program ft2 use packjt77 include 'gcom1.f90' integer ft2audio,ptt logical allok character*20 pttport character*8 arg ! integer*2 iwave2(30000) allok=.true. ! Get home-station details open(10,file='ft2.ini',status='old',err=1) go to 2 1 print*,'Cannot open ft2.ini' allok=.false. 2 read(10,*,err=3) mycall,mygrid,ndevin,ndevout,pttport,exch go to 4 3 print*,'Error reading ft2.ini' allok=.false. 4 if(index(pttport,'/').lt.1) read(pttport,*) nport hiscall=' ' hiscall_next=' ' idevin=ndevin idevout=ndevout call padevsub(idevin,idevout) if( .or. allok=.false. i1=0 ! i1=ptt(nport,1,1,iptt) if( .and. allok=.false. if(.not.allok) then write(*,"('Please fix setup error(s) and restart.')") go to 999 endif nright=1 iwrite=0 iwave=0 nwave=NTZ nfsample=12000 ngo=1 npabuf=1152 ntxok=0 ntransmitting=0 tx_once=.false. snrdb=99.0 txmsg='CQ K1JT FN20' nargs=iargc() if(nargs.eq.3) then call getarg(1,txmsg) call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) f0 call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb tx_once=.true. call ft2_iwave(txmsg,f0,snrdb,iwave) nTxOK=1 endif ! Start the audio streams ierr=ft2audio(idevin,idevout,npabuf,nright,y1,y2,NRING,iwrite,itx, & iwave,nwave,nfsample,nTxOK,nTransmitting,ngo) if( then print*,'Error',ierr,' starting audio input and/or output.' endif 999 end program ft2 subroutine update(total_time,ic1,ic2) real*8 total_time integer*8 count00,count0,count1,clkfreq integer ptt integer*2 id(30000) logical transmitted character*30 line character cdate*8,ctime*10,cdatetime*17 include 'gcom1.f90' data nt0/-1/,transmitted/.false./,snr/-99.0/,count00/-1/ save nt0,transmitted,snr,count00,iptt if( .or. then if(ic1.eq.27 .and. ic2.eq.0) ngo=0 !ESC if(nTxOK.eq.0 .and. ntransmitting.eq.0) then nd=0 if(ic1.eq.0 .and. ic2.eq.59) nd=1 !F1 if(ic1.eq.0 .and. ic2.eq.60) nd=2 !F2 if(ic1.eq.0 .and. ic2.eq.61) nd=3 !F3 if(ic1.eq.0 .and. ic2.eq.62) nd=4 !F4 if(ic1.eq.0 .and. ic2.eq.63) nd=5 !F5 if( then i1=ptt(nport,1,1,iptt) ntxok=1 if(nd.eq.1) txmsg='CQ K1JT FN20' if(nd.eq.2) txmsg='K9AN K1JT 559 NJ' call ft2_iwave(txmsg,1500.0,99.0,iwave) endif endif if(ic1.eq.13 .and. ic2.eq.0) hiscall=hiscall_next endif if(ntransmitting.eq.1) transmitted=.true. if(transmitted .and. ntransmitting.eq.0) then i1=0 if(iptt.eq.1 .and. i1=ptt(nport,0,1,iptt) if(tx_once .and. transmitted) stop transmitted=.false. endif nt=2*total_time if( .or. .or. then k=iwrite-6000 if( k=k+NRING sq=0. do i=1,6000 k=k+1 if( k=k-NRING x=y1(k) sq=sq + x*x enddo sigdb=0. if( sigdb=db(sq/6000.0) k=iwrite-30000 if( k=k+NRING do i=1,30000 k=k+1 if( k=k-NRING id(i)=y1(k) enddo nutc=0 nfqso=1500 ndecodes=0 if(maxval(abs(id)).gt.0) then call date_and_time(cdate,ctime) cdatetime=cdate(3:8)//'_'//ctime call system_clock(count0,clkfreq) call ft2_decode(cdatetime,nfqso,id,ndecodes) call system_clock(count1,clkfreq) tdecode=float(count1-count0)/float(clkfreq) if( count00=count0 trun=float(count1-count00)/float(clkfreq) endif n=2*sigdb-30.0 if( n=1 if( n=30 line=' ' line(n:n)='*' ! write(*,1010) nt,total_time,iwrite,itx,ntxok,ntransmitting,ndecodes, & ! snr,sigdb,line !1010 format(i6,f9.3,i10,i6,3i3,f6.0,f6.1,1x,a30) nt0=nt max1=0 max2=0 endif return end subroutine update