#include "StationList.hpp" #include <utility> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <QMetaType> #include <QAbstractTableModel> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QVector> #include <QStringList> #include <QMimeData> #include <QDataStream> #include <QByteArray> #include <QDebug> #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" #include "Bands.hpp" namespace { struct init { init () { qRegisterMetaType<StationList::Station> ("Station"); qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<StationList::Station> ("Station"); qRegisterMetaType<StationList::Stations> ("Stations"); qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<StationList::Stations> ("Stations"); } } static_initializer; } #if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM) QDebug operator << (QDebug debug, StationList::Station const& station) { debug.nospace () << "Station(" << station.band_name_ << ", " << station.offset_ << ", " << station.antenna_description_ << ')'; return debug.space (); } #endif QDataStream& operator << (QDataStream& os, StationList::Station const& station) { return os << station.band_name_ << station.offset_ << station.antenna_description_; } QDataStream& operator >> (QDataStream& is, StationList::Station& station) { return is >> station.band_name_ >> station.offset_ >> station.antenna_description_; } class StationList::impl final : public QAbstractTableModel { public: impl (Bands const * bands, Stations stations, QObject * parent) : QAbstractTableModel {parent} , bands_ {bands} , stations_ {stations} { } Stations const& stations () const {return stations_;} void assign (Stations); QModelIndex add (Station); FrequencyDelta offset (Frequency) const; protected: // Implement the QAbstractTableModel interface. int rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override; int columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override; Qt::ItemFlags flags (QModelIndex const& = QModelIndex {}) const override; QVariant data (QModelIndex const&, int role) const override; QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation, int = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; bool setData (QModelIndex const&, QVariant const& value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override; bool removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override; bool insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override; Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const override; QStringList mimeTypes () const override; QMimeData * mimeData (QModelIndexList const&) const override; bool dropMimeData (QMimeData const *, Qt::DropAction, int row, int column, QModelIndex const& parent) override; private: // Helper method for band validation. QModelIndex first_matching_band (QString const& band_name) const { // find first exact match in bands auto matches = bands_->match (bands_->index (0, 0) , Qt::DisplayRole , band_name , 1 , Qt::MatchExactly); return matches.isEmpty () ? QModelIndex {} : matches.first (); } static int constexpr num_columns {3}; static auto constexpr mime_type = "application/wsjt.antenna-descriptions"; Bands const * bands_; Stations stations_; }; StationList::StationList (Bands const * bands, QObject * parent) : StationList {bands, {}, parent} { } StationList::StationList (Bands const * bands, Stations stations, QObject * parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel {parent} , m_ {bands, stations, parent} { // setDynamicSortFilter (true); setSourceModel (&*m_); setSortRole (SortRole); } StationList::~StationList () { } StationList& StationList::operator = (Stations stations) { m_->assign (stations); return *this; } auto StationList::stations () const -> Stations { return m_->stations (); } QModelIndex StationList::add (Station s) { return mapFromSource (m_->add (s)); } bool StationList::remove (Station s) { auto row = m_->stations ().indexOf (s); if (0 > row) { return false; } return removeRow (row); } namespace { bool row_is_higher (QModelIndex const& lhs, QModelIndex const& rhs) { return lhs.row () > rhs.row (); } } bool StationList::removeDisjointRows (QModelIndexList rows) { bool result {true}; // We must work with source model indexes because we don't want row // removes to invalidate model indexes we haven't yet processed. We // achieve that by processing them in decending row order. for (int r = 0; r < rows.size (); ++r) { rows[r] = mapToSource (rows[r]); } // reverse sort by row qSort (rows.begin (), rows.end (), row_is_higher); Q_FOREACH (auto index, rows) { if (result && !m_->removeRow (index.row ())) { result = false; } } return result; } auto StationList::offset (Frequency f) const -> FrequencyDelta { return m_->offset (f); } void StationList::impl::assign (Stations stations) { beginResetModel (); std::swap (stations_, stations); endResetModel (); } QModelIndex StationList::impl::add (Station s) { // Any band that isn't in the list may be added if (!stations_.contains (s)) { auto row = stations_.size (); beginInsertRows (QModelIndex {}, row, row); stations_.append (s); endInsertRows (); return index (row, 0); } return QModelIndex {}; } auto StationList::impl::offset (Frequency f) const -> FrequencyDelta { // Lookup band for frequency auto band_index = bands_->find (f); if (band_index.isValid ()) { auto band_name = band_index.data ().toString (); // Lookup station for band for (int i = 0; i < stations ().size (); ++i) { if (stations_[i].band_name_ == band_name) { return stations_[i].offset_; } } } return 0; // no offset } int StationList::impl::rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const { return parent.isValid () ? 0 : stations_.size (); } int StationList::impl::columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const { return parent.isValid () ? 