[section:nc_f_dist Noncentral F Distribution] ``#include `` namespace boost{ namespace math{ template class non_central_f_distribution; typedef non_central_f_distribution<> non_central_f; template class non_central_f_distribution { public: typedef RealType value_type; typedef Policy policy_type; // Constructor: non_central_f_distribution(RealType v1, RealType v2, RealType lambda); // Accessor to degrees_of_freedom parameters v1 & v2: RealType degrees_of_freedom1()const; RealType degrees_of_freedom2()const; // Accessor to non-centrality parameter lambda: RealType non_centrality()const; }; }} // namespaces The noncentral F distribution is a generalization of the __F_distrib. It is defined as the ratio F = (X/v1) / (Y/v2) where X is a noncentral [chi][super 2] random variable with /v1/ degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter [lambda], and Y is a central [chi][super 2] random variable with /v2/ degrees of freedom. This gives the following PDF: [equation nc_f_ref1] where L[sub a][super b](c) is a generalised Laguerre polynomial and B(a,b) is the __beta function, or [equation nc_f_ref2] The following graph illustrates how the distribution changes for different values of [lambda]: [graph nc_f_pdf] [h4 Member Functions] non_central_f_distribution(RealType v1, RealType v2, RealType lambda); Constructs a non-central beta distribution with parameters /v1/ and /v2/ and non-centrality parameter /lambda/. Requires v1 > 0, v2 > 0 and lambda >= 0, otherwise calls __domain_error. RealType degrees_of_freedom1()const; Returns the parameter /v1/ from which this object was constructed. RealType degrees_of_freedom2()const; Returns the parameter /v2/ from which this object was constructed. RealType non_centrality()const; Returns the non-centrality parameter /lambda/ from which this object was constructed. [h4 Non-member Accessors] All the [link math_toolkit.dist_ref.nmp usual non-member accessor functions] that are generic to all distributions are supported: __usual_accessors. The domain of the random variable is \[0, +[infin]\]. [h4 Accuracy] This distribution is implemented in terms of the __non_central_beta_distrib: refer to that distribution for accuracy data. [h4 Tests] Since this distribution is implemented by adapting another distribution, the tests consist of basic sanity checks computed by the [@http://www.r-project.org/ R-2.5.1 Math library statistical package] and its pbeta and dbeta functions. [h4 Implementation] In the following table /v1/ and /v2/ are the first and second degrees of freedom parameters of the distribution, [lambda] is the non-centrality parameter, /x/ is the random variate, /p/ is the probability, and /q = 1-p/. [table [[Function][Implementation Notes]] [[pdf][Implemented in terms of the non-central beta PDF using the relation: f(x;v1,v2;[lambda]) = (v1\/v2) / ((1+y)*(1+y)) * g(y\/(1+y);v1\/2,v2\/2;[lambda]) where g(x; a, b; [lambda]) is the non central beta PDF, and: y = x * v1 \/ v2 ]] [[cdf][Using the relation: p = B[sub y](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) where B[sub x](a, b; [lambda]) is the noncentral beta distribution CDF and y = x * v1 \/ v2 ]] [[cdf complement][Using the relation: q = 1 - B[sub y](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) where 1 - B[sub x](a, b; [lambda]) is the complement of the noncentral beta distribution CDF and y = x * v1 \/ v2 ]] [[quantile][Using the relation: x = (bx \/ (1-bx)) * (v1 \/ v2) where bx = Q[sub p][super -1](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) and Q[sub p][super -1](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) is the noncentral beta quantile. ]] [[quantile from the complement][ Using the relation: x = (bx \/ (1-bx)) * (v1 \/ v2) where bx = QC[sub q][super -1](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) and QC[sub q][super -1](v1\/2, v2\/2; [lambda]) is the noncentral beta quantile from the complement.]] [[mean][v2 * (v1 + l) \/ (v1 * (v2 - 2))]] [[mode][By numeric maximalisation of the PDF.]] [[variance][Refer to, [@http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NoncentralF-Distribution.html Weisstein, Eric W. "Noncentral F-Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.] ]] [[skewness][Refer to, [@http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NoncentralF-Distribution.html Weisstein, Eric W. "Noncentral F-Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.], and to the [@http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/NoncentralFRatioDistribution.html Mathematica documentation] ]] [[kurtosis and kurtosis excess] [Refer to, [@http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NoncentralF-Distribution.html Weisstein, Eric W. "Noncentral F-Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.], and to the [@http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/NoncentralFRatioDistribution.html Mathematica documentation] ]] ] Some analytic properties of noncentral distributions (particularly unimodality, and monotonicity of their modes) are surveyed and summarized by: Andrea van Aubel & Wolfgang Gawronski, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 141 (2003) 3-12. [endsect] [/section:nc_f_dist] [/ nc_f.qbk Copyright 2008 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). ]