subroutine timf2(nxpol,nfft,nwindow,nb,peaklimit,iqadjust,iqapply,faclim, & cx0,cy0,gainx,gainy,phasex,phasey,cx1,cy1,slimit,lstrong,px,py,nzap) ! Sequential processing of time-domain I/Q data, using Linrad-like ! "first FFT" and "first backward FFT". ! cx0,cy0 - complex input data ! nfft - length of FFTs ! nwindow - 0 for no window, 2 for sin^2 window ! iqapply - 0/1 determines if I/Q phase and amplitude corrections applied ! gainx,y - gain error in Q channel, relative to I ! phasex,y - phase error ! cx1,cy1 - output data ! Non-windowed processing means no overlap, so kstep=nfft. ! Sin^2 window has 50% overlap, kstep=nfft/2. ! Frequencies with strong signals are identified and separated. The back ! transforms are done separately for weak and strong signals, so that ! noise blanking can be applied to the weak-signal portion. Strong and ! weak are finally re-combined in the time domain. parameter (MAXFFT=1024,MAXNH=MAXFFT/2) parameter (MAXSIGS=100) complex cx0(0:nfft-1),cx1(0:nfft-1) complex cy0(0:nfft-1),cy1(0:nfft-1) complex cx(0:MAXFFT-1),cxt(0:MAXFFT-1) complex cy(0:MAXFFT-1),cyt(0:MAXFFT-1) complex cxs(0:MAXFFT-1),covxs(0:MAXNH-1) !Strong X signals complex cys(0:MAXFFT-1),covys(0:MAXNH-1) !Strong Y signals complex cxw(0:MAXFFT-1),covxw(0:MAXNH-1) !Weak X signals complex cyw(0:MAXFFT-1),covyw(0:MAXNH-1) !Weak Y signals real*4 w(0:MAXFFT-1) real*4 s(0:MAXFFT-1),stmp(0:MAXFFT-1) logical*1 lstrong(0:MAXFFT-1),lprev integer ia(MAXSIGS),ib(MAXSIGS) complex h,u,v logical first data first/.true./ save w,covxs,covxw,covys,covyw,s,ntc,ntot,nh,kstep,fac,first if(first) then pi=4.0*atan(1.0) do i=0,nfft-1 w(i)=(sin(i*pi/nfft))**2 enddo covxs=0. covxw=0. covys=0. covyw=0. s=0. ntc=0 ntot=0 nh=nfft/2 kstep=nfft if(nwindow.eq.2) kstep=nh fac=1.0/nfft slimit=1.e30 first=.false. endif cx(0:nfft-1)=cx0 if(nwindow.eq.2) cx(0:nfft-1)=w(0:nfft-1)*cx(0:nfft-1) call four2a(cx,nfft,1,1,1) !First forward FFT if( then cy(0:nfft-1)=cy0 if(nwindow.eq.2) cy(0:nfft-1)=w(0:nfft-1)*cy(0:nfft-1) call four2a(cy,nfft,1,1,1) !First forward FFT endif if( then !Apply I/Q corrections h=gainx*cmplx(cos(phasex),sin(phasex)) v=0. do i=0,nfft-1 u=cx(i) if( v=cx(nfft-i) x=real(u) + real(v) - (aimag(u) + aimag(v))*aimag(h) + & (real(u) - real(v))*real(h) y=aimag(u) - aimag(v) + (aimag(u) + aimag(v))*real(h) + & (real(u) - real(v))*aimag(h) cxt(i)=0.5*cmplx(x,y) enddo else cxt(0:nfft-1)=cx(0:nfft-1) endif if( then if( then !Apply I/Q corrections h=gainy*cmplx(cos(phasey),sin(phasey)) v=0. do i=0,nfft-1 