subroutine watterson(c,npts,nsig,fs,delay,fspread) ! ! npts is the total length of the simulated data vector ! nsig is the number of points that are occupied by signal ! complex c(0:npts-1) complex c2(0:npts-1) complex cs1(0:npts-1) complex cs2(0:npts-1) nonzero=0 df=fs/npts if( then do i=0,npts-1 xx=gran() yy=gran() cs1(i)=0.707*cmplx(xx,yy) xx=gran() yy=gran() cs2(i)=0.707*cmplx(xx,yy) enddo call four2a(cs1,npts,1,-1,1) !To freq domain call four2a(cs2,npts,1,-1,1) do i=0,npts-1 f=i*df if( f=(i-npts)*df x=(f/(0.5*fspread))**2 a=0. if(x.le.50.0) then a=exp(-x) endif cs1(i)=a*cs1(i) cs2(i)=a*cs2(i) if(abs(f).lt.10.0) then p1=real(cs1(i))**2 + aimag(cs1(i))**2 p2=real(cs2(i))**2 + aimag(cs2(i))**2 if( nonzero=nonzero+1 ! write(62,3101) f,p1,p2,db(p1+1.e-12)-60,db(p2+1.e-12)-60 !3101 format(f10.3,2f12.3,2f10.3) endif enddo call four2a(cs1,npts,1,1,1) !Back to time domain call four2a(cs2,npts,1,1,1) cs1(0:npts-1)=cs1(0:npts-1)/npts cs2(0:npts-1)=cs2(0:npts-1)/npts endif nshift=nint(0.001*delay*fs) c2(0:npts-1)=cshift(c(0:npts-1),nshift) sq=0. do i=0,npts-1 if( then c(i)=0.5*(cs1(i)*c(i) + cs2(i)*c2(i)) else c(i)=0.5*(c(i) + c2(i)) endif sq=sq + real(c(i))**2 + aimag(c(i))**2 ! write(61,3001) i/12000.0,c(i) !3001 format(3f12.6) enddo rms=sqrt(sq/nsig) c=c/rms return end subroutine watterson