!---------------------------------------------------- a2d subroutine a2d(iarg) #if 1 !--- # ifdef USE_PORTAUDIO ! Start the PortAudio streams for audio input and output. integer nchin(0:20),nchout(0:20) include 'gcom1.f90' include 'gcom2.f90' ! This call does not normally return, as the background portion of ! JTaudio goes into a test-and-sleep loop. idevin=ndevin idevout=ndevout call padevsub(numdevs,ndefin,ndefout,nchin,nchout) write(*,1002) ndefin,ndefout 1002 format(/'Default Input:',i3,' Output:',i3) write(*,1004) idevin,idevout 1004 format('Requested Input:',i3,' Output:',i3) if(idevin.lt.0 .or. idevin.ge.numdevs) idevin=ndefin if(idevout.lt.0 .or. idevout.ge.numdevs) idevout=ndefout if(idevin.eq.0 .and. idevout.eq.0) then idevin=ndefin idevout=ndefout endif ierr=jtaudio(idevin,idevout,y1,y2,NMAX,iwrite,iwave,nwave, & 11025,NSPB,TRPeriod,TxOK,ndebug,Transmitting, & Tsec,ngo,nmode,tbuf,ibuf,ndsec) if(ierr.ne.0) then print*,'Error ',ierr,' in JTaudio, cannot continue.' else write(*,1006) 1006 format('Audio streams terminated normally.') endif #endif return end subroutine a2d