//status: edited [[PROTOCOL_OVERVIEW]] === Overview All QSO modes except ISCAT use structured messages that compress user-readable information into fixed-length packets. JT4, JT9, JT65, and QRA64 use 72-bit payloads. Standard messages consist of two 28-bit fields normally used for callsigns and a 15-bit field for a grid locator, report, acknowledgment, or 73. An additional bit flags a message containing arbitrary free text, up to 13 characters. Special cases allow other information such as add-on callsign prefixes (e.g., ZA/K1ABC) or suffixes (e.g., K1ABC/P) to be encoded. The basic aim is to compress the most common messages used for minimally valid QSOs into a fixed 72-bit length. The information payloads for FST4, FT4, FT8, and MSK144 contain 77 bits. The 5 new bits added to the original 72 are used to flag special message types signifying special message types used for FT8 DXpedition Mode, contesting, nonstandard callsigns, and a few other possibilities. A standard amateur callsign consists of a one- or two-character prefix, at least one of which must be a letter, followed by a digit and a suffix of one to three letters. Within these rules, the number of possible callsigns is equal to 37×36×10×27×27×27, or somewhat over 262 million. (The numbers 27 and 37 arise because in the first and last three positions a character may be absent, or a letter, or perhaps a digit.) Since 2^28^ is more than 268 million, 28 bits are enough to encode any standard callsign uniquely. Similarly, the number of 4-digit Maidenhead grid locators on earth is 180×180 = 32,400, which is less than 2^15^ = 32,768; so a grid locator requires 15 bits. Some 6 million of the possible 28-bit values are not needed for callsigns. A few of these slots are assigned to special message components such as `CQ`, `DE`, and `QRZ`. `CQ` may be followed by three digits to indicate a desired callback frequency. (If K1ABC transmits on a standard calling frequency such as 50.280, and sends `CQ 290 K1ABC FN42`, it means that s/he will listen on 50.290 and respond there to any replies.) A numerical signal report of the form `–nn` or `R–nn` can be sent in place of a grid locator. (As originally defined, numerical signal reports `nn` were required to fall between -01 and -30 dB. Recent program versions 2.3 and later accommodate reports between -50 and +49 dB.) A country prefix or portable suffix may be attached to one of the callsigns. When this feature is used, the additional information is sent in place of the grid locator or by encoding additional information into some of the 6 million available slots mentioned above. As a convenience for sending directed CQ messages, the 72-bit compression algorithm supports messages starting with `CQ AA` through `CQ ZZ`. These message fragments are encoded internally as if they were the callsigns `E9AA` through `E9ZZ`. Upon reception they are converted back to the form `CQ AA` through `CQ ZZ`, for display to the user. The FST4, FT4, FT8, and MSK144 protocols use different lossless compression algorithms with features that generate and recognize special messages used for contesting and other special purposes. Full details have been published in QEX, see {ft4_ft8_protocols}. To be useful on channels with low signal-to-noise ratio, this kind of lossless message compression requires use of a strong forward error correcting (FEC) code. Different codes are used for each mode. Accurate synchronization of time and frequency is required between transmitting and receiving stations. As an aid to the decoders, each protocol includes a "`sync vector`" of known symbols interspersed with the information-carrying symbols. Generated waveforms for all of the _WSJT-X_ modes have continuous phase and constant envelope. [[SLOW_MODES]] === Slow Modes [[FST4PRO]] ==== FST4 FST4 offers T/R sequence lengths of 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 900, and 1800 seconds. Submodes are given names like FST4-60, FST4-120, etc., the appended numbers indicating sequence length in seconds. Message payloads contain 77 bits, and a 24-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) appended to create a 101-bit message-plus-CRC word. Forward error correction is accomplished using a (240,101) LDPC code. Transmissions consist of 160 symbols: 120 information-carrying