LU fname write read write thread -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 *.tf2 getfile2 11 prefixes.txt pfxdump GUI GUI (once only) 11 decoded.txt map65a GUI decoder (60 s) 12 13 tsky.dat astro0.F 14 azel.dat astro0.F GUI (1 s) 15 16 17 *.tf2 savetf2 decoder 18 TxData wsjtgen 19 messages.txt display.txt GUI decoder 20 bandmap.txt display.txt GUI decoder 21 ALL65.TXT map65a decoder 22 kvasd.dat extract KVASD decoder 23 CALL3.TXT deep65 decoder 24 meas24.txt savetf2 decoder 25 meas25.txt savetf2 decoder 26 tmp26.txt map65a,display display decoder 27 dphi.txt map65a decoder 28 29 debug.txt 77 deep65 decoder -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So ... the problem may be writing to azel.dat from the GUI thread? (Could put astro data into a common, and write to file from decode1.F90.) Also: look at write(line,...) forms ... unpackgrid unpackmsg symspec display savetf2 (all in decoder thread) read(char,...) packcall packgrid astro0 display getfile2