/* This file is part of program wsprd, a detector/demodulator/decoder for the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) mode. File name: wsprd_utils.c Copyright 2001-2015, Joe Taylor, K1JT Most of the code is based on work by Steven Franke, K9AN, which in turn was based on earlier work by K1JT. Copyright 2014-2015, Steven Franke, K9AN License: GNU GPL v3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "wsprd_utils.h" #ifndef int32_t #define int32_t int #endif void unpack50( signed char *dat, int32_t *n1, int32_t *n2 ) { int32_t i,i4; i=dat[0]; i4=i&255; *n1=i4<<20; i=dat[1]; i4=i&255; *n1=*n1+(i4<<12); i=dat[2]; i4=i&255; *n1=*n1+(i4<<4); i=dat[3]; i4=i&255; *n1=*n1+((i4>>4)&15); *n2=(i4&15)<<18; i=dat[4]; i4=i&255; *n2=*n2+(i4<<10); i=dat[5]; i4=i&255; *n2=*n2+(i4<<2); i=dat[6]; i4=i&255; *n2=*n2+((i4>>6)&3); } int unpackcall( int32_t ncall, char *call ) { char c[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E', 'F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z',' '}; int32_t n; int i; char tmp[7]; n=ncall; strcpy(call,"......"); if (n < 262177560 ) { i=n%27+10; tmp[5]=c[i]; n=n/27; i=n%27+10; tmp[4]=c[i]; n=n/27; i=n%27+10; tmp[3]=c[i]; n=n/27; i=n%10; tmp[2]=c[i]; n=n/10; i=n%36; tmp[1]=c[i]; n=n/36; i=n; tmp[0]=c[i]; tmp[6]='\0'; // remove leading whitespace for(i=0; i<5; i++) { if( tmp[i] != c[36] ) break; } sprintf(call,"%-6s",&tmp[i]); // remove trailing whitespace for(i=0; i<6; i++) { if( call[i] == c[36] ) { call[i]='\0'; } } } else { return 0; } return 1; } int unpackgrid( int32_t ngrid, char *grid) { char c[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E', 'F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z',' '}; int dlat, dlong; ngrid=ngrid>>7; if( ngrid < 32400 ) { dlat=(ngrid%180)-90; dlong=(ngrid/180)*2 - 180 + 2; if( dlong < -180 ) dlong=dlong+360; if( dlong > 180 ) dlong=dlong+360; int nlong = 60.0*(180.0-dlong)/5.0; int n1 = nlong/240; int n2 = (nlong - 240*n1)/24; grid[0] = c[10+n1]; grid[2]= c[n2]; int nlat = 60.0*(dlat+90)/2.5; n1 = nlat/240; n2 = (nlat-240*n1)/24; grid[1]=c[10+n1]; grid[3]=c[n2]; } else { strcpy(grid,"XXXX"); return 0; } return 1; } int unpackpfx( int32_t nprefix, char *call) { char nc, pfx[4]={'\0'}, tmpcall[7]; int i; int32_t n; strcpy(tmpcall,call); if( nprefix < 60000 ) { // add a prefix of 1 to 3 characters n=nprefix; for (i=2; i>=0; i--) { nc=n%37; if( (nc >= 0) & (nc <= 9) ) { pfx[i]=nc+48; } else if( (nc >= 10) & (nc <= 35) ) { pfx[i]=nc+55; } else { pfx[i]=' '; } n=n/37; } char * p = strrchr(pfx,' '); strcpy(call, p ? p + 1 : pfx); strncat(call,"/",1); strncat(call,tmpcall,strlen(tmpcall)); } else { // add a suffix of 1 or 2 characters nc=nprefix-60000; if( (nc >= 0) & (nc <= 9) ) { pfx[0]=nc+48; strcpy(call,tmpcall); strncat(call,"/",1); strncat(call,pfx,1); } else if( (nc >= 10) & (nc <= 35) ) { pfx[0]=nc+55; strcpy(call,tmpcall); strncat(call,"/",1); strncat(call,pfx,1); } else if( (nc >= 36) & (nc <= 125) ) { pfx[0]=(nc-26)/10+48; pfx[1]=(nc-26)%10+48; strcpy(call,tmpcall); strncat(call,"/",1); strncat(call,pfx,2); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } void