subroutine twkfreq(c4aa,c4bb,n5,a) complex c4aa(n5) complex c4bb(n5) real a(5) complex w,wstep data twopi/6.283185307/ ! Apply AFC corrections to the c4aa and c4bb data w=1.0 wstep=1.0 x0=0.5*(n5+1) s=2.0/n5 do i=1,n5 x=s*(i-x0) if(mod(i,1000).eq.1) then p2=1.5*x*x - 0.5 ! p3=2.5*(x**3) - 1.5*x ! p4=4.375*(x**4) - 3.75*(x**2) + 0.375 dphi=(a(1) + x*a(2) + p2*a(3)) * (twopi/1378.125) wstep=cmplx(cos(dphi),sin(dphi)) endif w=w*wstep c4aa(i)=w*c4aa(i) c4bb(i)=w*c4bb(i) enddo return end subroutine twkfreq