subroutine jtmsk_short(cdat,npts,msg,decoded) parameter (NMAX=15*12000,NSAVE=100) character*22 msg,decoded,msgsent character*3 rpt(0:7) complex cdat(0:npts-1) complex cw(0:209,0:4096) !Waveforms of possible messages complex cb11(0:65) !Complex waveform of Barker 11 complex z1,z2a,z2b real*8 dt,twopi,freq,phi,dphi0,dphi1,dphi real r1(0:NMAX-1) real r2(0:4096) real r1save(NSAVE) ! integer*8 count0,count1,clkfreq integer itone(234) !Message bits integer jgood(NSAVE) integer indx(NSAVE) logical first data rpt /'26 ','27 ','28 ','R26','R27','R28','RRR','73 '/ data first/.true./ save first,cw,cb11 if(first) then dt=1.d0/12000.d0 twopi=8.d0*atan(1.d0) freq=1500.d0 dphi0=twopi*(freq-500.d0)*dt !Phase increment, lower tone dphi1=twopi*(freq+500.d0)*dt !Phase increment, upper tone nsym=35 !Number of symbols nspm=6*nsym !Samples per message do imsg=0,4096 !Generate all possible message waveforms ichk=0 if( ichk=10000+imsg call genmsk(msg,ichk,msgsent,itone,itype) !Encode the message k=-1 phi=0.d0 do j=1,nsym dphi=dphi0 if(itone(j).eq.1) dphi=dphi1 do i=1,6 k=k+1 phi=phi + dphi if( phi=phi-twopi xphi=phi cw(k,imsg)=cmplx(cos(xphi),sin(xphi)) enddo enddo enddo cb11=cw(0:65,0) first=.false. endif ! r1thresh=0.40 r1thresh=0.80 r2thresh=0.50 rmax=0.9 ngood=0 nbad=0 maxdecodes=999 ! call system_clock(count0,clkfreq) r1max=0. do j=0,npts-210 !Find the B11 sync vectors z1=0. ss=0. do i=0,65 ss=ss + real(cdat(j+i))**2 + aimag(cdat(j+i))**2 z1=z1 + cdat(j+i)*conjg(cb11(i)) !Signal matching B11 enddo ss=sqrt(ss/66.0)*66.0 r1(j)=abs(z1)/(0.908*ss) !Goodness-of-fit to B11 if(r1(j).gt.r1max) then r1max=r1(j) jpk=j endif enddo k=0 do j=1,npts-211 if(r1(j).gt.r1thresh .and. r1(j).ge.r1(j-1) .and. r1(j).ge.r1(j+1) ) then k=k+1 jgood(k)=j r1save(k)=r1(j) if( exit endif enddo kmax=k call indexx(r1save,kmax,indx) r2bad=0. do kk=1,kmax k=indx(kmax+1-kk) j=jgood(k) if( .or. cycle u1=0. u2=0. r2max=0. ibest=-1 do imsg=0,4096 ssa=0. ssb=0. do i=0,209 ssa=ssa + real(cdat(j+i))**2 + aimag(cdat(j+i))**2 ssb=ssb + real(cdat(j+i-144))**2 + aimag(cdat(j+i-144))**2 enddo z2a=dot_product(cw(0:209,imsg),cdat(j:j+209)) z2b=dot_product(cw(0:65,imsg),cdat(j:j+65)) + & dot_product(cw(66:209,imsg),cdat(j-144:j-1)) ssa=sqrt(ssa/210.0)*210.0 ssb=sqrt(ssb/210.0)*210.0 r2(imsg)=max(abs(z2a)/(0.908*ssa),abs(z2b)/(0.908*ssb)) if(r2(imsg).gt.r2max) then r2max=r2(imsg) ibest=imsg u2=u1 u1=r2max endif enddo r1or2=r1(j)/r2max if( .and. u2/ .and. then t=j/12000.0 n=0 irpt=iand(ibest,7) decoded="<...> "//rpt(irpt) if(r2max.eq.r2(4096)) then n=1 decoded=msg(1:14)//rpt(irpt) endif go to 900 ! if(n.eq.0) nbad=nbad+1 ! if(n.eq.1) ngood=ngood+1 ! if(n.eq.0 .and. r2bad=r2max ! write(52,3020) k,t,ibest,r1(j),r2max,u2/u1,r1or2,n,decoded !3020 format(i3,f9.4,i5,4f7.2,i2,1x,a22) ! if( exit endif enddo ! print "('Worst false decode:',f6.3)",r2bad ! print "('Good:',i3,' Bad:',i3)",ngood,nbad 900 return end subroutine jtmsk_short