subroutine avg4(nutc,snrsync,dtxx,flip,nfreq,mode4,ntol,ndepth,neme, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfanoave,avemsg,qave,deepave,ichbest,ndeepave) ! Decodes averaged JT4 data use jt4 character*22 avemsg,deepave,deepbest character mycall*12,hiscall*12,hisgrid*6 character*1 csync,cused(64) real sym(207,7) integer iused(64) logical first data first/.true./ save if(first) then iutc=-1 nfsave=0 dtdiff=0.2 first=.false. endif do i=1,64 if(nutc.eq.iutc(i) .and. abs(nhz-nfsave(i)).le.ntol) go to 10 enddo ! Save data for message averaging iutc(nsave)=nutc syncsave(nsave)=snrsync dtsave(nsave)=dtxx nfsave(nsave)=nfreq flipsave(nsave)=flip ppsave(1:207,1:7,nsave)=rsymbol(1:207,1:7) 10 sym=0. syncsum=0. dtsum=0. nfsum=0 nsum=0 do i=1,64 cused(i)='.' if(iutc(i).lt.0) cycle if(mod(iutc(i),2).ne.mod(nutc,2)) cycle !Use only same (odd/even) sequence if(abs(dtxx-dtsave(i)).gt.dtdiff) cycle !DT must match if(abs(nfreq-nfsave(i)).gt.ntol) cycle !Freq must match if( cycle !Sync (*/#) must match sym(1:207,1:7)=sym(1:207,1:7) + ppsave(1:207,1:7,i) syncsum=syncsum + syncsave(i) dtsum=dtsum + dtsave(i) nfsum=nfsum + nfsave(i) cused(i)='$' nsum=nsum+1 iused(nsum)=i enddo if( iused(nsum+1)=0 syncave=0. dtave=0. fave=0. if( then sym=sym/nsum syncave=syncsum/nsum dtave=dtsum/nsum fave=float(nfsum)/nsum endif ! rewind 80 do i=1,nsave csync='*' if(flipsave(i).lt.0.0) csync='#' write(14,1000) cused(i),iutc(i),syncsave(i)-5.0,dtsave(i),nfsave(i),csync 1000 format(a1,i5.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1) enddo sqt=0. sqf=0. do j=1,64 i=iused(j) if(i.eq.0) exit csync='*' if(flipsave(i).lt.0.0) csync='#' ! write(80,3001) i,iutc(i),syncsave(i),dtsave(i),nfsave(i),csync !3001 format(i3,i6.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1) sqt=sqt + (dtsave(i)-dtave)**2 sqf=sqf + (nfsave(i)-fave)**2 enddo rmst=0. rmsf=0. if( then rmst=sqrt(sqt/(nsum-1)) rmsf=sqrt(sqf/(nsum-1)) endif ! write(80,3002) !3002 format(16x,'----- -----') ! write(80,3003) dtave,nint(fave) ! write(80,3003) rmst,nint(rmsf) !3003 format(15x,f6.2,i6) ! flush(80) ! nadd=nused*mode4 kbest=ich1 do k=ich1,ich2 call extract4(sym(1,k),ncount,avemsg) !Do the Fano decode nfanoave=0 if( then ichbest=k nfanoave=nsum go to 900 endif if(nch(k).ge.mode4) exit enddo deepave=' ' qave=0. ! Possibly should pass nadd=nused, also ? if( then flipx=1.0 !Normal flip not relevant for ave msg qbest=0. do k=ich1,ich2 call deep4(sym(2,k),neme,flipx,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,deepave,qave) ! write(82,3101) nutc,sym(51:53,k),flipx,k,qave,deepave !3101 format(i4.4,4f8.1,i3,f7.2,2x,a22) if( then qbest=qave deepbest=deepave kbest=k ndeepave=nsum endif if(nch(k).ge.mode4) exit enddo deepave=deepbest qave=qbest ichbest=kbest endif 900 return end subroutine avg4