subroutine genq65(msg0,ichk,msgsent,itone,i3,n3) ! Encodes a Q65 message to yield itone(1:85) use packjt77 character*37 msg0 !Message to be generated character*37 msgsent !Message as it will be received character*77 c77 logical unpk77_success integer itone(85) !QRA64 uses only 84 integer dgen(13) integer sent(63) integer isync(22) data isync/1,9,12,13,15,22,23,26,27,33,35,38,46,50,55,60,62,66,69,74,76,85/ save if(msg0(1:1).eq.'@') then read(msg0(2:5),*,end=1,err=1) nfreq go to 2 1 nfreq=1000 2 itone(1)=nfreq write(msgsent,1000) nfreq 1000 format(i5,' Hz') goto 999 endif i3=-1 n3=-1 call pack77(msg0,i3,n3,c77) call unpack77(c77,0,msgsent,unpk77_success) !Unpack to get msgsent read(c77,1001) dgen 1001 format(12b6.6,b5.5) if(ichk.eq.1) go to 999 !Return if checking only call q65_enc(dgen,sent) !Encode message, dgen(1:13) ==> sent(1:63) j=1 k=0 do i=1,85 if(i.eq.isync(j)) then j=j+1 !Index for next sync symbol itone(i)=0 !Insert sync symbol at tone 0 else k=k+1 itone(i)=sent(k) + 1 !Q65 symbol=0 is transmitted at tone 1, etc. endif enddo 999 return end subroutine genq65