subroutine genfst280(msg0,ichk,msgsent,msgbits,i4tone,iwspr) ! Input: ! - msg0 requested message to be transmitted ! - ichk if ichk=1, return only msgsent ! - msgsent message as it will be decoded ! - i4tone array of audio tone values, {0,1,2,3} ! - iwspr 0: (280,101)/crc24, 1: (280,74)/crc24 ! ! Frame structure: ! s8 d70 s8 d70 s8 ! Message duration: TxT = 164*8400/12000 = 114.8 s use packjt77 include 'ft4s280_params.f90' character*37 msg0 character*37 message !Message to be generated character*37 msgsent !Message as it will be received character*77 c77 character*24 c24 integer*4 i4tone(NN),itmp(ND) integer*1 codeword(2*ND) integer*1 msgbits(101),rvec(77) integer isyncword(8) integer ncrc24 logical unpk77_success data isyncword/0,1,3,2,1,0,2,3/ data rvec/0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0, & 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1, & 0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1/ message=msg0 do i=1, 37 if(ichar(message(i:i)).eq.0) then message(i:37)=' ' exit endif enddo do i=1,37 !Strip leading blanks if(message(1:1).ne.' ') exit message=message(i+1:) enddo i3=-1 n3=-1 call pack77(message,i3,n3,c77) call unpack77(c77,0,msgsent,unpk77_success) !Unpack to get msgsent msgbits=0 iwspr=0 if(i3.eq.0.and.n3.eq.6) then iwspr=1 read(c77,'(50i1)') msgbits(1:50) call get_crc24(msgbits,74,ncrc24) write(c24,'(b24.24)') ncrc24 read(c24,'(24i1)') msgbits(51:74) else read(c77,'(77i1)') msgbits(1:77) call get_crc24(msgbits,101,ncrc24) write(c24,'(b24.24)') ncrc24 read(c24,'(24i1)') msgbits(78:101) endif if(ichk.eq.1) go to 999 if(unpk77_success) go to 2 1 msgbits=0 itone=0 msgsent='*** bad message *** ' go to 999 entry get_ft4s280_tones_from_bits(msgbits,i4tone,iwspr) 2 continue if(iwspr.eq.0) then call encode280_101(msgbits,codeword) else call encode280_74(msgbits(1:74),codeword) endif ! Grayscale mapping: ! bits tone ! 00 0 ! 01 1 ! 11 2 ! 10 3 do i=1,ND is=codeword(2*i)+2*codeword(2*i-1) if(is.le.1) itmp(i)=is if(is.eq.2) itmp(i)=3 if(is.eq.3) itmp(i)=2 enddo i4tone(1:8)=isyncword i4tone(9:78)=itmp(1:70) i4tone(79:86)=isyncword i4tone(87:156)=itmp(71:140) i4tone(157:164)=isyncword 999 return end subroutine genfst280