find_package (Subversion) if (Subversion_FOUND AND EXISTS "${SOURCE_DIR}/.svn") # the FindSubversion.cmake module is part of the standard distribution include (FindSubversion) # extract working copy information for SOURCE_DIR into MY_XXX variables Subversion_WC_INFO (${SOURCE_DIR} MY) message ("${MY_WC_INFO}") # determine if the working copy has outstanding changes execute_process (COMMAND ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} status ${SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_FILE "${OUTPUT_DIR}/svn_status.txt" OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) file (STRINGS "${OUTPUT_DIR}/svn_status.txt" __svn_changes REGEX "^[^?].*$" ) if (__svn_changes) set (MY_WC_REVISION "${MY_WC_REVISION}-dirty") foreach (__svn_change ${__svn_changes}) message (STATUS "${__svn_change}") endforeach (__svn_change ${__svn_changes}) endif (__svn_changes) # write a file with the SVNVERSION define file (WRITE svnversion.h.txt "#define SVNVERSION r${MY_WC_REVISION}\n") else (Subversion_FOUND AND EXISTS "${SOURCE_DIR}/.svn") file (WRITE svnversion.h.txt "#define SVNVERSION local\n") endif () if (Subversion_FOUND AND EXISTS "${SOURCE_DIR}/.git") # the FindSubversion.cmake module is part of the standard distribution include (${SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/Modules/FindGitSubversion.cmake) # extract working copy information for SOURCE_DIR into MY_XXX variables GitSubversion_WC_INFO (${SOURCE_DIR} MY) message ("${MY_WC_INFO}") # try and determine if the working copy has outstanding changes execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} --git-dir=${SOURCE_DIR}/.git --work-tree=${SOURCE_DIR} svn dcommit --dry-run RESULT_VARIABLE __git_svn_status OUTPUT_FILE "${OUTPUT_DIR}/svn_status.txt" OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) file (STRINGS "${OUTPUT_DIR}/svn_status.txt" __svn_changes REGEX "^diff-tree" ) if ((NOT ${__git_svn_status} EQUAL 0) OR __svn_changes) set (MY_WC_REVISION "${MY_WC_REVISION}-dirty") endif () # write a file with the SVNVERSION define file (WRITE svnversion.h.txt "#define SVNVERSION r${MY_WC_REVISION}\n") else (Subversion_FOUND AND EXISTS "${SOURCE_DIR}/.svn") file (WRITE svnversion.h.txt "#define SVNVERSION local\n") endif () # copy the file to the final header only if the version changes # reduces needless rebuilds execute_process (COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different svnversion.h.txt svnversion.h)