subroutine extract(s3,nadd,nqd,ncount,nhist,decoded,ltext,nbmkv) ! Input: ! s3 64-point spectra for each of 63 data symbols ! nadd number of spectra summed into s3 ! nqd 0/1 to indicate decode attempt at QSO frequency ! Output: ! ncount number of symbols requiring correction ! nhist maximum number of identical symbol values ! decoded decoded message (if ncount >=0) ! ltext true if decoded message is free text ! nbmkv 0=no decode; 1=BM decode; 2=KV decode use prog_args !shm_key, exe_dir, data_dir real s3(64,63) character decoded*22 integer dat4(12) integer mrsym(63),mr2sym(63),mrprob(63),mr2prob(63) logical nokv,ltext common/decstats/num65,numbm,numkv,num9,numfano data nokv/.false./,nsec1/0/ save nbirdie=7 npct=40 afac1=10.1 xlambda=7.999 if(nqd.eq.1) xlambda=11.999 !Increase depth at QSO frequency nbmkv=0 nfail=0 decoded=' ' call pctile(s3,4032,npct,base) s3=s3/base ! Get most reliable and second-most-reliable symbol values, and their ! probabilities 1 call demod64a(s3,nadd,afac1,mrsym,mrprob,mr2sym,mr2prob,ntest,nlow) if( then ncount=-999 !Flag and reject bad data go to 900 endif call chkhist(mrsym,nhist,ipk) !Test for birdies and QRM if( then nfail=nfail+1 call pctile(s3,4032,npct,base) s3(ipk,1:63)=base if( then decoded=' ' ncount=-1 go to 900 endif go to 1 endif call graycode65(mrsym,63,-1) !Remove gray code and interleaving call interleave63(mrsym,-1) !from most reliable symbols call interleave63(mrprob,-1) num65=num65+1 ! Decode using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm call timer('rs_decod',0) call rs_decode(mrsym,0,0,dat4,ncount) call timer('rs_decod',1) if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) if(iand(dat4(10),8).ne.0) ltext=.true. nbmkv=1 go to 900 endif ! Berlekamp-Massey algorithm failed, try Koetter-Vardy if(nokv) go to 900 maxe=8 !Max KV errors in 12 most reliable symbols call graycode65(mr2sym,63,-1) !Remove gray code and interleaving call interleave63(mr2sym,-1) !from second-most-reliable symbols call interleave63(mr2prob,-1) nsec1=nsec1+1 dat4=0 write(22,rec=1) nsec1,xlambda,maxe,200,mrsym,mrprob,mr2sym,mr2prob write(22,rec=2) -1,-1,dat4 call flush(22) call timer('kvasd ',0) #ifdef WIN32 iret=system('""'//trim(exe_dir)//'/kvasd" "'//trim(temp_dir)//'/kvasd.dat" >"'//trim(temp_dir)//'/dev_null""') #else iret=system('"'//trim(exe_dir)//'/kvasd" "'//trim(temp_dir)//'/kvasd.dat" >/dev/null') #endif call timer('kvasd ',1) if( then if(.not.nokv) write(*,1000) iret 1000 format('Error in KV decoder, or no KV decoder present.',i12) ! nokv=.true. go to 900 endif read(22,rec=2,err=900) nsec2,ncount,dat4 j=nsec2 !Silence compiler warning decoded=' ' ltext=.false. if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message if(index(decoded,'...... ').gt.0) then ncount=-1 go to 900 endif if(iand(dat4(10),8).ne.0) ltext=.true. nbmkv=2 endif 900 continue return end subroutine extract