SUBROUTINE DCOORD(A0,B0,AP,BP,A1,B1,A2,B2) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! Examples: ! 1. From ha,dec to az,el: ! call coord(pi,pio2-lat,0.,lat,ha,dec,az,el) ! 2. From az,el to ha,dec: ! call coord(pi,pio2-lat,0.,lat,az,el,ha,dec) ! 3. From ra,dec to l,b ! call coord(4.635594495,-0.504691042,3.355395488,0.478220215, ! ra,dec,l,b) ! 4. From l,b to ra,dec ! call coord(1.705981071d0,-1.050357016d0,2.146800277d0, ! 0.478220215d0,l,b,ra,dec) ! 5. From ecliptic latitude (eb) and longitude (el) to ra, dec: ! call coord(0.d0,0.d0,-pio2,pio2-23.443*pi/180,ra,dec,el,eb) SB0=sin(B0) CB0=cos(B0) SBP=sin(BP) CBP=cos(BP) SB1=sin(B1) CB1=cos(B1) SB2=SBP*SB1 + CBP*CB1*cos(AP-A1) CB2=SQRT(1.D0-SB2**2) B2=atan(SB2/CB2) SAA=sin(AP-A1)*CB1/CB2 CAA=(SB1-SB2*SBP)/(CB2*CBP) CBB=SB0/CBP SBB=sin(AP-A0)*CB0 SA2=SAA*CBB-CAA*SBB CA2=CAA*CBB+SAA*SBB TA2O2=0.0 !Shut up compiler warnings. -db IF(CA2.LE.0.D0) TA2O2=(1.D0-CA2)/SA2 IF(CA2.GT.0.D0) TA2O2=SA2/(1.D0+CA2) A2=2.D0*atan(TA2O2) IF(A2.LT.0.D0) A2=A2+6.2831853071795864D0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE DCOORD