symbols of two bits each, interspersed with five groups of eight predefined synchronization symbols. Modulation uses 4-tone frequency-shift keying (4-GFSK) with Gaussian smoothing of frequency transitions. [[FT4PRO]] ==== FT4 Forward error correction (FEC) in FT4 uses a low-density parity check (LDPC) code with 77 information bits, a 14-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and 83 parity bits making a 174-bit codeword. It is thus called an LDPC (174,91) code. Synchronization uses four 4×4 Costas arrays, and ramp-up and ramp-down symbols are inserted at the start and end of each transmission. Modulation is 4-tone frequency-shift keying (4-GFSK) with Gaussian smoothing of frequency transitions. The keying rate is 12000/576 = 20.8333 baud. Each transmitted symbol conveys two bits, so the total number of channel symbols is 174/2 + 16 + 2 = 105. The total bandwidth is 4 × 20.8333 = 83.3 Hz. [[FT8PRO]] ==== FT8 FT8 uses the same LDPC (174,91) code as FT4. Modulation is 8-tone frequency-shift keying (8-GFSK) at 12000/1920 = 6.25 baud. Synchronization uses 7×7 Costas arrays at the beginning, middle, and end of each transmission. Transmitted symbols carry three bits, so the total number of channel symbols is 174/3 + 21 = 79. The total occupied bandwidth is 8 × 6.25 = 50 Hz. [[JT4PRO]] ==== JT4 FEC in JT4 uses a strong convolutional code with constraint length K=32, rate r=1/2, and a zero tail. This choice leads to an encoded message length of (72+31) x 2 = 206 information-carrying bits. Modulation is 4-tone frequency-shift keying (4-FSK) at 11025 / 2520 = 4.375 baud. Each symbol carries one information bit (the most significant bit) and one synchronizing bit. The two 32-bit polynomials used for convolutional encoding have hexadecimal values 0xf2d05351 and 0xe4613c47, and the ordering of encoded bits is scrambled by an interleaver. The pseudo-random sync vector is the following sequence (60 bits per line): 000011000110110010100000001100000000000010110110101111101000 100100111110001010001111011001000110101010101111101010110101 011100101101111000011011000111011101110010001101100100011111 10011000011000101101111010 [[JT9PRO]] ==== JT9 FEC in JT9 uses the same strong convolutional code as JT4: constraint length K=32, rate r=1/2, and a zero tail, leading to an encoded message length of (72+31) × 2 = 206 information-carrying bits. Modulation is nine-tone frequency-shift keying, 9-FSK at 12000.0/6912 = 1.736 baud. Eight tones are used for data, one for synchronization. Eight data tones means that three data bits are conveyed by each transmitted information symbol. Sixteen symbol intervals are devoted to synchronization, so a transmission requires a total of 206 / 3 + 16 = 85 (rounded up) channel symbols. The sync symbols are those numbered 1, 2, 5, 10, 16, 23, 33, 35, 51, 52, 55, 60, 66, 73, 83, and 85 in the transmitted sequence. Tone spacing of the 9-FSK modulation for JT9A is equal to the keying rate, 1.736 Hz. The total occupied bandwidth is 9 × 1.736 = 15.6 Hz. [[JT65PRO]] ==== JT65 A detailed description of the JT65 protocol was published in {jt65protocol} for September-October, 2005. A Reed Solomon (63,12) error-control code converts 72-bit user messages into sequences of 63 six-bit information-carrying symbols. These are interleaved with another 63 symbols of synchronizing information according to the following pseudo-random sequence: 100110001111110101000101100100011100111101101111000110101011001 101010100100000011000000011010010110101010011001001000011111111 The synchronizing tone is normally sent in each interval having a "`1`" in the sequence. Modulation is 65-FSK at 11025/4096 = 2.692 baud. Frequency spacing between tones is equal to the keying rate for JT65A, and 2 and 4 times larger for JT65B and JT65C, respectively. For EME QSOs the signal report OOO is sometimes used instead of numerical signal reports. It is conveyed by reversing sync and data positions in the transmitted sequence. Shorthand messages for RO, RRR, and 73 dispense with the sync vector entirely and use time intervals of 16384/11025 = 1.486 s for pairs of alternating tones. The lower frequency is the same as that of the sync tone used in long messages, and the frequency separation is 110250/4096 = 26.92 Hz multiplied by n for JT65A, with n = 2, 3, 4 used