program jt9 ! Decoder for JT9. Can run stand-alone, reading data from *.wav files; ! or as the back end of wsjt-x, with data placed in a shared memory region. use options use prog_args include 'constants.f90' integer*4 ihdr(11) real*4 s(NSMAX) integer*2 id2 character c character(len=500) optarg, infile character wisfile*80,firstline*40 integer*4 arglen,stat,offset,remain logical :: shmem = .false., read_files = .false., have_args = .false. type (option) :: long_options (0) common/jt9com/ss(184,NSMAX),savg(NSMAX),id2(NMAX),nutc,ndiskdat,ntr, & mousefqso,newdat,nfa,nfsplit,nfb,ntol,kin,nzhsym,nsynced,ndecoded common/tracer/limtrace,lu common/patience/npatience data npatience/1/ do call getopt('s:e:a:r:p:d:f:w:t:',long_options,c,optarg,arglen,stat,offset,remain) if (stat .ne. 0) then exit end if have_args = .true. select case (c) case ('s') shmem = .true. shm_key = optarg(:arglen) case ('e') exe_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('a') data_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('t') temp_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('p') read_files = .true. read (optarg(:arglen), *) ntrperiod case ('d') read_files = .true. read (optarg(:arglen), *) ndepth case ('f') read_files = .true. read (optarg(:arglen), *) nrxfreq case ('w') read (optarg(:arglen), *) npatience end select end do if (.not. have_args .or. (stat .lt. 0 .or. (shmem .and. remain .gt. 0) & .or. (read_files .and. remain .eq. 0) .or. & (shmem .and. read_files))) then print*,'Usage: jt9 -p TRperiod [-d ndepth] [-f rxfreq] {-w patience] -e exe_dir file1 [file2 ...]' print*,' Reads data from *.wav files.' print*,'' print*,' jt9 -s <key> [-w patience] -e exe_dir -a data_dir -t temp_dir' print*,' Gets data from shared memory region with key==<key>' go to 999 endif ! Import FFTW wisdom, if available: open(14,file=trim(data_dir)//'/jt9_wisdom_status.txt',status='unknown',err=30) open(28,file=trim(data_dir)//'/jt9_wisdom.dat',status='old',err=30) read(28,1000,err=30,end=30) firstline 1000 format(a40) rewind 28 isuccess=0 wisfile=trim(data_dir)//'/jt9_wisdom.dat' n=len_trim(wisfile) call import_wisdom(wisfile(1:n)//char(0),isuccess) close(28) 30 if( then write(14,1010) firstline 1010 format('Imported FFTW wisdom (jt9): ',a40) else write(14,1011) 1011 format('No imported FFTW wisdom (jt9):') endif call flush(14) if (shmem) then call jt9a() go to 999 endif limtrace=0 lu=12 do iarg = offset + 1, offset + remain call get_command_argument (iarg, optarg, arglen) infile = optarg(:arglen) open(10,file=infile,access='stream',status='old',err=998) read(10) ihdr nutc0=ihdr(1) !Silence compiler warning i1=index(infile,'.wav') read(infile(i1-4:i1-1),*,err=1) nutc0 go to 2 1 nutc0=0 2 nsps=0 if(ntrperiod.eq.1) then nsps=6912 nzhsym=173 else if(ntrperiod.eq.2) then nsps=15360 nzhsym=178 else if(ntrperiod.eq.5) then nsps=40960 nzhsym=172 else if(ntrperiod.eq.10) then nsps=82944 nzhsym=171 else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then nsps=252000 nzhsym=167 endif if(nsps.eq.0) stop 'Error: bad TRperiod' kstep=nsps/2 k=0 nhsym0=-999 npts=(60*ntrperiod-6)*12000 if(iarg .eq. offset + 1) then open(12,file=trim(data_dir)//'/timer.out',status='unknown') call timer('jt9 ',0) endif id2=0 !??? Why is this necessary ??? do iblk=1,npts/kstep k=iblk*kstep call timer('read_wav',0) read(10,end=10) id2(k-kstep+1:k) call timer('read_wav',1) nhsym=(k-2048)/kstep if( .and. then ! Emit signal readyForFFT ingain=0 call timer('symspec ',0) call symspec(k,ntrperiod,nsps,ingain,slope,pxdb,s,df3,ihsym,npts8) call timer('symspec ',1) nhsym0=nhsym if( go to 10 endif enddo 10 close(10) call fillcom(nutc0,ndepth,nrxfreq) call decoder(ss,id2) enddo call timer('jt9 ',1) call timer('jt9 ',101) go to 999 998 print*,'Cannot open file:' print*,infile 999 continue ! Export FFTW wisdom wisfile=trim(data_dir)//'/jt9_wisdom.dat' n=len_trim(wisfile) call export_wisdom(wisfile(1:n)//char(0)) write(14,1999) 1999 format('Exported FFTW wisdom (jt9): ') call flush(14) call four2a(a,-1,1,1,1) !Save wisdom and free memory call filbig(a,-1,1,0.0,0,0,0,0,0) !used for FFT plans end program jt9