subroutine s3avg(nsave,mode65,nutc,nhz,xdt,npol,ntol,s3,nsum,nkv,decoded) ! Save the current synchronized spectra, s3(64,63), for possible ! decoding of average. real s3(64,63) !Synchronized spectra for 63 symbols real s3a(64,63,64) !Saved spectra real s3b(64,63) !Average spectra integer iutc(64),ihz(64),ipol(64) real dt(64) character*22 decoded logical ltext,first data first/.true./ save if(first) then iutc=-1 ihz=0 ipol=0 first=.false. ihzdiff=min(100,ntol) dtdiff=0.2 endif do i=1,64 if(nutc.eq.iutc(i) .and. abs(nhz-ihz(i)).lt.ihzdiff) then nsave=mod(nsave-1+64,64)+1 go to 10 endif enddo iutc(nsave)=nutc !Save UTC ihz(nsave)=nhz !Save freq in Hz ipol(nsave)=npol !Save pol dt(nsave)=xdt !Save DT s3a(1:64,1:63,nsave)=s3 !Save the spectra 10 s3b=0. do i=1,64 !Accumulate avg spectra if(iutc(i).lt.0) cycle if(mod(iutc(i),2).ne.mod(nutc,2)) cycle !Use only same sequence if(abs(nhz-ihz(i)).gt.ihzdiff) cycle !Freq must match if(abs(xdt-dt(i)).gt.dtdiff) cycle !DT must match s3b=s3b + s3a(1:64,1:63,i) nsum=nsum+1 enddo decoded=' ' if( then !Try decoding the sverage nadd=mode65*nsum call extract(s3b,nadd,ncount,nhist,decoded,ltext) !Extract the message nkv=nsum if( then nkv=0 decoded=' ' endif endif return end subroutine s3avg