to convey the messages RO, RRR, and 73, respectively. [[QRA64_PROTOCOL]] ==== QRA64 QRA64 is intended for EME and other extreme weak-signal applications. Its internal code was designed by IV3NWV. The protocol uses a (63,12) **Q**-ary **R**epeat **A**ccumulate code that is inherently better than the Reed Solomon (63,12) code used in JT65, yielding a 1.3 dB advantage. A new synchronizing scheme is based on three 7 x 7 Costas arrays. This change yields another 1.9 dB advantage. In most respects the current implementation of QRA64 is operationally similar to JT65. QRA64 does not use two-tone shorthand messages, and it makes no use of a callsign database. Rather, additional sensitivity is gained by making use of already known information as a QSO progresses -- for example, when reports are being exchanged and you have already decoded both callsigns in a previous transmission. QRA64 presently offers no message averaging capability, though that feature may be added. In early tests, many EME QSOs were made using submodes QRA64A-E on bands from 144 MHz to 24 GHz. [[WSPR_PROTOCOL]] ==== WSPR WSPR is designed for probing potential radio propagation paths using low power beacon-like transmissions. WSPR signals convey a callsign, Maidenhead grid locator, and power level using a compressed data format with strong forward error correction and narrow-band 4-FSK modulation. The protocol is effective at signal-to-noise ratios as low as –31 dB in a 2500 Hz bandwidth. WSPR messages can have one of three possible formats illustrated by the following examples: - Type 1: K1ABC FN42 37 - Type 2: PJ4/K1ABC 37 - Type 3: FK52UD 37 Type 1 messages contain a standard callsign, a 4-character Maidenhead grid locator, and power level in dBm. Type 2 messages omit the grid locator but include a compound callsign, while type 3 messages replace the callsign with a 15-bit hash code and include a 6-character locator as well as the power level. Lossless compression techniques squeeze all three message types into exactly 50 bits of user information. Standard callsigns require 28 bits and 4-character grid locators 15 bits. In Type 1 messages, the remaining 7 bits convey the power level. In message types 2 and 3 these 7 bits convey power level along with an extension or re-definition of fields normally used for callsign and locator. Together, these compression techniques amount to “source encoding” the user message into the smallest possible number of bits. WSPR uses a convolutional code with constraint length K=32 and rate r=1/2. Convolution extends the 50 user bits into a total of (50 + K – 1) × 2 = 162 one-bit symbols. Interleaving is applied to scramble the order of these symbols, thereby minimizing the effect of short bursts of errors in reception that might be caused by fading or interference. The data symbols are combined with an equal number of synchronizing symbols, a pseudo-random pattern of 0’s and 1’s. The 2-bit combination for each symbol is the quantity that determines which of four possible tones to transmit in any particular symbol interval. Data information is taken as the most significant bit, sync information the least significant. Thus, on a 0 – 3 scale, the tone for a given symbol is twice the value (0 or 1) of the data bit, plus the sync bit. [[FST4WPRO]] ==== FST4W FST4W offers T/R sequence lengths of 120, 300, 900, and 1800 seconds. Submodes are given names like FST4W-120, FST4W-300, etc., the appended numbers indicating sequence length in seconds. Message payloads contain 50 bits, and a 24-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) appended to create a 74-bit message-plus-CRC word. Forward error correction is accomplished using a (240,74) LDPC code. Transmissions consist of 160 symbols: 120 information-carrying symbols of two bits each, interspersed with five groups of eight predefined synchronization symbols. Modulation uses 4-tone frequency-shift keying (4-GFSK) with Gaussian smoothing of frequency transitions. [[SLOW_SUMMARY]] ==== Summary Table 7 provides a brief summary of parameters for the slow modes in _WSJT-X_. Parameters K and r specify the constraint length and rate of the convolutional codes; n and k specify the sizes of the (equivalent) block codes; Q is the alphabet size for the information-carrying channel symbols; Sync Energy