, 23, 53, 51, 37, 44, 55, 40, 10, 61, & 46, 30, 50, 22, 39, 43, 29, 60, 42, 21, & 20, 59, 57, 58/ contains ! Product of two GF(64) field elements function gf64_product(i1,i2) integer, intent(in) :: i1,i2 integer :: gf64_product if( then gf64_product=gf64exp(mod(gf64log(i1)+gf64log(i2),63)) else gf64_product=0 endif end function gf64_product ! Inverse of a GF(64) field element for arguments in [1,63]. Undefined otherwise. function gf64_inverse(i1) integer, intent(in) :: i1 integer :: gf64_inverse if( then gf64_inverse=gf64exp(63-gf64log(i1)) else gf64_inverse=1 endif end function gf64_inverse ! Sum two GF(64) field elements function gf64_sum(i1,i2) integer, intent(in) :: i1,i2 integer :: gf64_sum gf64_sum=ieor(i1,i2) end function gf64_sum end module gf64math