program msk144code ! Provides examples of message packing, bit and symbol ordering, ! LDPC encoding, and other necessary details of the MSK144 protocol. use packjt character msg*22,msgsent*22,decoded,bad*1,msgtype*13,mygrid*6 integer*4 i4tone(144) logical*1 bcontest include 'testmsg.f90' data mygrid/'FN20qi'/ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: msk144code "message"' print*,' msk144code -t' print*,' ' print*,'Examples:' print*,' msk144code "KA1ABC WB9XYZ EN37"' print*,' msk144code " R-03"' go to 999 endif bcontest=.false. call getarg(1,msg) nmsg=1 if(msg(1:2).eq."-t") then testmsg(NTEST+1)=" -03" testmsg(NTEST+2)=" R+03" testmsg(NTEST+3)=" RRR" testmsg(NTEST+4)=" 73" nmsg=NTEST+4 endif write(*,1010) 1010 format(" Message Decoded Err? Type"/ & 74("-")) do imsg=1,nmsg if( msg=testmsg(imsg) call fmtmsg(msg,iz) !To upper case, collapse multiple blanks ichk=0 call genmsk144(msg,mygrid,ichk,bcontest,msgsent,i4tone,itype) msgtype="" if(itype.eq.1) msgtype="Std Msg" if(itype.eq.2) msgtype="Type 1 prefix" if(itype.eq.3) msgtype="Type 1 suffix" if(itype.eq.4) msgtype="Type 2 prefix" if(itype.eq.5) msgtype="Type 2 suffix" if(itype.eq.6) msgtype="Free text" if(itype.eq.7) msgtype="Hashed callsigns" bad=" " if( bad="*" write(*,1020) imsg,msg,msgsent,bad,itype,msgtype 1020 format(i2,'.',2x,a22,2x,a22,3x,a1,i3,": ",a13) enddo if(nmsg.eq.1) then n=144 if(msg(1:1).eq."<") n=40 write(*,1030) i4tone(1:n) 1030 format(/'Channel symbols:'/(72i1)) endif 999 end program msk144code