#include "WSPRBandHopping.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "SettingsGroup.hpp" #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "FrequencyList.hpp" #include "WsprTxScheduler.h" #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" #include "moc_WSPRBandHopping.cpp" extern "C" { #ifndef CMAKE_BUILD #define FC_hopping hopping_ #else #include "FC.h" void FC_hopping (int const * year, int const * month, int const * nday, float const * uth, char const * my_grid , int const * nduration, int * isun , int my_grid_len); #endif }; namespace { // These 10 bands are the hopping candidates and are globally coordinated char const * const hopping_bands[] = {"160m", "80m", "60m", "40m", "30m", "20m", "17m", "15m", "12m", "10m"}; size_t constexpr num_bands {sizeof (hopping_bands) / sizeof (hopping_bands[0])}; char const * const periods[] = {"Sunrise grayline", "Day", "Sunset grayline", "Night", "Tune", "Rx only"}; size_t constexpr num_periods {sizeof (periods) / sizeof (periods[0])}; char const * const title = "WSPR Band Hopping"; } // // Dialog - maintenance of band hopping options // class Dialog : public QDialog { public: Dialog (QSettings *, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent = nullptr); ~Dialog (); void resize_to_maximum (); private: void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *) override; void save_window_state (); QSettings * settings_; QBitArray * bands_; int * gray_line_duration_; QPointer bands_table_; QPointer gray_line_width_spin_box_; }; Dialog::Dialog (QSettings * settings, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent) : QDialog {parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint} , settings_ {settings} , bands_ {bands} , gray_line_duration_ {gray_line_duration} , bands_table_ {new QTableWidget {num_periods, num_bands, this}} , gray_line_width_spin_box_ {new QSpinBox {this}} { QVBoxLayout * main_layout {new QVBoxLayout}; // set up and load the table of check boxes bands_table_->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); bands_table_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); for (auto row = 0u; row < num_periods; ++row) { auto vertical_header = new QTableWidgetItem {periods[row]}; vertical_header->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); bands_table_->setVerticalHeaderItem (row, vertical_header); for (auto column = 0u; column < num_bands; ++column) { if (0 == row) { auto horizontal_header = new QTableWidgetItem {hopping_bands[column]}; bands_table_->setHorizontalHeaderItem (column, horizontal_header); } auto item = new QTableWidgetItem; item->setFlags (Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); item->setCheckState (bands_[row].testBit (column) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); bands_table_->setItem (row, column, item); } } bands_table_->resizeColumnsToContents (); main_layout->addWidget (bands_table_); // handle changes by updating the underlying flags connect (bands_table_.data (), &QTableWidget::itemChanged, [this] (QTableWidgetItem * item) { bands_[item->row ()].setBit (item->column (), Qt::Checked == item->checkState ()); }); // set up the gray line duration spin box gray_line_width_spin_box_->setRange (1, 60 * 2); gray_line_width_spin_box_->setSuffix ("min"); gray_line_width_spin_box_->setValue (*gray_line_duration_); QFormLayout * form_layout = new QFormLayout; form_layout->addRow (tr ("Gray time:"), gray_line_width_spin_box_); connect (gray_line_width_spin_box_.data () , static_cast (&QSpinBox::valueChanged) , [this] (int new_value) {*gray_line_duration_ = new_value;}); QHBoxLayout * bottom_layout = new QHBoxLayout; bottom_layout->addStretch (); bottom_layout->addLayout (form_layout); main_layout->addLayout (bottom_layout); setLayout (main_layout); setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title)); { SettingsGroup g {settings_, title}; restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ()); } } Dialog::~Dialog () { // do this here too because ESC or parent shutdown closing this // window doesn't queue a close event save_window_state (); } void Dialog::closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e) { save_window_state (); QDialog::closeEvent (e); } void Dialog::save_window_state () { SettingsGroup g {settings_, title}; settings_->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ()); } // to get the dialog window exactly the right size to contain the // widgets without needing scroll bars we need to measure the size of // the table widget and set its minimum size to the measured size void Dialog::resize_to_maximum () { int width {bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->width ()}; int height {bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->height ()}; for (auto i = 0; i < bands_table_->columnCount (); ++i) { width += bands_table_->columnWidth (i); } for (auto i = 0; i < bands_table_->rowCount (); ++i) { height += bands_table_->rowHeight (i); } bands_table_->setMinimumSize ({width, height}); } class