#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Part of the wsjtx-doc project # Builds all *.txt files found in $(PWD)/source # exit on any error set -e # set script path's base_dir=$(pwd) src_dir="$base_dir/source" style_dir="$base_dir/style" log_dir="$base_dir/logs" # style sheet selection main_style=asciidoc.css toc2_style=toc2.css # This is temporary. Final version will loop through a directory of files c_asciidoc="asciidoc -b xhtml11 -a max-width=1024px" clear #echo Building Main Page HTML #echo .. Main Page Without TOC #$c_asciidoc -o wsjtx-main.html ${src_dir}/wsjtx-main.txt #echo .. Done echo .. Main Page With TOC $c_asciidoc -a toc -o wsjtx-main-toc.html ${src_dir}/wsjtx-main.txt echo .. Done #echo .. Main Page With TOC2 #$c_asciidoc -a toc2 -o wsjtx-main-toc2.html ${src_dir}/wsjtx-main.txt #echo .. Done echo Building Rig Configuration Sheets echo Building Yaesu $c_asciidoc -o yaesu.html ${src_dir}/yaesu.txt echo .. Done echo Building regtemplate $c_asciidoc -o rigtemplate.html ${src_dir}/rigtemplate.txt echo Done echo echo All HTML docs have been saved to "$base_dir" exit 0