subroutine extractmessage168(decoded,msgreceived,ncrcflag,recent_calls,nrecent) use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc,c_size_t use crc use packjt character*22 msgreceived character*12 call1,call2 character*12 recent_calls(nrecent) integer*1 decoded(84) integer*1, target:: i1Dec8BitBytes(11) integer*4 i4Dec6BitWords(12) ! Collapse 84 decoded bits to 11 bytes. Bytes 1-9 are the message, byte 10 and first half of byte 11 is the crc do ibyte=1,9 itmp=0 do ibit=1,8 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*8+ibit)) enddo i1Dec8BitBytes(ibyte)=itmp enddo ! Need to pack the crc into bytes 10 and 11 for crc12_check i1Dec8BitBytes(10)=decoded(73)*8+decoded(74)*4+decoded(75)*2+decoded(76) i1Dec8BitBytes(11)=decoded(77)*128+decoded(78)*64+decoded(79)*2*32+decoded(80)*16 i1Dec8BitBytes(11)=i1Dec8BitBytes(11)+decoded(81)*8+decoded(82)*4+decoded(83)*2+decoded(84) if( crc12_check(c_loc (i1Dec8BitBytes), 11) ) then ! CRC12 checks out --- unpack 72-bit message do ibyte=1,12 itmp=0 do ibit=1,6 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*6+ibit)) enddo i4Dec6BitWords(ibyte)=itmp enddo call unpackmsg144(i4Dec6BitWords,msgreceived,call1,call2) ncrcflag=1 if( call1(1:2) .ne. 'CQ' .and. call1(1:2) .ne. ' ' ) then call update_recent_calls(call1,recent_calls,nrecent) endif if( call2(1:2) .ne. ' ' ) then call update_recent_calls(call2,recent_calls,nrecent) endif else msgreceived=' ' ncrcflag=-1 endif return end subroutine extractmessage168