is the fraction of transmitted energy devoted to synchronizing symbols; and S/N Threshold is the signal-to-noise ratio (in a 2500 Hz reference bandwidth) above which the probability of decoding is 50% or higher. [[SLOW_TAB]] .Parameters of Slow Modes [width="100%",cols="3h,^3,^2,^1,^2,^2,^2,^2,^2,^2",frame=topbot,options="header"] |=============================================================================== |Mode |FEC Type |(n,k) | Q|Modulation type|Keying rate (Baud)|Bandwidth (Hz) |Sync Energy|Tx Duration (s)|S/N Threshold (dB) |FST4-15 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 16.6667 | 67.7 | 0.25| 9.60 | -20.7 |FST4-30 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 7.14 | 28.6 | 0.25| 22.4 | -24.2 |FST4-60 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 3.09 | 12.4 | 0.25| 51.8 | -28.1 |FST4-120 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 1.46 | 5.9 | 0.25| 109.3 | -31.3 |FST4-300 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.56 | 2.2 | 0.25| 286.7 | -35.3 |FST4-900 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.180 | 0.72 | 0.25| 887.5 | -40.2 |FST4-1800 |LDPC | (240,101)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.089 | 0.36 | 0.25| 1792.0| -43.2 |FT4 |LDPC |(174,91)| 4| 4-GFSK| 20.8333 | 83.3 | 0.15| 5.04 | -17.5 |FT8 |LDPC |(174,91)| 8| 8-GFSK| 6.25 | 50.0 | 0.27| 12.6 | -21 |JT4A |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 2| 4-FSK| 4.375| 17.5 | 0.50| 47.1 | -23 |JT9A |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 8| 9-FSK| 1.736| 15.6 | 0.19| 49.0 | -26 |JT65A |Reed Solomon|(63,12) |64|65-FSK| 2.692| 177.6 | 0.50| 46.8 | -25 |QRA64A|Q-ary Repeat Accumulate|(63,12) |64|64-FSK|1.736|111.1|0.25|48.4| -26 | WSPR |K=32, r=1/2|(162,50)| 2| 4-FSK| 1.465| 5.9 | 0.50|110.6 | -31 |FST4W-120 |LDPC | (240,74)| 4| 4-GFSK| 1.46 | 5.9 | 0.25| 109.3 | -32.8 |FST4W-300 |LDPC | (240,74)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.56 | 2.2 | 0.25| 286.7 | -36.8 |FST4W-900 |LDPC | (240,74)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.180 | 0.72 | 0.25| 887.5 | -41.7 |FST4W-1800 |LDPC | (240,74)| 4| 4-GFSK| 0.089 | 0.36 | 0.25| 1792.0| -44.8 |=============================================================================== Submodes of JT4, JT9, JT65, and QRA64 offer wider tone spacings for circumstances that may require them, such as significant Doppler spread. Table 8 summarizes the tone spacings, bandwidths, and approximate threshold sensitivities of the various submodes when spreading is comparable to tone spacing. [[SLOW_SUBMODES]] .Parameters of Slow Submodes with Selectable Tone Spacings [width="50%",cols="h,3*^",frame=topbot,options="header"] |===================================== |Mode |Tone Spacing |BW (Hz)|S/N (dB) |JT4A |4.375| 17.5 |-23 |JT4B |8.75 | 30.6 |-22 |JT4C |17.5 | 56.9 |-21 |JT4D |39.375| 122.5 |-20 |JT4E |78.75| 240.6 |-19 |JT4F |157.5| 476.9 |-18 |JT4G |315.0| 949.4 |-17 |JT9A |1.736| 15.6 |-26 |JT9B |3.472| 29.5 |-26 |JT9C |6.944| 57.3 |-25 |JT9D |13.889| 112.8 |-24 |JT9E |27.778| 224.0 |-23 |JT9F |55.556| 446.2 |-22 |JT9G |111.111|890.6 |-21 |JT9H |222.222|1779.5|-20 |JT65A |2.692| 177.6 |-25 |JT65B |5.383| 352.6 |-25 |JT65C |10.767| 702.5 |-25 |QRA64A|1.736| 111.1 |-26 |QRA64B|3.472| 220.5 |-25 |QRA64C|6.944| 439.2 |-24 |QRA64D|13.889| 876.7 |-23 |QRA64E|27.778|1751.7 |-22 |===================================== [[FAST_MODES]] === Fast Modes ==== ISCAT ISCAT messages are free-form, up to 28 characters in length. Modulation is 42-tone frequency-shift keying at 11025 / 512 = 21.533 baud (ISCAT-A), or 11025 / 256 = 43.066 baud (ISCAT-B). Tone frequencies are spaced by an amount in Hz equal to the baud rate. The available character set is: ---- 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ /.?