0 : num_columns; } Qt::ItemFlags StationList::impl::flags (QModelIndex const& index) const { auto result = QAbstractTableModel::flags (index); auto row = index.row (); auto column = index.column (); if (index.isValid () && row < stations_.size () && column < num_columns) { if (2 == column) { result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; } else { result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; } } else { result |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; } return result; } QVariant StationList::impl::data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const { QVariant item; auto row = index.row (); auto column = index.column (); if (index.isValid () && row < stations_.size ()) { switch (column) { case 0: // band name switch (role) { case SortRole: { // Lookup band. auto band_index = first_matching_band (stations_.at (row).band_name_); // Use the sort role value of the band. item = band_index.data (Bands::SortRole); } break; case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: case Qt::AccessibleTextRole: item = stations_.at (row).band_name_; break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole: item = tr ("Band name"); break; case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: item = Qt::AlignHCenter + Qt::AlignVCenter; break; } break; case 1: // frequency offset { auto frequency_offset = stations_.at (row).offset_; switch (role) { case Qt::AccessibleTextRole: item = frequency_offset; break; case SortRole: case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: item = frequency_offset; break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole: item = tr ("Frequency offset"); break; case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter; break; } } break; case 2: // antenna description switch (role) { case SortRole: case Qt::EditRole: case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::AccessibleTextRole: item = stations_.at (row).antenna_description_; break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole: item = tr ("Antenna description"); break; case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: item = Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignVCenter; break; } break; } } return item; } QVariant StationList::impl::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { QVariant header; if (Qt::DisplayRole == role && Qt::Horizontal == orientation) { switch (section) { case 0: header = tr ("Band"); break; case 1: header = tr ("Offset"); break; case 2: header = tr ("Antenna Description"); break; } } else { header = QAbstractTableModel::headerData (section, orientation, role); } return header; } bool StationList::impl::setData (QModelIndex const& model_index, QVariant const& value, int role) { bool changed {false}; auto row = model_index.row (); auto size = stations_.size (); if (model_index.isValid () && Qt::EditRole == role && row < size) { QVector<int> roles; roles << role; switch (model_index.column ()) { case 0: { // Check if band name is valid. auto band_index = first_matching_band (value.toString ()); if (band_index.isValid ()) { stations_[row].band_name_ = band_index.data ().toString (); Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, model_index, roles); changed = true; } } break; case 1: { stations_[row].offset_ = value.value<FrequencyDelta> (); Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, model_index, roles); changed = true; } break; case 2: stations_[row].antenna_description_ = value.toString (); Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, model_index, roles); changed = true; break; } } return changed; } bool StationList::impl::removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent) { if (0 < count && (row + count) <= rowCount (parent)) { beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row + count - 1); for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r) { stations_.removeAt (row); } endRemoveRows (); return true; } return false; } bool StationList::impl::insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent) { if (0 < count) { beginInsertRows (parent, row, row + count - 1); for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r) { stations_.insert (row, Station ()); } endInsertRows (); return true; } return false; } Qt::DropActions StationList::impl::supportedDropActions () const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } QStringList StationList::impl::mimeTypes () const { QStringList types; types << mime_type; types << "application/wsjt.Frequencies"; return types; } QMimeData * StationList::impl::mimeData (QModelIndexList const& items) const { QMimeData * mime_data = new QMimeData {}; QByteArray encoded_data; QDataStream stream {&encoded_data, QIODevice::WriteOnly}; Q_FOREACH (auto const& item, items) { if (item.isValid ()) { stream << QString {data (item, Qt::DisplayRole).toString ()}; } } mime_data->setData (mime_type, encoded_data); return mime_data; } bool StationList::impl::dropMimeData (QMimeData const * data, Qt::DropAction action, int /* row */, int /* column */, QModelIndex const& parent) { if (Qt::IgnoreAction == action) { return true; } if (parent.isValid () && 2 == parent.column () && data->hasFormat (mime_type)) { QByteArray encoded_data {data->data (mime_type)}; QDataStream stream {&encoded_data, QIODevice::ReadOnly}; auto dest_index = parent; while (!stream.atEnd ()) { QString text; stream >> text; setData (dest_index, text); dest_index = index (dest_index.row () + 1, dest_index.column (), QModelIndex {}); } return true; } else if (data->hasFormat ("application/wsjt.Frequencies")) { QByteArray encoded_data {data->data ("application/wsjt.Frequencies")}; QDataStream stream {&encoded_data, QIODevice::ReadOnly}; while (!stream.atEnd ()) { QString frequency_string; stream >> frequency_string; auto frequency = Radio::frequency (frequency_string, 0); auto band_index = bands_->find (frequency); if (stations_.cend () == std::find_if (stations_.cbegin () , stations_.cend () , [&band_index] (Station const& s) {return s.band_name_ == band_index.data ().toString ();})) { add (Station {band_index.data ().toString (), 0, QString {}}); } } return true; } return false; }