program JTMSKfer ! Measure the frame error rate (fer) of the rate 1/2, K=13 conv. code with ! coherent BPSK, Viterbi decoding, perfect sync. The results are to be ! compared with LDPC fer's produced by the routines in the ldpc sandbox folder. ! These coherent BPSK results will not correspond to JTMSK. use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc,c_size_t use hashing use packjt character msg*22,decoded*22 integer*4 i4tone(234) !Channel symbols (values 0-1) integer*1 e1(201) integer*4 r1(201) real rd(201), tmp integer*1, target :: d8(13) integer mettab(0:255,0:1) !Metric table for BPSK modulation integer*1 i1hash(4) integer*4 i4Msg6BitWords(12) !72-bit message as 6-bit words character*72 c72 real xp(29) equivalence (ihash,i1hash) data xp/0.500000, 0.401241, 0.309897, 0.231832, 0.168095, & 0.119704, 0.083523, 0.057387, 0.039215, 0.026890, & 0.018084, 0.012184, 0.008196, 0.005475, 0.003808, & 0.002481, 0.001710, 0.001052, 0.000789, 0.000469, & 0.000329, 0.000225, 0.000187, 0.000086, 0.000063, & 0.000017, 0.000091, 0.000032, 0.000045/ nmsg=1 ! Get the metric table bias=0.0 scale=20.0 xln2=log(2.0) mettab=0 do i=128,156 x0=log(max(0.001,2.0*xp(i-127)))/xln2 x1=log(max(0.001,2.0*(1-xp(i-127))))/xln2 mettab(i,0)=nint(scale*(x0-bias)) mettab(i,1)=nint(scale*(x1-bias)) mettab(256-i,0)=mettab(i,1) mettab(256-i,1)=mettab(i,0) enddo do i=157,255 mettab(i,0)=mettab(156,0) mettab(i,1)=mettab(156,1) mettab(256-i,0)=mettab(i,1) mettab(256-i,1)=mettab(i,0) enddo rdscale=2.0 ntrials=1000000 rate=72.0/198.0 msg="123" call fmtmsg(msg,iz) !To upper case, collapse multiple blanks ichk=0 call genmsk(msg,ichk,decoded,i4tone,itype) !Encode message into tone #s ! Extract the data symbols, skipping over sync and parity bits n1=35 n2=69 n3=94 r1(1:n1)=i4tone(11+1:11+n1) r1(n1+1:n1+n2)=i4tone(23+n1+1:23+n1+n2) r1(n1+n2+1:n1+n2+n3)=i4tone(35+n1+n2+1:35+n1+n2+n3) ! call sgran() do idb=6,11 db=idb/2.0-0.5 ! Eb/N0=1/(2*R*sigma^2), so sigma= sqrt( 1/(2*R*Eb/N0) ) sigma=1/sqrt( 2*rate*(10**(db/10.0)) ) ngood=0 ! decoded = msg ngoodhash=0 ! will include undetected errors plus actual good ones do itrial=1,ntrials do i=1,n1+n2+n3 tmp=( 2.0 * ( r1(i)-0.5 ) + sigma*gran() )*rdscale if( tmp .lt. 0 ) then rd(i)=min(127.0,-tmp) elseif( tmp .gt.0 ) then rd(i)=max(-tmp,-127.0) endif enddo j=0 do i=1,99 j=j+1 e1(j)=rd(i) j=j+1 e1(j)=rd(i+99) enddo nb1=87 call vit213(e1,nb1,mettab,d8,metric) igoodhash=0 ihash=nhash(c_loc(d8),int(9,c_size_t),146) ihash=2*iand(ihash,32767) decoded=" " if(d8(10).eq.i1hash(2) .and. d8(11).eq.i1hash(1)) then igoodhash=1 write(c72,1012) d8(1:9) 1012 format(9b8.8) read(c72,1014) i4Msg6BitWords 1014 format(12b6.6) call unpackmsg(i4Msg6BitWords,decoded) !Unpack to get msgsent endif if( igoodhash .eq. 1) ngoodhash=ngoodhash+1 if( decoded .eq. msg ) ngood=ngood+1 enddo write(*,1023) db,sigma,ntrials,ngood,ngoodhash-ngood 1023 format("db:",f6.2," sigma:",f6.2," ntot:",i8," good:",i8," undet:",i8) enddo end program JTMSKfer