!------------------------------------------------------ horizspec subroutine horizspec(x,brightness,contrast,a) real x(4096) integer brightness,contrast integer*2 a(750,300) real y(512),ss(128) complex c(0:256) equivalence (y,c) include 'gcom1.f90' include 'gcom2.f90' save nfft=512 nq=nfft/4 gain=50.0 * 3.0**(0.36+0.01*contrast) gamma=1.3 + 0.01*contrast offset=0.5*(brightness+30.0) ! offset=0.5*(brightness+60.0) df=11025.0/512.0 if(ntr.ne.ntr0) then if(lauto.eq.0 .or. ntr.eq.TxFirst) then call hscroll(a,nx) nx=0 endif ntr0=ntr endif i0=0 do iter=1,5 if(nx.lt.750) nx=nx+1 if(nx.eq.1) then t0curr=Tsec endif do i=1,nfft y(i)=1.4*x(i+i0) enddo call xfft2(y,nfft) nq=nfft/4 do i=1,nq ss(i)=real(c(i))**2 + imag(c(i))**2 enddo p=0. do i=21,120 p=p+ss(i) n=0 ! Use the gamma formula here! if(ss(i).gt.0.) n=gain*log10(0.05*ss(i)) + offset ! if(ss(i).gt.0.) n=(0.2*ss(i))**gamma + offset n=min(252,max(0,n)) j=121-i a(nx,j)=n enddo if(nx.eq.7 .or. nx.eq.378 .or. nx.eq.750) then ! Put in yellow ticks at the standard tone frequencies for FSK441, or ! at the sync-tone frequency for JT65, JT6M. do i=nx-4,nx if(mode.eq.'FSK441') then do n=2,5 j=121-nint(n*441/df) a(i,j)=254 enddo else if(mode(1:4).eq.'JT65') then j=121-nint(1270.46/df) a(i,j)=254 else if(mode.eq.'JT6M') then j=121-nint(1076.66/df) a(i,j)=254 endif enddo endif ng=140 - 30*log10(0.00033*p+0.001) ng=min(ng,150) if(nx.eq.1) ng0=ng if(abs(ng-ng0).le.1) then a(nx,ng)=255 else ist=1 if(ng.lt.ng0) ist=-1 jmid=(ng+ng0)/2 i=max(1,nx-1) do j=ng0+ist,ng,ist a(i,j)=255 if(j.eq.jmid) i=i+1 enddo ng0=ng endif i0=i0+441 enddo return end subroutine horizspec