deinterleave(unsigned char *sym) { unsigned char tmp[162]; unsigned char p, i, j; p=0; i=0; while (p<162) { j=((i * 0x80200802ULL) & 0x0884422110ULL) * 0x0101010101ULL >> 32; if (j < 162 ) { tmp[p]=sym[j]; p=p+1; } i=i+1; } for (i=0; i<162; i++) { sym[i]=tmp[i]; } } // used by qsort int doublecomp(const void* elem1, const void* elem2) { if(*(const double*)elem1 < *(const double*)elem2) return -1; return *(const double*)elem1 > *(const double*)elem2; } int floatcomp(const void* elem1, const void* elem2) { if(*(const float*)elem1 < *(const float*)elem2) return -1; return *(const float*)elem1 > *(const float*)elem2; } int unpk_(signed char *message, char *hashtab, char *loctab, char *call_loc_pow, char *callsign) { int n1,n2,n3,ndbm,ihash,nadd,noprint=0; char grid[5],grid6[7],cdbm[3]; unpack50(message,&n1,&n2); if( !unpackcall(n1,callsign) ) return 1; if( !unpackgrid(n2, grid) ) return 1; int ntype = (n2&127) - 64; callsign[12]=0; grid[4]=0; /* Based on the value of ntype, decide whether this is a Type 1, 2, or 3 message. * Type 1: 6 digit call, grid, power - ntype is positive and is a member of the set {0,3,7,10,13,17,20...60} * Type 2: extended callsign, power - ntype is positive but not a member of the set of allowed powers * Type 3: hash, 6 digit grid, power - ntype is negative. */ if( (ntype >= 0) && (ntype <= 62) ) { int nu=ntype%10; if( nu == 0 || nu == 3 || nu == 7 ) { ndbm=ntype; memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,grid,4); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); ihash=nhash(callsign,strlen(callsign),(uint32_t)146); strcpy(hashtab+ihash*13,callsign); strcpy(loctab+ihash*5,grid); } else { nadd=nu; if( nu > 3 ) nadd=nu-3; if( nu > 7 ) nadd=nu-7; n3=n2/128+32768*(nadd-1); if( !unpackpfx(n3,callsign) ) return 1; ndbm=ntype-nadd; memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); int nu=ndbm%10; if( nu == 0 || nu == 3 || nu == 7 || nu == 10 ) { //make sure power is OK ihash=nhash(callsign,strlen(callsign),(uint32_t)146); strcpy(hashtab+ihash*13,callsign); } else noprint=1; } } else if ( ntype < 0 ) { ndbm=-(ntype+1); memset(grid6,0,sizeof(char)*7); // size_t len=strlen(callsign); size_t len=6; strncat(grid6,callsign+len-1,1); strncat(grid6,callsign,len-1); int nu=ndbm%10; if ((nu != 0 && nu != 3 && nu != 7 && nu != 10) || !isalpha(grid6[0]) || !isalpha(grid6[1]) || !isdigit(grid6[2]) || !isdigit(grid6[3])) { // not testing 4'th and 5'th chars because of this case: JO33 40 // grid is only 4 chars even though this is a hashed callsign... // isalpha(grid6[4]) && isalpha(grid6[5]) ) ) { noprint=1; } ihash=(n2-ntype-64)/128; if( strncmp(hashtab+ihash*13,"\0",1) != 0 ) { sprintf(callsign,"<%s>",hashtab+ihash*13); } else { sprintf(callsign,"%5s","<...>"); } memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,grid6,strlen(grid6)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); // I don't know what to do with these... They show up as "A000AA" grids. if( ntype == -64 ) noprint=1; } return noprint; }