module ft8_a7 parameter(MAXDEC=100) ! For the following three arrays ! First index i=decode number in this sequence ! Second index j=0 or 1 for even or odd sequence ! Third index k=0 or 1 for previous or current tally for this j real dt0(MAXDEC,0:1,0:1) !dt0(i,j,k) real f0(MAXDEC,0:1,0:1) !f0(i,j,k) character*37 msg0(MAXDEC,0:1,0:1) !msg0(i,j,k) integer itone_a7(79) integer jseq !even=0, odd=1 integer ndec(0:1,0:1) !ndec(j,k) data ndec/4*0/,jseq/0/ contains subroutine ft8_a7_save(nutc,dt,f,msg) use packjt77 character*37 msg,msg1 character*13 w(19) character*4 g4 integer nw(19) logical isgrid4 ! Statement function: isgrid4(g4)=(len_trim(g4).eq.4 .and. & ichar(g4(1:1)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(g4(1:1)).le.ichar('R') .and. & ichar(g4(2:2)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(g4(2:2)).le.ichar('R') .and. & ichar(g4(3:3)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(g4(3:3)).le.ichar('9') .and. & ichar(g4(4:4)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(g4(4:4)).le.ichar('9')) j=mod(nutc/5,2) !j is 0 or 1 for odd/even sequence jseq=j ! Add this decode to current table for this sequence ndec(j,1)=ndec(j,1)+1 !Number of decodes in this sequence i=ndec(j,1) !i is pointer to new table entry if( return !Prevent table overflow if(index(msg,'<...>').ge.1) return !Don't save an unknown hashcall dt0(i,j,1)=dt !Save dt in table f0(i,j,1)=f !Save f in table f0(i+1,j,1)=-99.0 !Flag after last entry in current table call split77(msg,nwords,nw,w) !Parse msg into words msg0(i,j,1)=trim(w(1))//' '//trim(w(2)) if(w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. nw(2).le.2) then msg0(i,j,1)='CQ '//trim(w(2))//' '//trim(w(3)) endif msg1=msg0(i,j,1) !Message without grid nn=len(trim(msg1)) !Message length without grid if(isgrid4(w(nwords))) msg0(i,j,1)=trim(msg0(i,j,1))//' '//trim(w(nwords)) ! If a transmission at this frequency with this message fragment ! was decoded in the previous sequence, flag it as "DO NOT USE" because ! we have already decoded that station's next transmission. call split77(msg1,nwords,nw,w) !Parse msg into words do i=1,ndec(j,0) if(f0(i,j,0).le.-98.0) cycle i2=index(msg0(i,j,0),' '//trim(w(2))) if(abs(f-f0(i,j,0)).lt.2.0 .and. then f0(i,j,0)=-98.0 !Remove from list of to-be-tried a7 decodes endif enddo return end subroutine ft8_a7_save subroutine ft8_dec7(cd,xdt0,f0,msg0,xdt,xsnr,msgbest,snr7,snr7b) ! Get a7 (q3-style) decodes for FT8. use packjt77 parameter(NN=79,NSPS=32) parameter(NWAVE=NN*NSPS) !2528 parameter(NZ=3200,NLAGS=NZ-NWAVE) parameter(MAXMSG=206) character*12 call_1,call_2 character*13 w(19) character*4 grid4 character*37 msg0,msg,msgbest,msgsent character c77*77 complex cwave(0:NWAVE-1) complex cd(0:NZ-1) complex z real xjunk(NWAVE) real ccf(0:NLAGS-1) real ccfmsg(MAXMSG) integer itone(NN) integer nw(19) integer*1 msgbits(77) logical std_1,std_2 if(xdt0.eq.-999.0) return !Silence compiler warning snr7=0. ccfmsg=0. call split77(msg0,nwords,nw,w) !Parse msg0 into words call_1=w(1)(1:12) call_2=w(2)(1:12) grid4=w(3)(1:4) if(call_1(1:3).eq.'CQ_') call_1(3:3)=' ' call stdcall(call_1,std_1) if(call_1(1:3).eq.'CQ ') std_1=.true. call stdcall(call_2,std_2) fs=200.0 !Sample rate (Hz) bt=2.0 ccfbest=0. lagbest=-1 imsgbest=1 do imsg=1,MAXMSG msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2) i=imsg if(call_1(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. msg='CQ0XYZ '//trim(call_2) if(.not.std_1) then if(i.eq.1 .or. msg='<'//trim(call_1)//'> '//trim(call_2) if( .and. i.le.4) msg=trim(call_1)//' <'//trim(call_2)//'>' else if(.not.std_2) then if(i.le.4 .or. i.eq.6) msg='<'//trim(call_1)//'> '//trim(call_2) if( msg=trim(call_1)//' <'//trim(call_2)//'>' endif j0=len(trim(msg))+2 if(i.eq.2) msg(j0:j0+2)='RRR' if(i.eq.3) msg(j0:j0+3)='RR73' if(i.eq.4) msg(j0:j0+1)='73' if(i.eq.5) then if(std_2) then msg='CQ '//trim(call_2) if(call_1(3:3).eq.'_') msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2) if('RR73') msg=trim(msg)//' '//grid4 endif if(.not.std_2) msg='CQ '//trim(call_2) endif if(i.eq.6 .and. std_2) msg(j0:j0+3)=grid4 if( then isnr = -50 + (i-7)/2 if(iand(i,1).eq.1) then write(msg(j0:j0+2),'(i3.2)') isnr if(msg(j0:j0).eq.' ') msg(j0:j0)='+' else write(msg(j0:j0+3),'("R",i3.2)') isnr if(msg(j0+1:j0+1).eq.' ') msg(j0+1:j0+1)='+' endif endif ! Source-encode, then get itone() i3=-1 n3=-1 call pack77(msg,i3,n3,c77) call genft8(msg,i3,n3,msgsent,msgbits,itone) ! Generate complex cwave f00=0.0 call gen_ft8wave(itone,NN,NSPS,bt,fs,f00,cwave,xjunk,1,NWAVE) lagmax=-1 ccfmax=0. nsum=32*2 lag0=200.0*(xdt0+0.5) lag1=max(0,lag0-20) lag2=min(nlags-1,lag0+20) do lag=lag1,lag2 z=0. s=0. do i=0,NWAVE-1 z=z + cd(i+lag)*conjg(cwave(i)) if(mod(i,nsum).eq.nsum-1 .or. i.eq.NWAVE-1) then s=s + abs(z) z=0. endif enddo ccf(lag)=s if(ccf(lag).gt.ccfmax) then ccfmax=ccf(lag) lagmax=lag endif enddo ! lag ccfmsg(imsg)=ccfmax if( then ccfbest=ccfmax lagbest=lagmax msgbest=msg imsgbest=imsg itone_a7=itone endif enddo ! imsg call pctile(ccfmsg,MAXMSG,50,base) call pctile(ccfmsg,MAXMSG,84,sigma) sigma=sigma-base if(sigma.eq.0.0) sigma=1.0 ccfmsg=(ccfmsg-base)/sigma xdt=lagbest/200.0 - 0.5 snr7=maxval(ccfmsg) ccfmsg(imsgbest)=0. snr7b=snr7/maxval(ccfmsg) if(index(msgbest,'CQ0XYZ').ge.1) snr7=0. xsnr=-99.0 if( xsnr=db(snr7)-24.0 return end subroutine ft8_dec7 end module ft8_a7