#include "portaudiocpp/StreamParameters.hxx" #include #include "portaudiocpp/Device.hxx" namespace portaudio { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// /// Default constructor; does nothing. ////// StreamParameters::StreamParameters() { } ////// /// Sets up the all parameters needed to open either a half-duplex or full-duplex Stream. /// /// @param inputParameters The parameters for the input direction of the to-be opened /// Stream or DirectionSpecificStreamParameters::null() for an output-only Stream. /// @param outputParameters The parameters for the output direction of the to-be opened /// Stream or DirectionSpecificStreamParameters::null() for an input-only Stream. /// @param sampleRate The to-be opened Stream's sample rate in Hz. /// @param framesPerBuffer The number of frames per buffer for a CallbackStream, or /// the preferred buffer granularity for a BlockingStream. /// @param flags The flags for the to-be opened Stream; default paNoFlag. ////// StreamParameters::StreamParameters(const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &inputParameters, const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &outputParameters, double sampleRate, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags flags) : inputParameters_(inputParameters), outputParameters_(outputParameters), sampleRate_(sampleRate), framesPerBuffer_(framesPerBuffer), flags_(flags) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// /// Sets the requested sample rate. If this sample rate isn't supported by the hardware, the /// Stream will fail to open. The real-life sample rate used might differ slightly due to /// imperfections in the sound card hardware; use Stream::sampleRate() to retreive the /// best known estimate for this value. ////// void StreamParameters::setSampleRate(double sampleRate) { sampleRate_ = sampleRate; } ////// /// Either the number of frames per buffer for a CallbackStream, or /// the preferred buffer granularity for a BlockingStream. See PortAudio /// documentation. ////// void StreamParameters::setFramesPerBuffer(unsigned long framesPerBuffer) { framesPerBuffer_ = framesPerBuffer; } ////// /// Sets the specified flag or does nothing when the flag is already set. Doesn't /// `unset' any previously existing flags (use clearFlags() for that). ////// void StreamParameters::setFlag(PaStreamFlags flag) { flags_ |= flag; } ////// /// Unsets the specified flag or does nothing if the flag isn't set. Doesn't affect /// any other flags. ////// void StreamParameters::unsetFlag(PaStreamFlags flag) { flags_ &= ~flag; } ////// /// Clears or `unsets' all set flags. ////// void StreamParameters::clearFlags() { flags_ = paNoFlag; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StreamParameters::setInputParameters(const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters ¶meters) { inputParameters_ = parameters; } void StreamParameters::setOutputParameters(const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters ¶meters) { outputParameters_ = parameters; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool StreamParameters::isSupported() const { return (Pa_IsFormatSupported(inputParameters_.paStreamParameters(), outputParameters_.paStreamParameters(), sampleRate_) == paFormatIsSupported); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double StreamParameters::sampleRate() const { return sampleRate_; } unsigned long StreamParameters::framesPerBuffer() const { return framesPerBuffer_; } ////// /// Returns all currently set flags as a binary combined /// integer value (PaStreamFlags). Use isFlagSet() to /// avoid dealing with the bitmasks. ////// PaStreamFlags StreamParameters::flags() const { return flags_; } ////// /// Returns true if the specified flag is currently set /// or false if it isn't. ////// bool StreamParameters::isFlagSet(PaStreamFlags flag) const { return ((flags_ & flag) != 0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &StreamParameters::inputParameters() { return inputParameters_; } const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &StreamParameters::inputParameters() const { return inputParameters_; } DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &StreamParameters::outputParameters() { return outputParameters_; } const DirectionSpecificStreamParameters &StreamParameters::outputParameters() const { return outputParameters_; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace portaudio