# # See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/libs/log/doc/html/log/detailed/utilities.html#log.detailed.utilities.setup.filter_formatter # # Many of the property values have to be in quotes, best to just use quotes for all of them. # # SYSLOG is the System Log File for logging standard 'debug' type info. # DATALOG is the Data log File for logging modification to business data. # [Core] # Set DisableLogging to true to disable all logging. DisableLogging="false" # SYSLOG - system log [Sinks.SYSLOG] Destination="TextFile" # If Asynchronous true then thread dedicated to writing to log, otherwise blocks main thread to write. Asynchronous="true" # If AutoFlush is true then non-buffered output AutoFlush="true" # Line Formats available: TimeStamp, Uptime, Severity, LineID (counter), ProcessID, ThreadID, Line, File, Function # TimeStamp and Uptime support boost date time format: # http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html#date_time.format_flags Format="[%TimeStamp(format=\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Uptime(format=\"%O:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Severity%] %File%(%Line%) %Function%: %Message%" # Target directory in which rotated files will be stored. Target="${AppLocalDataLocation}/old_logs" # FileName pattern to use. %N is a counter for files. FileName="${AppLocalDataLocation}/wsjtx_syslog.log" TargetFileName="wsjtx_syslog_%5N.log" # RotationSize in bytes, File size, in bytes, upon which file rotation will be performed. # Time based rotation also available via RotationInterval and RotationTimePoint see boost log docs. RotationSize="1048576" # If Append is true then do not start a new log file for each session Append="false" # EnableFinalRotation will rotate on close, make this false if using Append true EnableFinalRotation="true" # Matching used so that only files matching FileName pattern are deleted. ScanForFiles="Matching" # MaxSize - Total size of files in the target directory in bytes upon which the oldest file will be deleted. #MaxSize=100485760 # MinFreeSpace - Minimum free space in the Target directory in bytes. Above this value oldest file is deleted. #MinFreeSpace=1485760 #MaxFiles="10" # Specify level of log, options are: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal # Since Channel not part of filter all log output will be included. # If only SYSLOG logging desired, change to: Filter="%Severity% >= trace & %Channel% matches \"SYSLOG\"" Filter="%Severity% >= warning" # DATALOG - data log [Sinks.DATALOG] Destination="TextFile" # If Asynchronous true then thread dedicated to writing to log, otherwise blocks main thread to write. Asynchronous="true" # If AutoFlush is true then non-buffered output AutoFlush="false" Append="true" # Line Formats available: TimeStamp, Uptime, Severity, LineID (counter), ProcessID, ThreadID # TimeStamp and Uptime support boost date time format: # http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html#date_time.format_flags Format="[%TimeStamp(format=\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Uptime(format=\"%O:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Severity%] %Message%" # Target directory in which rotated files will be stored. Target="${AppLocalDataLocation}/old_logs" # FileName pattern to use. %N is a counter for files. FileName="${AppLocalDataLocation}/wsjtx_datalog.log" TargetFileName="wsjtx_datalog_%5N.log" # RotationSize in bytes, File size, in bytes, upon which file rotation will be performed. # Time based rotation also available via RotationInterval and RotationTimePoint see boost log docs. RotationSize="1048576" EnableFinalRotation="false" # Matching used so that only files matching FileName pattern are deleted. ScanForFiles="Matching" # MaxSize - Total size of files in the target directory in bytes upon which the oldest file will be deleted. #MaxSize=100485760 # MinFreeSpace - Minimum free space in the Target directory in bytes. Above this value oldest file is deleted. #MinFreeSpace=1485760 MaxFiles="10" # Specify level of log, options are: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal # Specify Channel otherwise all log output will be included. Filter="%Severity% >= info & %Channel% matches \"DATALOG\"" # Console log, logs both DATALOG and SYSLOG [Sinks.Console] # Remove the following lines to disable console logging Destination="Console" # If AutoFlush is true then non-buffered output AutoFlush="true" # Line Formats available: TimeStamp, Uptime, Severity, LineID (counter), ProcessID, ThreadID # TimeStamp and Uptime support boost date time format: # http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html#date_time.format_flags Format="[%TimeStamp(format=\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Uptime(format=\"%O:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Severity%] - %Message%" # Specify level of log, options are: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal Filter="%Severity% >= warning"