# gnuplot script for "Percent copy" figure # run: gnuplot fig_psuccess.gnuplot # then: pdflatex fig_psuccess.tex # set term epslatex standalone size 6in,4in set output "fig_psuccess.tex" set xlabel "SNR in 2500 Hz Bandwidth (dB)" set ylabel "Percent copy" set style func linespoints set key off set tics in set mxtics 2 set mytics 2 set grid plot [-30:-18] [0:105] \ "stats_0.0" using 1:($3)/10.0 with linespoints lt 4 pt 1, \ "stats_0.0" using 1:($4)/10.0 with linespoints lt 2 lw 2 pt 2, \ "stats_0.0" using 1:($5)/10.0 with linespoints lt 1 lw 2 pt 3, \ "stats_0.0" using 1:($6)/10.0 with linespoints lt 3 lw 2 pt 4, \ "stats_0.2" using 1:($4)/10.0 with linespoints lt 2 pt 2, \ "stats_0.2" using 1:($5)/10.0 with linespoints lt 1 pt 3, \ "stats_0.2" using 1:($6)/10.0 with linespoints lt 3 pt 4, \ "stats_1.0" using 1:($4)/10.0 with linespoints lt 2 pt 2, \ "stats_1.0" using 1:($5)/10.0 with linespoints lt 1 pt 3, \ "stats_1.0" using 1:($6)/10.0 with linespoints lt 3 pt 4, \ "psuccess.lab" with labels