program test_wspr ! This program provides examples of the source encoding, convolutional ! error-control coding, bit and symbol ordering, and synchronizing ! information contained in WSPR messages. character*22 msg,msg2 character*23 msg3 character*1 err2,err3 integer*1 data0(11) logical lfile ! Get command-line argument(s) nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: test_wspr "message"' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,msg) !Get message from command line call unpk(data0,1,msg3) !Read the C hashtable lfile=msg(1:2).eq."-t" if(lfile) open(10,file="messages.txt",status="old") do imsg=1,999 if(lfile) read(10,1001,end=900) msg 1001 format(a22) data0=0 call wqencode(msg,ntype0,data0) !Source encoding ! write(*,1002) data0(1:7) !1002 format('Source-encoded message (50 bits, hex):',7z3.2) ! data0(8:11)=0 call wqdecode(data0,msg2,ntype1) ! write(*,1020) ntype1 !1020 format('Message type: ',i7) ! write(*,1030) msg2 !1030 format('Decoded message: ',a22) call unpk(data0,0,msg3) do i=1,23 if(ichar(msg3(i:i)).eq.0) then msg3(i:)=" " exit endif enddo err2=' ' err3=' ' if( err2='*' if( err3='*' write(*,1040) msg,err2,msg2,err3,msg3 1040 format(a22,1x,a1,1x,a22,1x,a1,1x,a22) if(.not.lfile) exit enddo 900 call unpk(data0,2,msg3) 999 end program test_wspr