#include "logbook.h" #include #include #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "AD1CCty.hpp" LogBook::LogBook (Configuration const * configuration) : config_ {configuration} { } void LogBook::match (QString const& call, QString const& mode, QString const& grid, AD1CCty::Record const& looked_up, bool& callB4, bool& countryB4, bool& gridB4, bool& continentB4, bool& CQZoneB4, bool& ITUZoneB4, QString const& band) const { if (call.length() > 0) { auto const& mode_to_check = (config_ && !config_->highlight_by_mode ()) ? QString {} : mode; callB4 = worked_before_.call_worked (call, mode_to_check, band); gridB4 = worked_before_.grid_worked(grid, mode_to_check, band); auto const& countryName = looked_up.entity_name; if (countryName.size ()) { countryB4 = worked_before_.country_worked (countryName, mode_to_check, band); continentB4 = worked_before_.continent_worked (looked_up.continent, mode_to_check, band); CQZoneB4 = worked_before_.CQ_zone_worked (looked_up.CQ_zone, mode_to_check, band); ITUZoneB4 = worked_before_.ITU_zone_worked (looked_up.ITU_zone, mode_to_check, band); } else { countryB4 = true; // we don't want to flag unknown entities continentB4 = true; CQZoneB4 = true; ITUZoneB4 = true; } } } bool LogBook::add (QString const& call , QString const& grid , QString const& band , QString const& mode , QByteArray const& ADIF_record) { return worked_before_.add (call, grid, band, mode, ADIF_record); } QByteArray LogBook::QSOToADIF (QString const& hisCall, QString const& hisGrid, QString const& mode, QString const& rptSent, QString const& rptRcvd, QDateTime const& dateTimeOn, QDateTime const& dateTimeOff, QString const& band, QString const& comments, QString const& name, QString const& strDialFreq, QString const& myCall, QString const& myGrid, QString const& txPower, QString const& operator_call, QString const& xSent, QString const& xRcvd) { QString t; t = "" + hisCall; t += " " + hisGrid; t += " " + mode; t += " " + rptSent; t += " " + rptRcvd; t += " " + dateTimeOn.date().toString("yyyyMMdd"); t += " " + dateTimeOn.time().toString("hhmmss"); t += " " + dateTimeOff.date().toString("yyyyMMdd"); t += " " + dateTimeOff.time().toString("hhmmss"); t += " " + band; t += " " + strDialFreq; t += " " + myCall; t += " " + myGrid; if(txPower!="") t += " " + txPower; if(comments!="") t += " " + comments; if(name!="") t += " " + name; if(operator_call!="") t+=" " + operator_call; if (xSent.size ()) { auto words = xSent.split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (words.size () > 1) { bool ok; auto sn = words.back ().toUInt (&ok); if (ok && sn) { // assume last word is a serial if there are at least // two words and if it is positive numeric t += " ' + words.back (); } } } if (xRcvd.size ()) { QString t1=""; if(xRcvd.split(" ").size()==2) t1=xRcvd.split(" ").at(1); if(t1.toInt()>0) { t += " " + t1; } else { t += " " + t1; } } return t.toLatin1(); }