u=cy(i) if( v=cy(nfft-i) x=real(u) + real(v) - (aimag(u) + aimag(v))*aimag(h) + & (real(u) - real(v))*real(h) y=aimag(u) - aimag(v) + (aimag(u) + aimag(v))*real(h) + & (real(u) - real(v))*aimag(h) cyt(i)=0.5*cmplx(x,y) enddo else cyt(0:nfft-1)=cy(0:nfft-1) endif endif ! Identify frequencies with strong signals, copy frequency-domain ! data into array cs (strong) or cw (weak). ntot=ntot+1 if(mod(ntot,128).eq.5) then call pctile(s,stmp,1024,50,xmedian) slimit=faclim*xmedian endif if( ntc=ntc+1 uu=1.0/ntc smax=0. do i=0,nfft-1 p=real(cxt(i))**2 + aimag(cxt(i))**2 if( p=p + real(cyt(i))**2 + aimag(cyt(i))**2 s(i)=(1.0-uu)*s(i) + uu*p lstrong(i)=(s(i).gt.slimit) if(s(i).gt.smax) smax=s(i) enddo nsigs=0 lprev=.false. iwid=1 ib=-99 do i=0,nfft-1 if(lstrong(i) .and. (.not.lprev)) then if( nsigs=nsigs+1 ia(nsigs)=i-iwid if(ia(nsigs).lt.0) ia(nsigs)=0 endif if(.not.lstrong(i) .and. lprev) then ib(nsigs)=i-1+iwid if(ib(nsigs).gt.nfft-1) ib(nsigs)=nfft-1 endif lprev=lstrong(i) enddo if( then do i=1,nsigs ja=ia(i) jb=ib(i) if( .or. .or. .or. then cycle endif if(jb.eq.-99) jb=ja + min(2*iwid,nfft-1) lstrong(ja:jb)=.true. enddo endif do i=0,nfft-1 if(lstrong(i)) then cxs(i)=fac*cxt(i) cxw(i)=0. if( then cys(i)=fac*cyt(i) cyw(i)=0. endif else cxw(i)=fac*cxt(i) cxs(i)=0. if( then cyw(i)=fac*cyt(i) cys(i)=0. endif endif enddo call four2a(cxw,nfft,1,-1,1) !Transform weak and strong X call four2a(cxs,nfft,1,-1,1) !back to time domain, separately if( then call four2a(cyw,nfft,1,-1,1) !Transform weak and strong Y call four2a(cys,nfft,1,-1,1) !back to time domain, separately endif if(nwindow.eq.2) then cxw(0:nh-1)=cxw(0:nh-1)+covxw(0:nh-1) !Add previous segment's 2nd half covxw(0:nh-1)=cxw(nh:nfft-1) !Save 2nd half cxs(0:nh-1)=cxs(0:nh-1)+covxs(0:nh-1) !Ditto for strong signals covxs(0:nh-1)=cxs(nh:nfft-1) if( then cyw(0:nh-1)=cyw(0:nh-1)+covyw(0:nh-1) !Add previous segment's 2nd half covyw(0:nh-1)=cyw(nh:nfft-1) !Save 2nd half cys(0:nh-1)=cys(0:nh-1)+covys(0:nh-1) !Ditto for strong signals covys(0:nh-1)=cys(nh:nfft-1) endif endif ! Apply noise blanking to weak data if( then do i=0,kstep-1 peak=abs(cxw(i)) if( peak=max(peak,abs(cyw(i))) if( then cxw(i)=0. if( cyw(i)=0. nzap=nzap+1 endif enddo endif ! Compute power levels from weak data only do i=0,kstep-1 px=px + real(cxw(i))**2 + aimag(cxw(i))**2 if( py=py + real(cyw(i))**2 + aimag(cyw(i))**2 enddo cx1(0:kstep-1)=cxw(0:kstep-1) + cxs(0:kstep-1) !Recombine weak + strong if( then cy1(0:kstep-1)=cyw(0:kstep-1) + cys(0:kstep-1) !Weak + strong endif return end subroutine timf2