subroutine genmsk_short(msg,msgsent,ichk,itone,itype) use hashing character*22 msg,msgsent character*3 crpt,rpt(0:7) logical first integer itone(35) integer ig24(0:4096-1) !Codewords for Golay (24,12) code integer b11(11) data b11/1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0/ !Barker 11 code data rpt /'26 ','27 ','28 ','R26','R27','R28','RRR','73 '/ data first/.true./ save first,ig24 if(first) then call golay24_table(ig24) !Define the Golay(24,12) codewords first=.false. endif itype=-1 msgsent='*** bad message ***' itone=0 i1=index(msg,'>') if( go to 900 call fmtmsg(msg,iz) crpt=msg(i1+2:i1+5) do i=0,7 if(crpt.eq.rpt(i)) go to 10 enddo go to 900 10 irpt=i !Report index, 0-7 if( then call hash(msg(2:i1-1),i1-2,ihash) ihash=iand(ihash,511) !9-bit hash for the two callsigns ig=8*ihash + irpt !12-bit message information else ig=ichk-10000 endif ncodeword=ig24(ig) itone(1:11)=b11 !Insert the Barker-11 code n=2**24 do i=12,35 !Insert codeword into itone array n=n/2 itone(i)=0 if(iand(ncodeword,n).ne.0) itone(i)=1 enddo msgsent=msg itype=7 n=count(itone(1:35).eq.0) if(mod(n,2).ne.0) stop 'Parity error in genmsk_short.' 900 return end subroutine genmsk_short