/* #Sov Mil Order of Malta: 15: 28: EU: 41.90: -12.43: -1.0: 1A: #1A; #Spratly Islands: 26: 50: AS: 9.88: -114.23: -8.0: 1S: #1S,9M0,BV9S; #Monaco: 14: 27: EU: 43.73: -7.40: -1.0: 3A: #3A; #Heard Island: 39: 68: AF: -53.08: -73.50: -5.0: VK0H: #=VK0IR; #Macquarie Island: 30: 60: OC: -54.60: -158.88: -10.0: VK0M: #=VK0KEV; #Cocos-Keeling: 29: 54: OC: -12.15: -96.82: -6.5: VK9C: #AX9C,AX9Y,VH9C,VH9Y,VI9C,VI9Y,VJ9C,VJ9Y,VK9C,VK9Y,VL9C,VL9Y,VM9C,VM9Y, #VN9C,VN9Y,VZ9C,VZ9Y,=VK9AA; */ #include "countrydat.h" #include #include void CountryDat::init(const QString filename) { _filename = filename; _data.clear(); } QString CountryDat::_extractName(const QString line) const { int s1 = line.indexOf(':'); if (s1>=0) { QString name = line.mid(0,s1); return name; } return ""; } void CountryDat::_removeBrackets(QString &line, const QString a, const QString b) const { int s1 = line.indexOf(a); while (s1 >= 0) { int s2 = line.indexOf(b); line = line.mid(0,s1) + line.mid(s2+1,-1); s1 = line.indexOf(a); } } QStringList CountryDat::_extractPrefix(QString &line, bool &more) const { line = line.remove(" \n"); line = line.replace("=",""); line = line.replace(" ",""); _removeBrackets(line,"(",")"); _removeBrackets(line,"[","]"); _removeBrackets(line,"<",">"); _removeBrackets(line,"~","~"); int s1 = line.indexOf(';'); more = true; if (s1 >= 0) { line = line.mid(0,s1); more = false; } QStringList r = line.split(','); return r; } void CountryDat::load() { _data.clear(); _countryNames.clear(); //used by countriesWorked QFile inputFile(_filename); if (inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream in(&inputFile); while ( !in.atEnd() ) { QString line1 = in.readLine(); if ( !in.atEnd() ) { QString line2 = in.readLine(); QString name = _extractName(line1); if (name.length()>0) { _countryNames << name; bool more = true; QStringList prefixs; while (more) { QStringList p = _extractPrefix(line2,more); prefixs += p; if (more) line2 = in.readLine(); } QString p; foreach(p,prefixs) { if (p.length() > 0) _data.insert(p,name); } } } } inputFile.close(); } } // return country name else "" QString CountryDat::find(QString prefix) const { prefix = prefix.toUpper (); auto pf = prefix; while (pf.size () >= 1) { if (_data.contains (pf)) { QString country {_data.value (pf)}; // // deal with special rules that cty.dat does not cope with // // KG4 2x1 and 2x3 calls that map to Gitmo are mainland US not Gitmo if (prefix.startsWith ("KG4") && prefix.size () != 5) { country.replace ("Guantanamo Bay", "United States"); } return country; } pf = pf.left (pf.size () - 1); } return QString {}; }