// Status=review - Click the *Stop* button on the main window to halt any data acquisition. - Select *JT9* from the *Mode* menu and *Deep* from the *Decode* menu. - Set the audio frequencies to *Tx 1224 Hz* and *Rx 1224 Hz*. TIP: Sliders and spinner controls respond to *Arrow* key presses and *Page Up/Down* key presses, with the *Page* keys moving the controls in larger steps. You can also type numbers directly into the spinner controls or use the mouse wheel. - Select *Tab 2* (below the *Decode* button) to choose the alternative set of controls for generating and selecting Tx messages. === Download Samples - Select *Download samples...* from the *Help* menu. - Download some or all of the available sample files using checkboxes on the screen shown below. For this tutorial you will need at least the JT9 and JT9+JT65 files. image::download_samples.png[align="center",alt="Downlod Samples"]