subroutine q65_avg(nutc,ntrperiod,mode_q65,LL,nfqso,ntol,lclearave, & baud,nsubmode,ibwa,ibwb,codewords,ncw,xdt,f0,snr1,s3) ! Accumulate Q65 spectra s3(LL,63) and associated parameters for ! message averaging. use q65 use packjt77 parameter (PLOG_MIN=-240.0) !List decoding threshold character*37 avemsg character*1 csync,cused(MAXAVE) character*6 cutc character*77 c77 real s3(-64:LL-65,63) !Symbol spectra real s3prob(0:63,63) !Symbol-value probabilities integer iused(MAXAVE) integer dat4(13) integer codewords(63,206) logical first,lclearave,unpk77_success data first/.true./ save if(first .or. .or.lclearave) then iutc=-1 iseq=-1 f0save=0.0 dtdiff=0.2 nsave=0 LL0=LL first=.false. if(allocated(s3save)) deallocate(s3save) if(allocated(s3avg)) deallocate(s3avg) allocate(s3save(-64:LL-65,63,MAXAVE)) allocate(s3avg(-64:LL-65,63)) s3save=0. s3avg=0. endif if(ntrperiod.eq.15) then dtdiff=0.038 else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then dtdiff=0.08 else if(ntrperiod.eq.60) then dtdiff=0.16 else if(ntrperiod.eq.120) then dtdiff=0.4 else if(ntrperiod.eq.300) then dtdiff=0.9 endif do i=1,MAXAVE !Don't save info more than once for same UTC and freq if(nutc.eq.iutc(i) .and. abs(nfreq-f0save(i)).le.ntol) go to 10 enddo ! Save data for message averaging nsave=nsave+1 n=nutc if( n=100*n write(cutc,'(i6.6)') n read(cutc,'(3i2)') ih,im,is nsec=3600*ih + 60*im + is iseq(nsave)=mod(nsec/ntrperiod,2) !T/R sequence: 0 (even) or 1 (odd) iutc(nsave)=nutc !UTC, hhmm or hhmmss snr1save(nsave)=snr1 !SNR from sync xdtsave(nsave)=xdt !DT f0save(nsave)=f0 !f0 s3save(:,:,nsave)=s3(:,:) !Symbol spectra 10 continue !10 if( go to 900 snr1sum=0. xdtsum=0. fsum=0. nsum=0 s3avg=0. ! Find previously saved spectra that should be averaged with this one do i=1,MAXAVE cused(i)='.' !Flag for "not used" if(iutc(i).lt.0) cycle if(iseq(i).ne.iseq(nsave)) cycle !Sequence must match ! write(*,3000) i,iseq(i),nutc,iutc(i),xdt-xdtsave(i),f0-f0save(i) !3000 format(2i2,2i5,2f7.2) if(abs(xdt-xdtsave(i)).gt.dtdiff) cycle !DT must be close if(abs(f0-f0save(i)).gt.float(ntol)) cycle !Freq must match ! write(*,3001) 'a',i,nsave,iseq(i),snr1,xdt,f0 !3001 format(a1,3i4,3f8.2) cused(i)='$' !Flag for "use this one" s3avg=s3avg + s3save(:,:,i) !Add this spectrum snr1sum=snr1sum + snr1save(i) xdtsum=xdtsum + xdtsave(i) fsum=fsum + f0save(i) nsum=nsum+1 iused(nsum)=i enddo if( iused(nsum+1)=0 ! Find averages of snr1, xdt, and f0 used in this decoding attempt. snr1ave=0. xdtave=0. fave=0. if( then snr1ave=snr1sum/nsum xdtave=xdtsum/nsum fave=fsum/nsum endif ! Write parameters for display to User in the Message Averaging window. do i=1,nsave if(ntrperiod.le.30) write(14,1000) cused(i),iutc(i),snr1save(i), & xdtsave(i),f0save(i) 1000 format(a1,i7.6,f6.1,f6.2,f7.1) if( write(14,1001) cused(i),iutc(i),snr1save(i), & xdtsave(i),f0save(i) 1001 format(a1,i5.4,f6.1,f6.2,f7.1) enddo ! if( go to 900 !Must have at least 2 ! Find rms scatter of DT and f0 values sqt=0. sqf=0. do j=1,MAXAVE i=iused(j) if(i.eq.0) exit csync='*' sqt=sqt + (xdtsave(i)-dtave)**2 sqf=sqf + (f0save(i)-fave)**2 enddo rmst=0. rmsf=0. if( then rmst=sqrt(sqt/(nsum-1)) rmsf=sqrt(sqf/(nsum-1)) endif s3avg=s3avg/nsum nFadingModel=1 do ibw=ibwa,ibwb b90=1.72**ibw call q65_intrinsics_ff(s3avg,nsubmode,b90/baud,nFadingModel,s3prob) call q65_dec_fullaplist(s3avg,s3prob,codewords,ncw,esnodb,dat4,plog,irc) if( .and. then snr2=esnodb - db(2500.0/baud) + 3.0 !Empirical adjustment id1=1 !### write(c77,3050) dat4(1:12),dat4(13)/2 3050 format(12b6.6,b5.5) call unpack77(c77,0,avemsg,unpk77_success) !Unpack to get msgsent open(55,file='fort.55',status='unknown',position='append') write(55,3055) nutc,ibw,xdt,f0,85.0*base,ccfmax,snr2,plog, & irc,trim(avemsg) 3055 format(i6,i3,6f8.2,i5,2x,a) close(55) print*,'F ',avemsg exit endif enddo APmask=0 APsymbols=0 read(41) LNZ,s3avg do ibw=ibwa,ibwb b90=1.72**ibw call q65_intrinsics_ff(s3avg,nsubmode,b90/baud,nFadingModel,s3prob) call q65_dec(s3avg,s3prob,APmask,APsymbols,esnodb,dat4,irc) print*,'G',ibw,irc,sum(s3avg) if( then id2=iaptype+2 exit endif enddo ! ibw (b90 loop) 900 return end subroutine q65_avg