@- ---- Transmissions consist of sequences of 24 symbols: a synchronizing pattern of four symbols at tone numbers 0, 1, 3, and 2, followed by two symbols with tone number corresponding to (message length) and (message length + 5), and, finally, 18 symbols conveying the user's message, sent repeatedly character by character. The message always starts with `@`, the beginning-of-message symbol, which is not displayed to the user. The sync pattern and message-length indicator have a fixed repetition period, recurring every 24 symbols. Message information occurs periodically within the 18 symbol positions set aside for its use, repeating at its own natural length. For example, consider the user message `CQ WA9XYZ`. Including the beginning-of-message symbol `@`, the message is 10 characters long. Using the character sequence displayed above to indicate tone numbers, the transmitted message will therefore start out as shown in the first line below: ---- 0132AF@CQ WA9XYZ@CQ WA9X0132AFYZ@CQ WA9XYZ@CQ W0132AFA9X ... sync## sync## sync## ---- Note that the first six symbols (four for sync, two for message length) repeat every 24 symbols. Within the 18 information-carrying symbols in each 24, the user message `@CQ WA9XYZ` repeats at its own natural length, 10 characters. The resulting sequence is extended as many times as will fit into a Tx sequence. ==== JT9 The JT9 slow modes all use keying rate 12000/6912 = 1.736 baud. By contrast, with the *Fast* setting submodes JT9E-H adjust the keying rate to match the increased tone spacings. Message durations are therefore much shorter, and they are sent repeatedly throughout each Tx sequence. For details see Table 9, below. ==== MSK144 Standard MSK144 messages are structured in the same way as in FT8, with 77 bits of user information. Forward error correction is implemented by first augmenting the 77 message bits with a 13-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) calculated from the message bits. The CRC is used to detect and eliminate most false decodes at the receiver. The resulting 90-bit augmented message is mapped to a 128-bit codeword using a (128,90) binary low-density-parity-check (LDPC) code designed by K9AN specifically for this purpose. Two 8-bit synchronizing sequences are added to make a message frame 144 bits long. Modulation is Offset Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (OQPSK) at 2000 baud. Even-numbered bits are conveyed over the in-phase channel, odd-numbered bits on the quadrature channel. Individual symbols are shaped with half-sine profiles, thereby ensuring a generated waveform with constant envelope, equivalent to a Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) waveform. Frame duration is 72 ms, so the effective character transmission rate for standard messages is up to 250 cps. MSK144 also supports short-form messages that can be used after QSO partners have exchanged both callsigns. Short messages consist of 4 bits encoding R+report, RRR, or 73, together with a 12-bit hash code based on the ordered pair of "`to`" and "`from`" callsigns. Another specially designed LDPC (32,16) code provides error correction, and an 8-bit synchronizing vector is appended to make up a 40-bit frame. Short-message duration is thus 20 ms, and short messages can be decoded from very short meteor pings. The 72 ms or 20 ms frames of MSK144 messages are repeated without gaps for the full duration of a transmission cycle. For most purposes, a cycle duration of 15 s is suitable and recommended for MSK144. The modulated MSK144 signal occupies the full bandwidth of a SSB transmitter, so transmissions are always centered at audio frequency 1500 Hz. For best results, transmitter and receiver filters should be adjusted to provide the flattest possible response over the range 300Hz to 2700Hz. The maximum permissible frequency offset between you and your QSO partner ± 200 Hz. ==== Summary .Parameters of Fast Modes [width="90%",cols="3h,^3,^2,^1,^2,^2,^2,^2,^2",frame="topbot",options="header"] |===================================================================== |Mode |FEC Type |(n,k) | Q|Modulation Type|Keying rate (Baud) |Bandwidth (Hz)|Sync Energy|Tx Duration (s) |ISCAT-A | - | - |42|42-FSK| 21.5 | 905 | 0.17| 1.176 |ISCAT-B | - | - |42|42-FSK| 43.1 | 1809 | 0.17| 0.588 |JT9E |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 8| 9-FSK| 25.0 | 225 | 0.19| 3.400 |JT9F |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 8| 9-FSK| 50.0 | 450 | 0.19| 1.700 |JT9G |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 8| 9-FSK|100.0 | 900 | 0.19| 0.850 |JT9H |K=32, r=1/2|(206,72)| 8| 9-FSK|200.0 | 1800 | 0.19| 0.425 |MSK144 |LDPC |(128,90)| 2| OQPSK| 2000 | 2400 | 0.11| 0.072 |MSK144 Sh|LDPC |(32,16) | 2| OQPSK| 2000 | 2400 | 0.20| 0.020 |=====================================================================