subroutine hint65(s3,mrs,mrs2,mrsym,mr2sym,mrprob,nadd,flip, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decode,qual,decoded) use packjt use prog_args parameter (MAXCALLS=10000,MAXRPT=63) parameter (MAXMSG=2*MAXCALLS + 2 + MAXRPT) real s3(64,63) integer*1 sym1(0:62,MAXMSG) integer*1 sym2(0:62,MAXMSG) integer mrs(63),mrs2(63) integer mrsym(0:62),mr2sym(0:62),mrprob(0:62) integer dgen(12),sym(0:62),sym_rev(0:62) character*6 mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,call2(MAXCALLS) character*4 grid2(MAXCALLS),rpt(MAXRPT) character callsign*12,grid*4 character*180 line character ceme*3,msg*22 character*22 msg0(MAXMSG),decoded logical*1 eme(MAXCALLS) logical first data first/.true./ data rpt/'-01','-02','-03','-04','-05', & '-06','-07','-08','-09','-10', & '-11','-12','-13','-14','-15', & '-16','-17','-18','-19','-20', & '-21','-22','-23','-24','-25', & '-26','-27','-28','-29','-30', & 'R-01','R-02','R-03','R-04','R-05', & 'R-06','R-07','R-08','R-09','R-10', & 'R-11','R-12','R-13','R-14','R-15', & 'R-16','R-17','R-18','R-19','R-20', & 'R-21','R-22','R-23','R-24','R-25', & 'R-26','R-27','R-28','R-29','R-30', & 'RO','RRR','73'/ save first,sym1,nused,msg0,sym2 if(first) then neme=0 open(23,file=trim(data_dir)//'/CALL3.TXT',status='unknown') icall=0 j=0 do i=1,MAXCALLS read(23,1002,end=10) line 1002 format(a80) if(line(1:4).eq.'ZZZZ') cycle if(line(1:2).eq.'//') cycle i1=index(line,',') if( cycle i2=index(line(i1+1:),',') if( cycle i2=i2+i1 i3=index(line(i2+1:),',') if( i3=index(line(i2+1:),' ') i3=i2+i3 callsign=line(1:i1-1) grid=line(i1+1:i2-1) ceme=line(i2+1:i3-1) eme(i)=ceme.eq.'EME' if(neme.eq.1 .and. (.not.eme(i))) cycle j=j+1 call2(j)=callsign(1:6) !### Fix for compound callsigns! grid2(j)=grid enddo 10 ncalls=j if( stop 'CALL3.TXT very short or missing?' close(23) ! NB: generation of test messages is not yet complete! j=0 do i=-1,ncalls !### if ncalls is too small, generate random msgs ??? mz=2 if(i.eq.-1) mz=1 if(i.eq.0) mz=65 do m=1,mz j=j+1 if(i.eq.-1) then msg='0123456789ABC' else if(i.eq.0) then if(m.eq.1) msg=mycall//' '//hiscall//' '//hisgrid(1:4) if(m.eq.2) msg='CQ '//hiscall//' '//hisgrid(1:4) if( msg=mycall//' '//hiscall//' '//rpt(m-2) else if(m.eq.1) msg=mycall//' '//call2(i)//' '//grid2(i) if(m.eq.2) msg='CQ '//call2(i)//' '//grid2(i) endif call fmtmsg(msg,iz) call packmsg(msg,dgen,itype) !Pack message into 72 bits call rs_encode(dgen,sym_rev) !RS encode sym(0:62)=sym_rev(62:0:-1) sym1(0:62,j)=sym call interleave63(sym_rev,1) !Interleave channel symbols call graycode(sym_rev,63,1,sym_rev) !Apply Gray code sym2(0:62,j)=sym_rev(0:62) msg0(j)=msg enddo enddo nused=j first=.false. endif ref0=0. do j=1,63 ref0=ref0 + s3(mrs(j)+1,j) enddo u1=0. u1=-99.0 u2=u1 ! dtotal=199.0 ! Find u1 and u2 (best and second-best) codeword from a list, using ! a bank of matched filters on the symbol spectra s3(i,j). ipk=1 ipk2=0 do k=1,nused if( .and. k.le.64 .and. cycle ! Test all messages if flip=+1; skip the CQ messages if flip=-1. if( .or. msg0(k)(1:3).ne.'CQ ') then psum=0. ref=ref0 do j=1,63 i=sym2(j-1,k)+1 psum=psum + s3(i,j) if(i.eq.mrs(j)+1) ref=ref - s3(i,j) + s3(mrs2(j)+1,j) enddo p=psum/ref if( then u2=u1 ipk2=ipk u1=p ipk=k endif if( .and. then u2=p ipk2=k endif endif ! write(91,3401) k,p,u1,u2,ipk,ipk2,msg0(k) !3401 format(i6,3f9.3,2i6,2x,a22) enddo !### Just in case ??? rewind 77 write(77,*) u1,u2,ipk,ipk2 call flush(77) !### decoded=' ' bias=max(1.12*u2,0.35) if( bias=max(1.08*u2,0.45) if( bias=max(1.04*u2,0.60) qual=100.0*(u1-bias) ! write(*,3301) u1,u2,u1/u2,bias,qual,nadd,ipk,ipk2 !3301 format(5f6.2,i3,2i6) qmin=1.0 if( decoded=msg0(ipk) return end subroutine hint65