subroutine symspec2(c5,nz3,nsps8,nspsd,fsample,freq,drift,snrdb,schk, & i1SoftSymbolsScrambled) ! Compute soft symbols from the final downsampled data complex c5(0:4096-1) complex z integer*1 i1SoftSymbolsScrambled(207) real aa(3) real ss2(0:8,85) real ss3(0:7,69) include 'jt9sync.f90' data scale/10.0/ aa(1)=-1500.0/nsps8 aa(2)=0. aa(3)=0. do i=0,8 !Loop over the 9 tones if( call twkfreq(c5,c5,nz3,fsample,aa) m=0 k=-1 do j=1,85 !Loop over all symbols z=0. do n=1,nspsd !Sum over 16 samples k=k+1 z=z+c5(k) enddo ss2(i,j)=real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2 !Symbol speactra, data and sync if( .and. isync(j).eq.0) then m=m+1 ss3(i-1,m)=ss2(i,j) !Symbol speactra, data only endif enddo enddo call chkss2(ss2,freq,drift,schk) if( then i1SoftSymbolsScrambled=0 go to 900 endif ss=0. sig=0. do j=1,69 smax=0. do i=0,7 smax=max(smax,ss3(i,j)) ss=ss+ss3(i,j) enddo sig=sig+smax ss=ss-smax enddo ave=ss/(69*7) !Baseline call pctile(ss2,9*85,35,xmed) ss3=ss3/ave sig=sig/69. !Signal t=max(1.0,sig - 1.0) snrdb=db(t) - 61.3 m0=3 k=0 do j=1,69 smax=0. do i=0,7 if(ss3(i,j).gt.smax) smax=ss3(i,j) enddo do m=m0-1,0,-1 !Get bit-wise soft symbols if(m.eq.2) then r1=max(ss3(4,j),ss3(5,j),ss3(6,j),ss3(7,j)) r0=max(ss3(0,j),ss3(1,j),ss3(2,j),ss3(3,j)) else if(m.eq.1) then r1=max(ss3(2,j),ss3(3,j),ss3(4,j),ss3(5,j)) r0=max(ss3(0,j),ss3(1,j),ss3(6,j),ss3(7,j)) else r1=max(ss3(1,j),ss3(2,j),ss3(4,j),ss3(7,j)) r0=max(ss3(0,j),ss3(3,j),ss3(5,j),ss3(6,j)) endif k=k+1 i4=nint(scale*(r1-r0)) if( i4=-127 if( i4=127 i4=i4+128 if(i4.le.127) i1SoftSymbolsScrambled(k)=i4 if( i1SoftSymbolsScrambled(k)=i4-256 enddo enddo 900 return end subroutine symspec2