module options ! ! Source code copied from: ! ! implicit none type option !> Long name. character(len=100) :: name !> Does the option require an argument? logical :: has_arg !> Corresponding short name. character :: chr !> Description. character(len=500) :: descr !> Argument name, if required. character(len=20) :: argname contains procedure :: print => print_opt end type option contains !> Parse command line options. Options and their arguments must come before !> all non-option arguments. Short options have the form "-X", long options !> have the form "--XXXX..." where "X" is any character. Parsing can be !> stopped with the option '--'. !> The following code snippet illustrates the intended use: !> \code !> do !> call getopt (..., optchar=c, ...) !> if (stat /= 0) then !> ! optional error handling !> exit !> end if !> select case (c) !> ! process options !> end select !> end do !> \endcode subroutine getopt (options, longopts, optchar, optarg, arglen, stat, & offset, remain, err) use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit !> String containing the characters that are valid short options. If !> present, command line arguments are scanned for those options. !> If a character is followed by a colon (:) its corresponding option !> requires an argument. E.g. "vn:" defines two options -v and -n with -n !> requiring an argument. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: options !> Array of long options. If present, options of the form '--XXXX...' are !> recognised. Each option has an associated option character. This can be !> any character of default kind, it is just an identifier. It can, but !> doesn't have to, match any character in the options argument. In fact it !> is possible to only pass long options and no short options at all. !> Only name, has_arg and chr need to be set. type(option), intent(in), optional :: longopts(:) !> If stat is not 1, optchar contains the option character that was parsed. !> Otherwise its value is undefined. character, intent(out), optional :: optchar !> If stat is 0 and the parsed option requires an argument, optarg contains !> the first len(optarg) (but at most 500) characters of that argument. !> Otherwise its value is undefined. If the arguments length exceeds 500 !> characters and err is .true., a warning is issued. character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: optarg !> If stat is 0 and the parsed option requires an argument, arglen contains !> the actual length of that argument. Otherwise its value is undefined. !> This can be used to make sure the argument was not truncated by the !> limited length of optarg. integer, intent(out), optional :: arglen !> Status indicator. Can have the following values: !> - 0: An option was successfully parsed. !> - 1: Parsing stopped successfully because a non-option or '--' was !> encountered. !> - -1: An unrecognised option was encountered. !> - -2: A required argument was missing. !> . !> Its value is never undefined. integer, intent(out), optional :: stat !> If stat is 1, offset contains the number of the argument before the !> first non-option argument, i.e. offset+n is the nth non-option argument. !> If stat is not 1, offset contains the number of the argument that would !> be parsed in the next call to getopt. This number can be greater than !> the actual number of arguments. integer, intent(out), optional :: offset !> If stat is 1, remain contains the number of remaining non-option !> arguments, i.e. the non-option arguments are in the range !> (offset+1:offset+remain). If stat is not 1, remain is undefined. integer, intent(out), optional :: remain !> If err is present and .true., getopt prints messages to the standard !> error unit if an error is encountered (i.e. whenever stat would be set !> to a negative value). logical, intent(in), optional :: err integer, save :: pos = 1, cnt = 0 character(len=500), save :: arg integer :: chrpos, length, st, id character :: chr logical :: long if (cnt == 0) cnt = command_argument_count() long = .false. ! no more arguments left if (pos > cnt) then pos = pos - 1 st = 1 goto 10 end if call get_command_argument (pos, arg, length) ! is argument an option? if (arg(1:1) == '-') then chr = arg(2:2) ! too long ('-xxxx...') for one dash? if (chr /= '-' .and. len_trim(arg) > 2) then st = -1 goto 10 end if ! forced stop ('--') if (chr == '-' .and. arg(3:3) == ' ') then st = 1 goto 10 end if ! long option ('--xxx...') if (chr == '-') then long = .true. ! check if valid id = lookup(arg(3:)) ! option is invalid, stop if (id == 0) then st = -1 goto 10 end if chr = longopts(id)%chr ! check if option requires an argument if (.not. longopts(id)%has_arg) then st = 0 goto 10 end if ! check if there are still arguments left if (pos == cnt) then st = -2 goto 10 end if ! go to next position pos = pos + 1 ! get argument call get_command_argument (pos, arg, length) ! make sure it is not an option if (arg(1:1) == '-') then st = -2 pos = pos - 1 goto 10 end if end if ! short option ! check if valid if (present(options)) then chrpos = scan(options, chr) else chrpos = 0 end if ! option is invalid, stop if (chrpos == 0) then st = -1 goto 10 end if ! look for argument requirement if (chrpos < len_trim(options)) then if (options(chrpos+1:chrpos+1) == ':') then ! check if there are still arguments left if (pos == cnt) then st = -2 goto 10 end if ! go to next position pos = pos + 1 ! get argument call get_command_argument (pos, arg, length) ! make sure it is not an option if (arg(1:1) == '-') then st = -2 pos = pos - 1 goto 10 end if end if end if ! if we get to this point, no error happened ! return option and the argument (if there is one) st = 0 goto 10 end if ! not an option, parsing stops st = 1 ! we are already at the first non-option argument ! go one step back to the last option or option argument pos = pos - 1 ! error handling and setting of return values 10 continue if (present(err)) then if (err) then select case (st) case (-1) write (error_unit, *) "error: unrecognised option: " // trim(arg) case (-2) if (.not. long) then write (error_unit, *) "error: option -" // chr & // " requires an argument" else write (error_unit, *) "error: option --" & // trim(longopts(id)%name) // " requires an argument" end if end select end if end if if (present(optchar)) optchar = chr if (present(optarg)) optarg = arg if (present(arglen)) arglen = length if (present(stat)) stat = st if (present(offset)) offset = pos if (present(remain)) remain = cnt-pos ! setup pos for next call to getopt pos = pos + 1 contains integer function lookup (name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: i ! if there are no long options, skip the loop if (.not. present(longopts)) goto 10 do i = 1, size(longopts) if (name == longopts(i)%name) then lookup = i return end if end do ! if we get to this point, the option was not found 10 lookup = 0 end function lookup end subroutine getopt !============================================================================ !> Print an option in the style of a man page. I.e. !> \code !> -o arg !> --option arg !> description................................................................. !> ............................................................................ !> \endcode subroutine print_opt (opt, unit) !> the option class(option), intent(in) :: opt !> logical unit number integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: l, c1, c2 if (opt%has_arg) then write (unit, '(1x,"-",a,1x,a)') opt%chr, trim(opt%argname) write (unit, '(1x,"--",a,1x,a)') trim(opt%name), trim(opt%argname) else write (unit, '(1x,"-",a)') opt%chr write (unit, '(1x,"--",a)') trim(opt%name) end if l = len_trim(opt%descr) ! c1 is the first character of the line ! c2 is one past the last character of the line c1 = 1 do if (c1 > l) exit ! print at maximum 4+76 = 80 characters c2 = min(c1 + 76, 500) ! if not at the end of the whole string if (c2 /= 500) then ! find the end of a word do if (opt%descr(c2:c2) == ' ') exit c2 = c2-1 end do end if write (unit, '(4x,a)') opt%descr(c1:c2-1) c1 = c2+1 end do end subroutine print_opt end module options