subroutine extract(s3,nadd,ncount,nhist,decoded,ltext) real s3(64,63) real tmp(4032) character decoded*22 integer era(51),dat4(12),indx(64) integer mrsym(63),mr2sym(63),mrprob(63),mr2prob(63) logical first,ltext data first/.true./,nsec1/0/ save nfail=0 1 continue ! call timer('demod64a',0) call demod64a(s3,nadd,mrsym,mrprob,mr2sym,mr2prob,ntest,nlow) ! call timer('demod64a',1) if( .or. then ncount=-999 !Flag bad data go to 900 endif call chkhist(mrsym,nhist,ipk) if( then nfail=nfail+1 call pctile(s3,tmp,4032,50,base) ! ### or, use ave from demod64a do j=1,63 s3(ipk,j)=base enddo if( then decoded=' ' ncount=-1 go to 900 endif go to 1 endif call graycode(mrsym,63,-1) call interleave63(mrsym,-1) call interleave63(mrprob,-1) ndec=1 nemax=30 !Was 200 (30) maxe=8 xlambda=13.0 !Was 12 if(ndec.eq.1) then call graycode(mr2sym,63,-1) call interleave63(mr2sym,-1) call interleave63(mr2prob,-1) nsec1=nsec1+1 write(22,rec=1) nsec1,xlambda,maxe,200,mrsym,mrprob,mr2sym,mr2prob call flush(22) ! call timer('kvasd ',0) !#ifdef UNIX ! iret=system('./kvasd -q > dev_null') !#else iret=system('kvasd -q > dev_null') !#endif ! call timer('kvasd ',1) if( then if(first) write(*,1000) iret 1000 format('Error in KV decoder, or no KV decoder present.'/ & 'Return code:',i8,'. Will use BM algorithm.') ndec=0 first=.false. go to 20 endif read(22,rec=2) nsec2,ncount,dat4 j=nsec2 !Silence compiler warning decoded=' ' ltext=.false. if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message if(iand(dat4(10),8).ne.0) ltext=.true. do i=2,12 if(dat4(i).ne.dat4(1)) go to 20 enddo write(13,*) 'Bad decode?',nhist,nfail,ipk,' ',dat4,decoded ncount=-1 !Suppress supposedly bogus decodes decoded=' ' endif endif 20 if(ndec.eq.0) then call indexx(63,mrprob,indx) do i=1,nemax j=indx(i) if(mrprob(j).gt.120) then ne2=i-1 go to 2 endif era(i)=j-1 enddo ne2=nemax 2 decoded=' ' do nerase=0,ne2,2 call rs_decode(mrsym,era,nerase,dat4,ncount) if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) go to 900 endif enddo endif 900 return end subroutine extract