WSPRBandHopping::impl { public: impl (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget) : settings_ {settings} , configuration_ {configuration} , tx_percent_ {0} , parent_widget_ {parent_widget} , bands_ { QBitArray {num_bands}, QBitArray {num_bands}, QBitArray {num_bands}, QBitArray {num_bands}, QBitArray {num_bands}, QBitArray {num_bands}, } { } QSettings * settings_; Configuration const * configuration_; int tx_percent_; QWidget * parent_widget_; // 5 x 10 bit flags representing each hopping band in each period // and tune QBitArray bands_[num_periods]; int gray_line_duration_; QPointer dialog_; }; WSPRBandHopping::WSPRBandHopping (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget) : m_ {settings, configuration, parent_widget} { // load settings SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title}; auto size = m_->settings_->beginReadArray ("periods"); for (auto i = 0; i < size; ++i) { m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i); m_->bands_[i] = m_->settings_->value ("bands").toBitArray (); } m_->settings_->endArray (); m_->gray_line_duration_ = m_->settings_->value ("GrayLineDuration", 60).toUInt (); } WSPRBandHopping::~WSPRBandHopping () { // save settings SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title}; m_->settings_->beginWriteArray ("periods"); for (auto i = 0u; i < num_periods; ++i) { m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i); m_->settings_->setValue ("bands", m_->bands_[i]); } m_->settings_->endArray (); m_->settings_->setValue ("GrayLineDuration", m_->gray_line_duration_); } // pop up the maintenance dialog window void WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog (bool /* checked */) { if (!m_->dialog_) { m_->dialog_ = new Dialog {m_->settings_, m_->bands_, &m_->gray_line_duration_, m_->parent_widget_}; } m_->dialog_->show (); m_->dialog_->resize_to_maximum (); m_->dialog_->adjustSize (); // fix the size m_->dialog_->setMinimumSize (m_->dialog_->size ()); m_->dialog_->setMaximumSize (m_->dialog_->size ()); m_->dialog_->raise (); m_->dialog_->activateWindow (); } int WSPRBandHopping::tx_percent () const { return m_->tx_percent_; } void WSPRBandHopping::set_tx_percent (int new_value) { m_->tx_percent_ = new_value; } // determine the parameters of the hop, if any auto WSPRBandHopping::next_hop () -> Hop { auto const& now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc (); auto const& date = now.date (); auto year = date.year (); auto month = date.month (); auto day = date.day (); auto const& time = now.time (); float uth = time.hour () + time.minute () / 60. + (time.second () + .001 * time.msec ()) / 3600.; auto my_grid = m_->configuration_->my_grid (); int period_index; int band_index; int tx_next; my_grid = (my_grid + " ").left (6); // hopping doesn't like // short grids // look up band for this period FC_hopping (&year, &month, &day, &uth, my_grid.toLatin1 ().constData () , &m_->gray_line_duration_, &period_index , my_grid.size ()); // consult scheduler to determine if next period should be a tx interval tx_next = next_tx_state(m_->tx_percent_); band_index = next_hopping_band(); if (100 == m_->tx_percent_) { tx_next = 1; } int frequencies_index {-1}; auto const& frequencies = m_->configuration_->frequencies (); auto const& filtered_bands = frequencies->filtered_bands (); if (m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (band_index) && filtered_bands.contains (hopping_bands[band_index])) { // here we have a band that has been enabled in the hopping // matrix so check it it has a configured working frequency frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (hopping_bands[band_index]); qDebug () << "scheduled:" << hopping_bands[band_index] << "frequency:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString (); } // if we do not have a configured working frequency we next check // for a random selection from the other enabled bands in the // hopping matrix if (frequencies_index < 0) { for (auto i = 0u; i < num_bands; ++i) { int new_index = static_cast (qrand () % num_bands); // random choice if (new_index != band_index && m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (new_index)) { // here we have a random choice that is enabled in the // hopping matrix and not the scheduled choice so we now // check if it has a configured working frequency frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (hopping_bands[new_index]); if (frequencies_index >= 0) { // we can use the random choice qDebug () << "random:" << hopping_bands[new_index] << "frequency:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString (); band_index = new_index; break; } } } } return { periods[period_index] , frequencies_index , frequencies_index >= 0 // new band && !tx_next // not going to Tx anyway && m_->bands_[4].testBit (band_index) // tune up required && !m_->bands_[5].testBit (band_index) // not an Rx only band , frequencies_index >= 0 // new band && tx_next // Tx scheduled && !m_->bands_[5].testBit (band_index) // not an Rx only band }; }